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To resolve some unphysical interpretations related to velocity measurements by static observers, we discuss the use of generalized observer sets, give a prescription for defining the speed of test particles relative to these observers,... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsQuantum PhysicsGeneral Relativity
As we approach the 125 th anniversary of the Michelson-Morley experiment in 2012, we review experiments that test the isotropy of the speed of light. Previous measurements are categorized into one-way (single-trip) and two-way (round-trip... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativitySpeed of Light
We present the cosmic organism theory in which all visible and invisible matter has different cosmic genetic expressions. The cosmic gene includes codes for the object structure and the space structure. The cosmic digital code for the... more
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      GeneticsSpecial RelativityOrganization TheorySpace Time
Length Contraction is interpreted by human visual memory instead of Einstein's special relativity. The mechanism of an interactive observation by optical sensor or human eyes is studied. The concept "Same Time" in observation process is... more
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      Visual StudiesPhotonicsLight & Space (Art)Special Relativity
From a new insight about the internal structure and dynamics of quantum particles such as photons and electrons, a conclusion has been reached that the exact point on the detector screen of a double-slit experiment where a photon will... more
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      RelativityMichelson–Morley experimentSpeed of LightAbsolute motion, ether
A new scaling law for the planetary magnetic field strengths is obtained assuming the magnetostrophic balance. The velocity of the convection current v~in a planetary core is estimated by the geometric mean of the possible maximum and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringSpaceMagnetic field
A usual causal requirement on a viable theory of matter is that the speed of sound be at most the speed of light. In view of various recent papers querying this limit, the question is revisited here. We point to various issues confronting... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGeneral RelativitySpeed of Light
ABSTRACT Laser cooling of ions at relativistic energies was first observed at the TSR storage ring in Heidelberg. A 7Li+ ion beam moving at 6.4% the speed of light was overlapped with resonant co‐ and counter‐propagating laser beams. The... more
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      PhysicsSpeed of LightIon BeamLaser Cooling
In the literature, three procedures have been used to calculate the electromagnetic fields from return strokes. In the first technique, the source is described only in terms of current density and the fields are expressed entirely in... more
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      Power ElectronicsElectromagnetic RadiationLightningElectromagnetic Fields
It is shown how, within the framework of general relativity and without the introduction of wormholes, it is possible to modify a spacetime in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed. By a purely local... more
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      General RelativityScience FictionMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Though I am an “Amateur Academic” (layperson) I was recently able to deduce the Actual Speed of Light (299,796,057 m/s) in order to update the current Factual Speed of Light that is regrettably in correct. I was only able to achieve such... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMathematical PhysicsEgyptologyPhysics
Present systems for streaming digital audio between devices connected by internet have been limited by a number of compromises. Because of restricted bandwidth and "best effort" delivery, signal compression of one form or another is... more
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      Real TimeSpeed of LightRound Trip TimeNext Generation Network
We show how one can measure the speed of gravity only using gravitational phenomena. Our approach offers several ways to measure the speed of gravity (light) and checks existing assumptions about light (gravity) in new types of... more
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      GravitySpeed of LightSpeed of Gravity
Recent observations of regularly pulsating x-ray sources in binary star systems are analyzed in the framework of the "emission" theory of light. Assuming that light emitted by a source moving at velocity v with respect to an... more
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      Physical sciencesSpeed of Light
Radar guns provide an excellent means of explaining and demonstrating some of Einstein's theories in a very simple and undeniable way. Specifically, radar guns demonstrate how the speed of the emitter cannot add to the speed of the light... more
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      RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativitySpeed of Light
Time dilation is one of the most fascinating aspects of special relativity as it abolishes the notion of absolute time. It was first observed experimentally by Ives and Stilwell in 1938 using the Doppler effect. Here we report on a... more
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      Special RelativityBeyond the Standard Model PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Einstein did not understand Special Theory of Relativity. How to accelerate electrons to the speed of light “Einstein, your professors did not understand STR because the photon has the rest mass m0 = 0, and all the particles have m0 >... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhotonicsTheoretical Particle Physics
Submitted for the 4CF06 Meeting of The American Physical Society Special relativity: two postulates or one? DAVID ECKHARD, ALEXANDER PANIN, Utah Valley State College-In current physics textbooks special relativity is derived from... more
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      PhysicsSpecial RelativityReference FrameSpeed of Light
The time evolution of unstable SO(3) monopole and dyon classical field configurations is studied numerically. It is found that as time goes on, a vacuum region of a finite radius r = t develops, and the monopole core becomes a spherical... more
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      Speed of LightMinkowski Space
Measuring the line speed of vehicles detached from a land and moving far from navigation systems is a difficult task. It would be great to have a speed measuring device working as much as possible regardless of location and which is... more
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      OpticsFiber OpticsSpacecraft Dynamics & ControlÆther Physics
A constructive formulation of the one-way speed of light Am.
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesSpeed of Light
I havealready proposed a new theory known as Apparent Source Theory(AST) that has been highly successful in explaining the hitherto enigmatic and apparently contradictory light speed experiments. For example, to this date, there is no... more
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      Michelson–Morley experimentStellar AberrationSpeed of Light
Time is a simple word, though it remains truly the most mysterious and vicious phenomena where every living and non-living ones are its victim. This antediluvian force of nature shows no mercy as it moves along every path, every corner... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
In this paper, we explore the use of multi-band radio frequency interconnect (or RF-I) with signal propagation at the speed of light to provide shortcuts in a many core network-on-chip (NoC) mesh topology. We investigate the costs... more
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      Radio FrequencyChipNetwork on chipSpeed of Light
An early contention of A. Einstein regarding the influence of the magnetic field on the propagation of light is examined. It is found that the contention is compatible with the Cespedes-Cure hypothesis and the idea that the index of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsDark MatterAstrophysics
Although Maxwell’s most important equations had already appeared throughout his seminal paper entitled “On Physical Lines of Force” , which was written in 1861, it was not until 1864 that Maxwell created a distinct listing of eight... more
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      Electrical EngineeringHydrodynamics (Physics)Electronics & Telecommunication EngineeringÆther Physics
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      Special RelativityClassical PhysicsSpeed of Light
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsFoodPublic Health
Einstein's Special Relativity is based on a postulation that the light speed in vacuum is constant no matter the light sources and observers. Because light speed is very much faster than the speed of light source, it is nearly impossible... more
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      General RelativityRelativismPhilosophy of TimeSpecial Relativity
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      PhysicsElectromagnetismMaxwell's EquationsSpeed of Light
Resumen Este experimento constituye una de las prácticas que, con fines didácticos, los alumnos de Física realizan en la asignatura de Técnicas Experimentales en Física IV. Está diseñado con el objetivo de medir la velocidad de la luz en... more
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      InterferometryWave propagationMichelson–Morley experimentSpeed of Light
That the speed of light is always c=300,000km/s relative to any observer in nonaccelerating motion is one of the foundational concepts of physics. Experimentally this was supposed to have been first revealed by the 1887 Michelson-Morley... more
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      General RelativitySpecial RelativitySpeed of Light
“Theory of Grand Settlement” is a new Theory of Everything (TOE) that brings out a fundamental change in the physical and cosmological understanding of the Universe. Gravity, Space-Time and Origin of the Universe are all redefined. The... more
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      Cosmic InflationSpecial Theory Of RelativityCosmic Microwave BackgroundGeneral Theory of Relativity
We consider plane-symmetric spacetimes satisfying Einstein's field equations with positive cosmological constant, when the matter is a fluid whose pressure is equal to its mass-energy density (i.e., a so-called stiff fluid). We study the... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsQuantum Physics
Although Fresnel's ether drag coefficient was ad hoc, its curious confirmation by the Fizeau experiment forced physicists to accept and adopt it as the main guide in the development of theories of the speed of light. Lorentz's... more
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      ElectromagnetismSpecial Theory Of RelativitySpeed of LightAbsolute Motion
Speed and Time. These two notions are changing our world and our reality, and we all are the instigators. We all have a part to play in that transformation. There is no escaping it. We have to be prepared. However, the problem is, it is a... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModernityTime PerceptionStock Trading
Einstein did not understand Special Theory of Relativity. How to accelerate electrons to the speed of light “Einstein, your professors did not understand STR because the photon has the rest mass m0 = 0, and all the particles have m0 > 0,... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsPhotonicsTheoretical Particle PhysicsEinstein's special and general theories of relativity, modern physics
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      Lattice gauge theoryHigh Energy PhysicsNanocrystalline MaterialMott metal-insulator transition
What are supercolliders? Have you heard about particle accelerators? Are you interested in quantum mechanics? Would you like to know more about the discovery, history and construction of supercolliders? For many years, physicists have... more
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      PhysicsEnergyQuantum MechanicsAtomic Physics
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsComputer SciencePhysics
I attempted to prove with the current hypothesis that the speed of a photon can exceed 300,000 km/s. The infinity element affects the speed of light. The density of the substances in the medium in which light travels affects the speed of... more
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      Space and PlaceLightSpeed of LightSub Atomic Physics
Just as Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity was gaining acceptance around 1908, the young Swiss physicist Walter Ritz advanced a competing though preliminary emission theory that sought to explain the phenomena of... more
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      PhysicsRelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativityAlbert Einstein
The wedge geometry closed by a circular-cylindrical arc is a nontrivial generalization of the cylinder, which may have application to the physics of cosmic strings. If the radial boundaries are not perfect conductors, the angular... more
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      EigenvaluesTemperature DependenceCasimir EffectSpeed of Light
The author reviewed the experimental ether-drift experiments and publications of Michelson–Morley, Dayton Miller, Michelson–Pease–Pearson, and more recent others, from the late 1800s through the present. Many of these historical studies... more
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      Æther PhysicsAlbert EinsteinEther Drift ExperimentsDayton Miller
This work presents, for the first time in history, a coherent and correct concept for stellar aberration based on the wave nature of light and classical physics. Considering the spherical propagation of the light wavefront and the motion... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)GravitationRelativityGeneral Relativity
A new model and theoretical framework of absolute motion and the speed of light is proposed in this paper. 1. For absolutely co-moving light source S and observer O, with uniform rectilinear motion, the effect of absolute motion is to... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativityMichelson–Morley experimentEther Drift ExperimentsSpeed of Light
At what velocity does an electron emits a photon? Another proof for Ferent Quantum Gravity “Because the electron is a photon around Dark Matter, the electron receives and emits photons with the speed of light” Adrian Ferent At what... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsParticle PhysicsPhotonics
Dark Matter particles can travel at the speed of light. Special Relativity and General Relativity are wrong “Dark Matter particles can travel at the speed of light” Adrian Ferent “The gamma ray and the Dark Matter electron travel... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsQuantum GravityElectronicsPhotonics
Although the description just given is meant to apply to a whole series of thinkers in the West, it fits the position of our opening thinker, Plato, with alarming accuracy. Plato inherited a rich tradition of natural philosophy developed... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMathematicsMechanics
The effects of gauge interactions in graphene have been analyzed up to now in terms of effective models of Dirac fermions. However, in several cases lattice effects play an important role and need to be taken consistently into account. In... more
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      Quantum ElectrodynamicsLattice gauge theoryMathematical SciencesExact Renormalization Group