Sport for Development
Recent papers in Sport for Development
Varias Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONGs) se han encaminado en diferentes contextos en el uso del fútbol como herramienta social de trabajo. Un fútbol que es practicado por jóvenes de ambos sexos, e incluso por adultos, en... more
This article explores the concepts of social and cultural capital as analytical tools for investigating the capacity of sport-based intervention programs to contribute to the personal, social and professional development of disadvantaged... more
Theory development around sport for social change agendas has received greater attention from scholars over the past 10 years. Yet, it remains underdeveloped when compared to theoretical advancements and innovations in other aspects of... more
The purpose of this review is to establish current knowledge in regard to the legal, medical, ethical and moral concerns of participating in boxing.The review also presents a case for boxing by highlighting the social and physical... more
Absztrakt A "sport a fejlődésért és a békéért" (sport for development and peace-SDP) területe az ezredfor-duló óta világszerte hatalmas fejlődésen ment keresz-tül: ma már több mint 900 szervezet vallja magáról, hogy SDP tevékenységet... more
Le programme « École Active » est une réponse de PLAY International au constat alarmant de la baisse croissante de la pratique régulière d’Activités Physiques (AP) chez les jeunes français et l’augmentation de la sédentarité (ANSES,... more
While sport for development projects exist throughout The Global South as well as in disadvantaged areas in more developed countries, no clear guide to best practice that is widely accepted currently exists. We explore key dimensions that... more
Recent research suggests the need for robust theory building in the field of sport for development and peace (SDP). Recognising this, we argue for further attention to, and appreciation of, the historical context within which many SDP... more
Obesity has been considered a global epidemic for the last thirty years. Obesity is most often found around the world in more developed countries. In Barbados, obesity has been prevalent since 1969. This essay will explore the obesity... more
“Development” has become both a watchword and a fascination in sporting circles worldwide. Yet sport officials, policy makers, and advocates often have relatively unsophisticated understandings of development and the role of sport... more
The field of sport-for-development (SFD) has experienced significant growth and increased academic rigor over the past 15 years. As sport management scholars have started to critically investigate and evaluate SFD programs, they have in... more
Recent research suggests the need for robust theory building in the field of sport for development and peace (SDP). Recognising this, we argue for further attention to, and appreciation of, the historical context within which many SDP... more
The ‘power of sport’ and its efficacy in personal and social development programmes has often been taken for granted. Despite the growing number of studies which have critically questioned how sport is used in developmental contexts,... more
Grassroots sports, the local implementation of a variety of sporting types, are the backbone and feedstock of all of the major sporting venues and organisations throughout the world. The ongoing pandemic is hitting grassroots sports hard,... more
The Homeless World Cup (HWC) was first initiated for socially excluded homeless individuals in July 2003 and has been held annually ever since, growing exponentially in terms of size, media attention and corporate involvement. In this... more
Sport Development Index is a way to measure the improvement of sport development in a region. This research measures sport development by using sports human resource management in Padang as the indicator. The purpose is to discover the... more
Under the Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) umbrella, an increasing number of sport projects are staged all over the world to improve the social, cultural, educational or psychological circumstances of marginalized and/or fractured... more
This article examines the historical and contemporary links between Olympism and peacemaking. It traces the development of thought and praxis in relation to the Olympic movement's aim and capacity to promote peaceful coexistence and... more
Sport Development Index is a way to measure the improvement of sport development in a region. This research measures sport development by using sports human resource management in Padang as the indicator. The purpose is to discover the... more
Existen dos miradas sobre los deportes modernos. Se los asocia por un lado a mecanismos de integración, de inclusión, de educación y de formación de valores, mientras que por otro se los considera como un instrumento de manipulación, una... more
In the last three decades, sport has gained impressive momentum as a tool for development – supported by international, national and local actors. Sport is seen as having the ability to improve social, cultural, educational and... more
The Sport for Development field features numerous different theories that researchers apply when look at how sports can be used to further human development. The sport for development field is a relatively newer research field, with a... more
The Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) field using sport as social tool to develop socially excluded communities, became in the past two decades a leading global sport movement. In parallel the integration of SDP programme to generate... more
Entrevista, Hoy podemos perder (FM La Patriada, Argentina) disponible:
En entrevista con Agencia Informativa Conacyt, el investigador explica en qué consiste esta área del conocimiento, el impacto de las políticas públicas que se aplican; los matices positivos y negativos de la práctica y el consumo del... more
Existe desde el año 2003 un mundial de fútbol para personas desamparadas o en situación de calle. Después de la edición de París 2011, el Zócalo de la ciudad de México fue designado para albergarlo en octubre 2012. De acuerdo con los... more
In recent years, sport has been used as an instrument through which wider development objectives are pursued. This includes sport as a means to create awareness about the risks of HIV; sport as a vehicle to counter inter-group hostility;... more
We cannot talk about sports without thinking about Peace, those two concepts are complementary manifestations, and in every field, have been together along history. On this occasion, we have in our hands a work that addresses the existing... more
At the core of this dissertation is a critical examination of the disjuncture between the policy and practice of sport for development. Drawing on a vertical case study of gender, sport, and education in the Pacific Island nation of... more
introducing the shadow sports minister p8
In this chapter, we seek to stimulate new considerations of girls, girlhood and the girling of SDP (Chawansky and Hayhurst, 2015) in order to move research and writing beyond the important mapping exercises and overview essays that... more
This thesis is about the sporting lives of people who work and/or live at the commercial grape and wine farms of the Western Cape. Collectively referred to as farm workers, they are identified by the Western Cape Provincial Government as... more
The provision of sport and recreation programs to inmates within the prison system provides a unique context to investigate the role of sport in enacting social change. Three main aims of prison-based sport programs have been identified... more
Background: The previous two decades have witnessed an increasing number of policymakers and practitioners using sport programs to achieve broader social development aims, particularly in countries in the Global South. A core element of... more
With an increasing emphasis on the social value of sport and events, there has been a shift in focus regarding the management and development process of event projects as well as their associated outcomes. This shift is about emphasizing... more
For several years, sport-for-development (SFD) programs have been implemented around the world to make a positive difference for disadvantaged or underprivileged communities. Within this context, special events have been used to... more
Recent research has examined how sports events and sport-for-development projects can create, sustain, and maximize positive social impacts for local communities. This article takes this debate forward by arguing that the cultivation of... more
While sport for development programming has flourished, the complex social and economic environment in the postcolonial Eastern Caribbean is often overlooked by researchers. This case study examines sport for development with ‘at risk’... more