Spectral Music

167 papers
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Spectral music is a compositional approach that emphasizes the analysis and manipulation of sound spectra, focusing on the harmonic and timbral properties of sound. It often involves the use of computer technology to explore the physical characteristics of sound, leading to innovative textures and structures in musical works.
L’obiettivo del seguente elaborato è quello di presentare a fondo l’indagine centralizzante nella ricerca compositiva del periodo post-avanguardie, più precisamente nelle due esperienze europee del Sonorismo (Polonia, fine anni ’50 - anni... more
This paper presents a hybridization method using Morph, a sound timbre hybridization and modeling software running on the Windows 95 platform. Elaboration occurs in Fourier space and is based on analysis/re-synthesis operations through... more
Modulation, a term often used to describe a temporary or permanent change of key in traditional common practice music, has been somewhat relegated and precluded from being used to describe other elements of music and sound. There is a... more
When Olivier Messiaen completed the vast opera Saint Francois d'Assise in 1983, he was mentally and physically exhausted, believing that this monumental work would be his final compositional statement. Coaxed at first by his wife,... more
Reverberasi (multiple echo) adalah sinyal noise akustik yang muncul dalam suatu ruang tertutup akibat adanya superposisi dari suatu pantulan multiple dan difraksi dari dinding dan objek-objek yang ada di dalam ruangan tersebut. Sinyal... more
ルドルフ・ジョージ・エッシャ Rudolf George Escher (1911-1980)ーとオランダ20世紀音楽の世界を包括的に研究した。
Federal da Paraíba (Mestrado), Área de Concentração em Composição, em cumprimento aos requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Música.
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Ce que dit l'éditeur. Le triptyque Professor Bad Trip est l'une des plus singulières œuvres du tournant du XXe siècle. Fausto Romitelli (1963-2004) y puise son inspiration dans le graphisme psychédélique de Gianluca Lerici (alias... more
Luigi Nono's ...sofferte onde serene... (1976-77) initiates a profound transformation in his compositional strategies, shifting from overt political messages to more nuanced explorations of sound. Focusing solely on one instrument, and... more
The pedal harp is a relatively young instrument. From the beginning of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, its technical and musical development coincided not only temporally but often also spatially with... more
Two experiments were carried out to determine the dependence of perceived roughness on the frequency ratio of two simultaneous harmonic complex tones. In the first experiment, the frequency ratios of the tone pairs corresponded to 35... more
To his contemporaries, Josquin’s chansons seem to have been as representative of his output as the sacred genres. During his lifetime, the musician experienced a fundamental change in chanson composition. He still knew the melismatic... more
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students... more
The development of computer-assisted composition (CAC) systems is a research activity that dates back to at least the works by IRCAM on OpenMusic [1]. CAC is a field that is concerned with developing systems that are capable of automating... more
This paper describes the development of a hierarchical multiscale procedure within the finite volume OpenFOAM framework for modelling the mechanical response of non-linear heterogeneous solid materials. This is a first development of... more
The articles and videos in this issue of Musimédiane are the result of a team effort by Labex GREAM* members Pierre Michel, Nathalie Hérold, Camille Lienhard and Ingrid Pustijanac (University of Pavia-Cremona, Italy) to prepare Les... more
Ce numéro de Musimédiane a pour objectif de mieux faire saisir les questions interprétatives liées à un tel cycle instrumental et orchestral en abordant d’une part les champs de recherche liés à l’instrumentiste, à la lecture et la... more
* Examines different kinds of integrations and collaborations of audio and visual in multiple art forms * Offers an interdisciplinary list of contributors * Emphasizes experimental tendencies while analyzing and contextualizing them in... more
Propomos neste artigo uma leitura da primeira peça da suíte Les Espaces Acoustiques, Prologue, escrita em 1976 por Gérard Grisey para viola solo. Considerando que o conjunto de peças constitui-se em uma sistematização musical das técnicas... more
Through The Rite of Spring, Stravinsky ushered in the end of musical time, as we know it. The work's expansion and contraction of rhythmic cells, irregular accents, rhythmic ostinatos, layering of rhythmic patterns, and asymmetrical... more
The piano is an instrument extensively used in classical, jazz, and pop music, since its broad pitch range and ample dynamic levels allow the instrument to become self-contained and versatile for various kinds of music. Previous work has... more
In writing a piece for gamelan and string quartet-traditional Indonesian instruments and an ensemble which is perhaps the epitome of traditional Western music-I wanted to thematize the very idea of combining the two. Cultures, peoples,... more
I. Introduction [1.1] This essay considers some expressive aspects of musical timbre. (1) Objectively quantifiable in terms of spectral energy distribution, onset, envelope, and spectral flux, timbre nevertheless remains the most... more
Heave, Sway, Surge (2014-19) is a musical composition for nine instruments that attempts to evoke the subjectivity of a body in motion by deploying sound-mass textures that rely on transitional acoustic states. It uses motion and force as... more
The main objective of this short paper is to present results and a computational modeling process as a tool to aid musical composition. These results are related to the composition of the piece "Intermezzi and Capriccio" from a Fantasia,... more
Timbre, in contrast to pitch and loudness, remains a poorly understood auditory attribute. Persons attempting to understand it may be confused as much by its nature as its definition. Indeed, timbre is a “strange and multiple” attribute... more
Music for nothing – Rebecca Saundersʼ traditions, routines, demands and contradictions The music by Rebecca Saunders, which is internationally admired for its richness and sophistication in case of sound and timbre, is in the tradition of... more
Man in Music: Nicolaus A. Huberʼs Compositonal Opening of the World Only few composers are asking in such a fundamental way, what music consists of and how their materials and structural conditions are relate to physical, psychological... more
Seit je diente Musik als Anstoß zur Entstehung von Musik. Die Komposition neuer Stücke auf der Basis von Giacinto Scelsis alten Ondiola-Improvisationen lässt sich daher leicht bagatellisieren. Ebenso gut lässt sich das Unternehmen „Scelsi... more
The piece Partiels (Grisey 1976), from Gérard Grisey's cycle Les Espaces Acoustiques, is emblematic of the aesthetics of French spectral music. Considered and analyzed by several authors from a compositional perspective (Krier 2000, Féron... more
Prima parte del saggio Introduzione allo Spettralismo: dalle origini dell'estetica spettrale ai principi generali enunciati da Gerard Grisey.
An integrated granular approach to algorithmic composition for
Many frequency-based compositional ideas and related techniques inform Tristan Murail’s compositional methods. Here I will examine the following works: Gondwana (1980), Désintégrations (1982), Serendib (1992), La Barque mystique (1993),... more
In this essay, I wish to shed light on some frequency-based contemporary compositional techniques and in particular the use of OpenMusic software to aid the creative process. The practices in question are often grouped under the name... more
In this interview by Rozalie Hirs, Murail talks about his use of computers in composing, both in terms of sound synthesis and the actual writing of the score.
In this essay, I wish to shed light on some frequency-based contemporary compositional techniques and in particular the use of OpenMusic software to aid the creative process. The practices in question are often grouped under the name... more