Staff Development
Recent papers in Staff Development
In 2003, the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing (Hartford Institute), in collaboration with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, conducted a survey of baccalaureate schools of nursing in the United... more
Information and communication technology can be used to improve the quality and safety of health care and to lower costs. But in both developed and developing countries, there is an inadequate supply of skilled individuals who have the... more
To determine the elements of quality clinical and field placements through the eyes of paramedic instructors. Qualitative study. Two large paramedic services in two countries where the entry to practice qualification for paramedics has... more
In June 2001, the John A. Hartford Foundation of New York awarded the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) a 3.99 million dollar grant to enhance gerontology curriculum development and new clinical experiences in 20... more
The National Health Service Knowledge and Skills Framework has been introduced as part of the Agenda for Change Reforms in the United Kingdom to link pay and career progression to competency. The purpose of this paper is to consider the... more
The term 'Faculty Development' encompasses all those activities which help faculty members enhance their academic competencies. It comprises three domains: personal development, professional development, and instructional and... more
Background and purpose: Career advancement programs are currently implemented in many countries. In Iran, the first career advancement program was Nurses' Career Advancement Pathway. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse leaders'... more
To understand the current use of electronic health records (EHRs) in small primary care practices and to explore experiences and perceptions of physicians and staff toward the benefits, challenges, and successful strategies for... more
Networking and collaboration in educational settings have become increasingly important in terms of supporting innovation and policy developments in many educational systems. However, to date, the role and action of the middle tier... more
A High Quality Workforce: NHS Next Stage Review outlines the Department of Health future intention that all educational supervisors in secondary care undergo 'mandatory training and performance review'. This pilot study reports on the... more
Health care is a dynamic field challenged by development of new technology, response to consumer expectations, and industry consoli. dations and mergers. Effective leadership is essential for health care organizations to survive and... more
One-Stop Profile DESCRIPTION OF TILE STATE CONTEXT Several economic shocks occurred in Connecticut during the period of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Widespread downsizing within the defense and insurance industries led to high levels... more
In the UK the government is committed to major expenditure on IT infrastructure and systems (electronic records, booking and prescribing) between now and 2008. It is acknowledged that with a projected expenditure of £11.6 billion, the NHS... more
Despite the prominence of work-based training in British national policy debate, published statistics fail to give solid data on training volume or quality. The Labor Force Survey, commonly used to give a picture of increasing training,... more
If you have not heard of Transversal Skills or Competencies you need to get up to date quickly. They are defined by the Education Glossary quite accurately as follows: ’The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge,... more
This paper cites several examples of the outcomes assessment activities taking place on college campuses and their impact on the freshman educational experience. Outcomes assessment is viewed as the impetus for faculty to make responsive... more
a b s t r a c t 8 a r t i c l e i n f o 9 10 Available online xxxx 11 Keywords: 12 Pedometer 13 Primary school 14 Motor skills 15 Game centered 16 Teacher development 17 18
Effective faculty development programs are of paramount importance in this era of profound change in nursing education driven by baccalaureate-degree entry to practice and the concurrent implementation of college/university collaborative... more
In 1989, former President Bush stated that, as one of the national goals, “the United States would be first in the world in math and science. ” Little did we realize at that time how this would prove to be quite a challenge as the nation... more
Professionalism must be explicitly taught, but teaching professionalism is challenging, because medical teachers are not prepared to teach this content area. This study aims at designing and evaluating a faculty development programme on... more
Key issues Democratic leadership, accessible and relevant education and professional development, the incorporation of evidence into practice and the ability of facilities to be responsive to change are core considerations for the... more
Acute exacerbation of asthma requires timely and appropriate treatment. Young children are completely reliant on others in this respect. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of staff asthma education programs in ensuring correct... more
Three definitions of ``quality'' have entered the qualityassurance (QA) debate: quality as value for money, quality as fitfor the purpose of the institution, quality as transforming. The firstis pivotal for retrospective QA, which sees QA... more
This paper explores issues in developing and implementing a competency-based human resource development strategy. The paper summarizes a literature review on how competency models can improve HR performance. A case study is presented of... more
This paper provides a description of the program and formative evaluation of the New England Head Start Teaching Center, one of fourteen funded nationally to study alternative approaches to Head Start staff development. Head Start... more
Competency-based medical education (CBME) is both an educational philosophy and an approach to educational design. CBME has already had a broad impact on medical schools, residency programs, and continuing professional development in... more
AIM: Evidence�based practice (EBP) is fundamental to improving patient outcomes. Universal adoption of EBP into the allied health clinical setting has not yet occurred.
Chicago is home to a vibrant community of academic law libraries which have a wealth of information and experience to share. Yet, day to day work demands and other practical barriers restrict our opportunities to connect on an ongoing... more
The study reported in this paper builds upon earlier research designed to examine issues associated with initiating an effective teacher evaluation effort and integrating it into district practices. The paper describes four districts... more