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Contribution au Vocabulaire de philosophie du sport publié aux éditions L'Harmattan sous la direction de Bernard Andrieu.
Rédaction des articles Spinoza et Conatus.
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaPhilosophie
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindBenedict de SpinozaBaruch Spinoza
Le philosophe Eric Delassus nous présente son dernier ouvrage Spinoza qui vient d'être publié aux éditions Ellipses dans la nouvelle collection "Connaître en citations". Dans la troisième partie de son Éthique, qui traite des affects,... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
« Le désir est l'essence de l'homme » écrit Spinoza dans l'Éthique. Il faut comprendre par là que l'homme est désir et qu'il s'affirme en exprimant pleinement la puissance qui le ca-ractérise. Cette approche positive rompt avec l'idée... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaDesireBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
« Le désir est l'essence de l'homme » écrit Spinoza dans l'Éthique. Il faut comprendre par là que l'homme est désir et qu'il s'affirme en exprimant pleinement la puissance qui le caractérise. Cette approche positive rompt avec l'idée... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaDesireBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
Estudio preliminar al 'Tratado Político' de Baruj Spinoza. Publicado originalmente en 2003. El autor ha preferido no realizar cambios, correcciones, o ajustes a la versión original.
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      Political PhilosophyDemocracyBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
Ever since Euclid first laid out his geometry in the Elements, his axiomatic approach to geometry has been widely praised and admired. For centuries geometry was considered the only sure and certain “science,” for precisely the reason... more
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      PhilosophyBaruch SpinozaGeometrySpinoza's Ethics
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This paper exposes the proto-biological character of Spinoza's understanding of the activity of mind. It also makes the case that Spinoza was inspired by Aristotle's understanding of the dynamic activity of theoretical reason as... more
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      AristotleBenedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
The starting point of this paper is an apparent paradox in Spinoza’s reply to a question – concerning the agreement (or the coherence) between bodies in the universe – that Robert Boyle had addressed in Letter 31 to the Dutch philosopher... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryBenedict de SpinozaBaruch Spinoza
There is no need to argue for the relevance of affectivity in early modern philosophy. When doing research and conceptualizing affectivity in this period, we hope to attain a basic interpretive framework for philosophy in general, one... more
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      EmotionAestheticsPolitical Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
Spinoza is known for his radical views on freedom. In this article, it is explored to what extent this reputation is justified. He integrates human actions in the necessary development of the universe and seems to leave no room for human... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyFree Will, Moral Responsibility
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyImaginationBaruch SpinozaClassical Physics
Lettere, in gran parte inedite, di Timpanaro a Girolamo De Liguori, sul materialismo sette-ottocentesco, sul materialismo antico, sullo Stratone leopardiano, su Spinoza e Bayle, su Rensi, Gramsci, Croce, Gentile, Garin e altri studiosi.... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaGramsciGiacomo LeopardiBaruch Spinoza
A few years ago, I took Spinoza's Ethics with me to synagogue on Yom Kippur. While everyone else followed the liturgy, asking God for forgiveness, I tried to figure out how to explain Spinoza's metaphysics to my students the next day. I... more
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      EthicsBenedict de SpinozaSpinoza's Ethics
One of the most peculiar features of Spinoza's philosophy is his radical interpretation of the notion of freedom. Even though it plays a significant role in his metaethics and political philosophy, freedom is, for Spinoza, a deeply... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of FreedomBaruch SpinozaMetaphysics of Free Will and Moral Responsibility
Éste artículo tiene como objeto hacer una re-exposición de la teoría política de Baruch Espinosa (1632-1677) a la luz de su ontología –entendida ésta como una ontología materialista. Por lo tanto, se hará una interpretación materialista... more
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      LawConstitutional LawCivil LawComparative Politics
In the final lecture on Spinoza's Ethics, we will make a brief overview of Part V of Spinoza's Ethics, which is titled, 'Of the Power of the Intellect, or of Human Freedom'. In Part V, Spinoza ties up all of the threads from the previous... more
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      TheologyPhilosophical TheologyBenedict de SpinozaBaruch Spinoza
We finally say what 'affect' is. In this initial entry of the Affective Societies: Key Concepts volume we outline a basic understanding of affect circumscribing a general tendency that we deem fruitful as an analytical perspective. This... more
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      Cultural StudiesContinental PhilosophyPhilosophy of the EmotionsGilles Deleuze
This is the second issue of the King's College Undergraduate Philosophy Journal, in its revised edition. It features papers from current students and recent graduates, on a variety of philosophical topics, from History of Philosophy to... more
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      SemanticsDuns ScotusLiberty and EqualityLogical atomism
La théorie des affects, telle qu’elle est exposée dans Éthique III, occupe dans l’économie globale de l’œuvre une position cardinale dans la mesure où, non seulement elle constitue la partie centrale de l’œuvre, mais aussi et surtout... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
Approfondimenti e analisi di proposizioni dall'Ethica di Spinoza a partire dal corso di Storia della Filosofia 2019-2020 di Giovanni Paoletti
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
This painting was created for the exhibition Spinoza, Marrano of Reason, Amsterdam 2019 ( The painting visualizes Spinoza's Ethics and contains... more
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      Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyArt HistoryJewish Studies
In this paper I argue, based on a comparison of Spinoza " s and Descartes " s discussion of error, that beliefs are affirmations of the content of imagination that is not false in itself, only in relation to the object. This... more
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      Philosophy of MindRené DescartesBenedict de SpinozaEarly Modern Intellectual History
Spinoza uses the interpretation of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden to mount a biblical defense of the life devoted to intellectual pursuits as the best one, the most satisfying and the most virtuous. In his philosophic rereading... more
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      Jewish StudiesBenedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaJewish Philosophy
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      Personal and Moral AutonomyAutonomyBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
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      FreedomEternitySpinoza's Ethics
Ihre an die Elemente des Euklid angelehnte ‚geometrische' Darstellungsform der Ethik des Spinoza ist eines ihrer auffälligsten Charakteristika. Über die Angemessenheit des mos geometricus als methodologisches Leitbild für die Philosophie... more
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      SpinozaSpinoza's EthicsGeometrical Method
This paper is an attempt to explicate the relationship between Spinozist expressionism and philosophical constructivism in Deleuze's work through the concept of immanent causality. Deleuze finds in Spinoza a philosophy of immanent... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaFelsefe
In our sixth lecture on Spinoza's Ethics, we'll be covering Part IV of the Ethics, titled 'Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions'. In Part IV, Spinoza carries on from Part III, giving an overview of the way emotions relate to... more
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      Virtue EthicsPhilosophy of PsychologyBenedict de SpinozaBaruch Spinoza
The relation of language to meaning in Spinoza’s Ethics has a long critical history. At the same time a crucial aspect of this relation, the link between Spinoza’s Latin and the way key concepts are to be understood, is at best treated... more
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      Early Modern Intellectual HistoryBaruch SpinozaSpinoza's Ethics
Antonio Damasio's somatic-marker hypothesis is synthesized with Karl Friston's free-energy principle, deferring to Spinoza through the Damasio-Spinoza axis of affective neurobiology. This in turn hopes to create an opportunity for forum... more
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      Affective NeuroscienceBayesian InferencePredictive codingFree Energy
In this paper I argue that Spinoza was inspired and influenced by Maimonides' account of the Imagination in the Guide.
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      Jewish StudiesBenedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
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      Baruch SpinozaSpinoza's Ethics
Lionel Astesiano Joie et Liberté chez Bergson et Spinoza CNRS Éditions 464 pages Il peut sembler étonnant de vouloir rapprocher Bergson et Spinoza. En effet, nous avons du côté de Spinoza, une pensée systématique et déterministe et chez... more
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      Henri BergsonBenedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaBergson
Selon Fabienne Brugère, un point de rencontre existe entre l'éthique spinoziste et les éthiques du care, le care pouvant être envisagé comme une réactualisation du conatusspinoziste. Cet article vise à démontrer que cette convergence peut... more
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      EthicsPaul RicoeurBenedict de SpinozaCare Ethics
Una rilettura del quinto ed ultimo libro dell’Etica spinoziana, De Libertate Humana, alla luce del profondo ma rinnegato rapporto dell’Autore con uno dei teoreti coevi da cui la sua filosofia ha subito le incisure più profonde: Renée... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsRené DescartesBaruch Spinoza
Revista Ideas Valores, Volumen 67, Número 168, p. 177-197, 2018. ISSN electrónico 2011-3668. ISSN impreso 0120-0062. Colombia.
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaSpinoza's Ethics
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      Affect TheoryBaruch SpinozaObjectsLight
This essay focuses on Spinoza’s claim that ideas of reason are necessary. While Spinoza understands necessity to imply that something cannot be otherwise, the author shows that Spinoza employs a narrower notion of necessity that applies... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyBaruch SpinozaSpinozaEarly Modern Philosophy
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      AddictionConfidenceInterpersonal RelationshipsAutonomie
Resumen En el presente artículo se analizará el modo cómo Baruch Spinoza recoge, en el seno de su filosofía, dos aspectos de la realidad que parecen ser contrarios: la necesidad y la libertad, proponiendo una salida a los problemas que se... more
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      EthicsBaruch SpinozaFilosofía PolíticaFilosofía
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      Baruch SpinozaPantheismEarly Modern PhilosophyBiblical criticism
In this paper I argue that Spinoza’s focus in his account of ethics is on desire and its (re)education and only secondarily on reason as a means to the end of desire’s (re)education. Many previous accounts of Spinoza’s Ethics have focused... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
From 7 to 10 July 2015, the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen will host a Summer School entirely focused on Spinoza and Spinozisms in their historical and philosophical context. The summer school is intended for... more
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      EthicsEpistemology17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern History