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There is increasing evidence that mastering handwriting skills play an important role on academic achievement. This is a slow process that begins in kindergarten: at this age, writing is very similar to drawing (i.e. scribbles); from... more
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В справочнике представлены теория огласовок, именное и глагольное словообразование и словоизменение, а также новые правила «полного написания» в соответствии с решениями Академии языка иврит. В ряде случаев авторы справочника предлагают... more
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      SpellingMorphophonologyModern Hebrew
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningAssessmentEnglish language
Au cours des cinq dernières années, la codification graphique a été le sujet central des débats sur l'aménagement linguistique du rifain (berbère du Maroc du Nord). Le problème le plus ardu auquel les aménageurs (linguistes ou autres)... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and PolicyApplied Linguistics
This paper examines whether use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and non-standard informal written language therein harms youths' literacy skills. An experiment was conducted with 500 Dutch youths of different educational levels... more
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      Social MediaWritingComputer Mediated CommunicationSpelling
Alphabet code: A writing system based on phonemes (sounds); symbols are assigned to each sound using a letter or combination of letters. These represent the code. Transparent alphabet code: An alphabetic writing system in which there is... more
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      PsychologySpellingReading Process
Spelling is the forming of words from written and oral forms according to accepted usage. English spelling is difficult and often unpredictable. To be a better speller, a student must be able to remember sounds of letters in isolation as... more
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      PsychologyEducationSpellingEnglish language teaching
The extant research literature on emergent bilingual spelling focuses on developmental patterns and the interference of first language with second language. The purpose of this article is to provide teachers with an alternate view of... more
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      SpellingEmergent BilingualismEmergent Bilingualism and Biliteracy
Lesen-und Schreibenlernen. Chancen und Grenzen der Konzepte der neuen Silbenfibeln 1. Vorbemerkung:
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyLiteracyLanguages and Linguistics
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
Children's spellings provide a window on their representations of spoken words. These representations may not always match those assumed by the conventional orthography. We examined one specific case in which this may be true, that of... more
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureEnglishEnglish GrammarSpelling
THERE is scarcely anything of so much importance to a community, as a suitable SPELL-ING BOOK; it excerts an influence peculiarly its own, whether in regard to first impressions, or the formation of character and conduct. The sentiments... more
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      SpellingLate Modern EnglishTrudgillCapitalization
Although the language program at the College of Languages and Translation offers several English language courses in the first four semesters of college, the spelling skill is completely ignored. Since many EFL freshman students are poor... more
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    • Spelling
Spell Bee worksheet for grade 3
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      SpellingVocabulary Learning in ESLEnglish Spelling and PronunciationEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
This article is focus on using SPaG activities (spelling, punctuation and grammar) for teaching grammar. Indeed, teaching grammar is an issue that needs to be taught as active as possible in order to get a meaningful learning. Therefore,... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageAcademic WritingSyntaxSpelling
Reversal errors play a prominent role in theories of reading disability. We examined reversal errors in the writing of letters by 5-to 6-year-old children. Of the 130 children, 92 had a history of difficulty in producing speech sounds, a... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsPsychology of Language
Lesen- und Schreibenlernen ist endlich wieder Thema geworden. Aufgrund seiner Bedeutung für die individuelle psychische Entwicklung, den Bildungserfolg und die Lebensplanung von Menschen sowie seiner gesellschaftlichen Relevanz wird es... more
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      LiteracyDidacticsEarly Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Literacy
For adults, written spelling is generally superior to oral spelling. To determine whether the same holds true for children in kindergarten through second grade, we compared children's ability to spell real words (Experiment 1) and... more
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
This study examined the writing performance of 58 students with a history of specific language impairment, assessing them at ages 8, 11, 12, 14, and 16 to evaluate longitudinal tra- jectories of writing performance and relationships with... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceLiteracy
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      Historical LinguisticsEnglish historical linguisticsSpellingCommunity of Practice
Today, an increasing number of people are continuously occupied with mobile devices in their hands, totally focused on the use of social media. This research aims to explore the participation in social media networks and chatting... more
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      Greek LanguageSocial MediaSpellingOrthography
Although English lacks 1-to-1 relationships between sounds and spellings, considering the context in which a phoneme occurs can often aid in selecting a spelling. For example, /ɑ/ is typically spelled as a when it follows /w/, as in wand,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducational Psychology
Morphology instruction is underutilized in special education despite a substantial body of research that links the development of morphological awareness and morphological knowledge to word recognition, spelling, vocabulary and reading... more
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      LiteracySpecial EducationReadingSpelling
Recente paper over de Cito-toets zoals die in groep 4 van de basisschool wordt afgenomen. Gebruikt bij afstudeerproject HU 209.
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Wat is correct gespeld: ik zag hem het bos in vluchten of ik zag hem het bos invluchten? Hangt ervan af welke bron je raadpleegt. Leg je de vraag voor aan de taaladviesdienst van de Nederlandse Taalunie, dan verneem je dat je in los van... more
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This presentation analyses the spelling debate that arose in France in 2016 as it pertains to the Académie française, and seeks to demonstrate that the Académie's different roles allow it to adopt differing positions when going about the... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyFrench languageSpellingLinguistic purism
Spell Bee worksheet for grade 2
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      SpellingVocabulary Learning in ESLEnglish Spelling and PronunciationEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
This study investigated whether two groups of 6-year-old beginning readers taught to read by a phonics and by a “book experience” non-phonics approach would differ in reading comprehension as well as the processes of word recognition.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLiteracySecond Language AcquisitionTeacher Education
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      EnglishSpellingChildrenPrimary Education
This chapter excerpt describes a better way to help students learn how to spell correctly under authentic writing conditions in an inclusive, multi-level classroom.  Video mini-lectures are included.
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second Language
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMnemonicsSpelling
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      SpellingWriting systemsOrthographyOpacity
Аннотация. Статья посвящена понятию «айналайын», которое рассма-тривается изнутри жертвенного комплекса тюркского мифопоэзиса. Важное для кыргызской и казахской культур понятие «айналайын» описывается как семантический пучок и... more
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This paper focuses on three language systems: the Greek, the English and the German languages, which we will examine as to their transparency. This contrastive analysis was undertaken in the context of my doctoral research with the... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsSpLD/dyslexiaWriting Systems (Languages And Linguistics)
This study examined factors affecting motivation for reading, writing, and spelling in primary grade students using a new measure, the Early Literacy Motivation Survey (ELMS). responded to questions measuring attributions, self-efficacy,... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementReadingWritingSpelling
Common Core Language Test
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      English languageVocabularyEnglishEnglish Grammar
This article examines the alternative English spelling practices of a student who is considered to be a long-term English learner. It draws on a theoretical framework that integrates a social perspective on spelling with a rejection of... more
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      Adolescent LiteracyAcademic WritingSecond Language WritingSpelling
Seo aiste a scríos agus mé im mhac léinn (fochéime) in Ollscoil Luimní. Bhí an aiste chomh maith san gur dh'iarr an léachtóir orm í a chur isteach ar chomórtas ollscoile náisiúnta. Níl aon rud athraithe agam sa leagan idirlín seo ach gur... more
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      PhonologyModern Irish Language and LiteratureSpelling
L’élaboration de l’outil dont il est question dans cet article (la base de données ÉQOL) s’inscrit dans un projet québécois de plus grande envergure sur l’apprentissage de l’orthographe lexicale. Ce projet, financé par le FRQSC (Fonds de... more
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      Corpus Consultation (Applied Linguistics)French languageSpellingLexicon
Phonology, orthography and morphology contribute independently and interactively when students engage in spelling. This paper shares some insights into the nature of spelling in the middle school years and provides an instructional... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsInquiry Based LearningSpelling
Background. While oral language seems crucial to written language development there has been relatively little research on explicit links between the two. Aims. This paper reviews and explores the links between oral language skills and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental Psychology
The traditional view describing Czech literary works written in the period from the late 17th century to the end of 18th century as signs of decline in the level of the Czech language and literature has been successfully overcome by... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsHistorical MorphologyCzech History
This study of standard and non-standard English spelling patterns makes steps towards developing a theory of spelling which can explain both within the one model. The study explores the formal differences between standard English spelling... more
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      SpellingWriting systemsOrthographyGraphemics
Dag Norberg's analysis and interpretation of Medieval Latin versification, which was published in French in 1958 and remains the standard work on the subject, appears here for the first time in English with a detailed, scholarly... more
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      Latin LiteratureHumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsMedieval Literature
Senza dubbio è un'impresa molto ardua dare una definizione esauriente e onnicomprensiva di SCRITTURA. In questa sede, sia per limiti di spazio e di tempo, sia per ragioni scientifiche, ci concentreremo, naturalmente, solo su qualche... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingPhoneticsGrammatologyPsycholinguistics
This is a draft section of a reference work explaining Manx spelling and pronunciation for a general (not specifically academic) audience of students of Manx and the Gaelic languages. This section consists of an alphabetical index of... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPhonologyCeltic StudiesCeltic Philology
Spelling practices are usually considered as linguistically uninteresting: once a variety has been codified, there is a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong spellings and it is thus relegated to the educational domain of concern... more
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      Canadian StudiesAmerican StudiesHistorical LinguisticsSociolinguistics
В данной работе рассматривается развитие систем автоматического обнаружения и исправления опечаток и требования к таким системам на разных исторических этапах развития. Несмотря на то, что с 1960-х гг. качество исправления неуклонно... more
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      Russian LanguageSpellingSpelling CorrectionSpelling Mistakes