Sport Literature
Recent papers in Sport Literature
In her preface to The Wolves (2018), while explicitly asserting the play is not about her own personal experience—“I did not play soccer in high school”—Sarah DeLappe claims, as writers of sport literature sometimes claim of their own... more
truths about our national character, our human nature, our past, and our future. But most are momentary diversions, easily forgotten. All but the avid fans of Ripken and Sandberg would put Iron Man and Second to Home in the latter... more
Soccer is an account that the supporter needs to keep in his memory. Literature provides the football with the creation of a symbolic universe that transcends the events of the field. This paper presents an overview through the soccer... more
On 22 June 1986, Diego Armando Maradona scored against England one of the most famous goals in the history of football, known as “The Goal of the Century”. This paper proposes an approach to the mythical figure of Argentine soccer player... more
C ontrapunto nació, hace dos años y medio, con la intención de informar acerca de los derroteros de nuestro campo cultural, de crear espacios de diálogo y de reflexión sobre la cultura y la literatura actuales y de fomentar el ejercicio... more
Football is made of heroes but is also made of gangs, gambling, corruption and violence. Crime fiction has used everything that surrounds football as a theme and inspiration. this paper examines the presence of football in Hispanic crime... more
El balón y la palabra, en contra de los prejuicios, pueden llegar a coincidir por momentos en sus modos de expresión. Fútbol y literatura, lejos de considerarse disciplinas antagónicas, convergen en determinados conceptos. Este artículo... more
El fútbol es mito, el fútbol puede ser literatura. Un deporte que apasiona y conmueve a millones de personas como ningún otro juego a lo largo de la historia no puede permanecer al margen de cuentos, poemas y novelas. El fútbol es un... more
This is an intensive distance-learning class. You are expected to have access to high-speed internet during the entire period of this class. You are expected to check Blackboard on a daily basis. Course Description : From rugby to... more
El boxeo mexicano ha generado una larga tradición literaria y gráfica que ha sido poco estudiada. Este ensayo analiza las crónicas “La última gigantomaquia,” de José Juan Tablada, “Las glorias del gran Púas,” de Ricardo Garibay, y “La... more
Deportivo Independiente Medellín, DIM, has exerted an irresistible fascination for some of the foremost writers of Colombia today. Authors such as Héctor Abad Faciolince, Juan Manuel Roca and Darío Jaramillo Agudelo have produced texts on... more
Reseña de José Seoane del libro "La jugada de todos los tiempos. Fútbol, mito y literatura" (Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2018)
El fútbol, si lo pensamos como la “recuperación semanal de la infancia” tal y como proponía Javier Marías, permite la construcción de un universo propio ligado a la evocación de calles, potreros, patios y demás lugares en los que patear... more
Un gol es ante todo palabra. Desde el mismo momento en que el balón cruza la línea de meta, el hincha condensa su pasión en un grito a través del cual verbaliza una imagen posible de la gloria. El gol es el instante consagrado del fútbol,... more
A little hung-over, for a lark, you let them harness you up, crash helmet and all, to try the zip-line run maybe eighty yards long, over high grass, from one tower to the other—your guides, skiers in need of summer work, ramping up the... more
Il messaggio è sempre influenzato dal mezzo di comunicazione scelto per diffonderlo. Negli ultimi anni, grazie all’affermazione e la diffusione su larga scala del web, il discorso sullo sport si è arricchito e modificato sensibilmente.... more
Abstract According to sport literature specialist Pierre Charreton, the interwar period in France witnessed the culmination of fictional writings dedicated to sporting disciplines, part of which is the genre of boxing fiction. Through the... more
Reseña del libro "La soledad de Anquetil", de Paul Fournel
Nothing could have been simpler than ‘birdwatching.’ An activity by that name would have required nothing more than one person, alone, watching birds, any birds ... But in the early 1970s, we were not birdwatching. We were birding, and... more
This qualitative study explored the extent to which an archetype presented through a non-fiction text could impact aspiring coaches' (AC's) dispositions regarding social justice. Forty-three aspiring coaches at a Midwestern university... more
in: Bílek, Petr – Šebek, Josef (eds.): Česká populární kultura. Transfery, transponování a další tranzitní procesy, Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta 2017, ISBN 978-80-7308-725-8, s. 297–321. V rámci zkoumání... more
Entre las redes: Una lectura bajtiniana de El portero de Gonzalo Suárez El filme El portero (2000), del escritor y cineasta ovetense Gonzalo Suárez, muy probablemente no pasará a la historia como una obra maestra de la cinematografía.... more
truths about our national character, our human nature, our past, and our future. But most are momentary diversions, easily forgotten. All but the avid fans of Ripken and Sandberg would put Iron Man and Second to Home in the latter... more