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Biodiesel is an alternative fuel and fuel extender easily derived from vegetable oil or animal fat. In 2006, the US Environmental Protection Agency mandated that maximum sulfur content of diesel fuels be reduced to 15 ppm to protect... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBioenergyBiodieselBiofuels
The reduction in the sources of natural sand and the requirement for reduction in the cost of concrete production has resulted in the increased need to identify substitute material to sand as fine aggregates in the production of... more
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      Compressive StrengthFly AshExperimental StudySpecific Gravity
An empirical relationship between compressional wave velocity (lip) and radiogenic heat generation (A) is frequently used to estimate heat production distributions in the continental crust. Two data sets from Rybach and Buntebarth [1] and... more
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      Earth SciencesStatistical AnalysisHeat TransferDensity
This paper is confined to the production and physico-chemical characterization of peanut oil biodiesel (POB). An optimum conversion of POB from triglycerides (TD) was achieved by using 1:6 molar ratio (methanol : oil) at 60 o C. Fuel... more
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      TechnologyBiodieselAdvanced MaterialsOptimization
Several biological markers have been proposed to improve the efficacy of diagnosing tuberculous pleurisy. The study was undertaken to evaluate the accuracy of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity and interferon-gamma... more
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      AdolescentMycobacterium tuberculosisGlucoseYoung Adult
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      Biomedical EngineeringWaterManufacturingCarbon Dioxide
Present study was carried out to investigate the quality of camel milk. A wide variation was observed in the quality of raw camel milk. Specific gravity ranged between 1.014 and 1.017 (1.015±0.001), pH 6.57 and 6.97 (6.77 ± 0.07), and... more
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      Specific GravityMilk Quality
A two-year experiment (2004-2005) was conducted at Tal Amara Research Station in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon to evaluate the influence of progressive application of K rates and application timing on yield, yield components and tuber... more
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      Horticultural ScienceSpecific GravityHorticultural production
Wet gravity separation technique has been regularly practiced to separate the polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) (light plastic films) from chlorinated plastic films (CP films) (heavy plastic films). The CP films including poly... more
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      Environmental EngineeringRecyclingWaste ManagementPlastics
The vast, well-oxygenated hypolimnia of Lake Baikal and the Great Lakes were both dominated by endemic planktivorous fishes. These dominants, two species of sculpins (Comephorus, Comephoridae) in Lake Baikal and six species of deepwater... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLake BaikalGreat LakesDiel Vertical Migration
The interrelationship was determined between osmolarity, concentration, and density of aqueous solutions of polysucrose (Ficoll), metrizoate @opaque), polyethylene glycol, gum acacia, and ioalvcaminic acid CBilivistan). It was found that... more
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      MethodsSucroseAcaciaClinical Sciences
A Detroit 6I/-92 TA coach diesel engine and a Cummins NTA-855-C diesel engine were operated on fuels produced by blending methyl soyate with No. 2 diesel fuel. Seven fuels, namely, neat diesel fuel; 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 50:50 and 25:75%... more
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      BiodieselMultidisciplinaryPowerCarbon Monoxide
Background: It has been suggested that diseases that promote isosthenuria predispose to urinary tract infections because of a lack of the common bacteriostatic properties present in concentrated urine.Objectives: The purpose of this study... more
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      ZoologyCatsUrinary tract infectionUrinary Tract Infections
The IDS (Incubation, Drying and Separation) method was tested on Schinus molle L. seeds collected from Ethiopia in an attempt to sort non-viable from viable seeds. Seeds were incubated for 24 h followed by one, three, four, five, six,... more
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      IncubationDryingForestry SciencesPublic Administration and Policy
The use of industrial solid waste to concrete production is environmentally friendly because it contributes to reducing the consumption of natural resources, the pollution concrete production generates and the power it consumes. This... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCopperCompressive Strength
The matrix-fracture transfer shape factor is one of the important parameters in the modeling of fluid flow in fractured porous media using a dual-porosity concept. Warren and Root [36] introduced the dualporosity concept and suggested a... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater resourcesNumerical Simulation
Abstract This paper reviews on the soil condition for three rivers at Carey Island namely Air Hitam, Judah and Keluang River. The activities on the island such as palm oil industries are believed affect the soil. Thus a study was carried... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeochemistrySoil PollutionSoil contamination
Recognising the scientific and regulatory need for testing relatively hydrophobic or 'difficult substances', the OECD currently recommends that selected organic solvents may be used in aquatic toxicity testing in order to help achieve... more
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      EcotoxicologyAquatic ToxicologyInvertebratesSex Hormones
Recycled glass derived from cathode ray tubes (CRT) glass with a specific gravity of approximately 3.0 g/cm3 can be potentially suitable to be used as fine aggregate for preparing cement mortars for X-ray radiation-shielding applications.... more
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      EngineeringConstruction MaterialsRecyclingGlass
Struvite, one of the components of urinary stone grows rapidly forming ''staghorn-calculi'', is a painful urological disorder. It is necessary to study the growth-inhibition of Struvite crystals. This in vitro study has been carried out... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceBiomedical EngineeringAyurveda
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      Nutrition and DieteticsOscillationsReal TimeUrinalysis
Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) allows the¯ow path of a tracer particle to be followed in opaque¯ows. It has been used here to study particle trajectories and velocity pro®les of a single radioactively labelled tracer particle... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringDesignMultiphase Flow
CITATIONS 3 READS 85 5 authors, including:
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      Agriculture (Biology)MaizeRefractive IndexSensory Evaluation
Chemical analysis of apple pomace revealed that it contains 29.4% neutral detergent fiber and 13.0% pectin. Pomace-flour blend were prepared by incorporating 2, 5, 8 and I I % pomace in wheat flour. Blend were evaluated for their bread... more
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      Food ProcessingParticle SizeDietary fiberFood Sciences
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      EngineeringOrganic ChemistryTechnologyGreen Chemistry
In this study, system stability and water cut were evaluated via IR analysis and physicochemical properties of the tested mixture. Samples were prepared with different water cuts at a specified salinity and tested by IR. Different cations... more
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      GravityViscosityInterfacial TensionKinematics and Dynamics
Construction waste management is a quite important economical and environmental deal for our societies. More than 2 million tons demolition and construction wastes are annually produced only in Wallonia, Southern Region of Belgium;... more
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      Civil EngineeringWaste ManagementLos AngelesCompressive Strength
This research investigated the use of incinerator ash as a partial replacement of fine aggregate in hot-mix asphalt concrete. Municipal solid waste (MSW) Incinerator ash was obtained from an incinerator facility at Sultan Qaboos... more
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      Civil EngineeringRecyclingMunicipal Solid WasteBuilding
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      Life historyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcological
Because many questions arise regarding the use of immobilization technology to consistently produce a high quality beer, this work focuses on the effects of using an immobilization matrix in the fermentation process. The aim of this study... more
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      Cell ViabilityGas ChromatographySecondary MetabolitesSensory Analysis
Purpose of the study: The main purpose of this study is to find out the effect of change in soil viscosity, soil temperature and specific gravity on growth of plants sown in the soil prepared from laboratory chemical waste collected from... more
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      PhotosynthesisViscosityPlant growthSoil Temperature
a b s t r a c t Some physical and mechanical properties of oriented strandboards (OSBs) containing waste tire rubber at various addition levels based on the oven-dry strand weight, using the same method as that used in the manufacture of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringConstruction MaterialsRecyclingFracture
Garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) is an edible, underutilised herb, grown mainly for its seeds in India. Physicochemical properties, minor components (unsaponifiable matter, tocopherols, carotenoids), fatty acid composition and storage... more
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      Chemical EngineeringStabilityFood PreservationPigments
The oil and meal from Monechma ciliatum (black mahlab) and Prunus mahaleb (white mahlab) seeds were characterized for their physicochemical properties. The oil content was found to be 30.95 and 13.15% in white and black mahlab seeds,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringICP-MSFatty AcidAmino Acid Profile
In this study, rice straw-wood particle composite boards were manufactured as insulation boards using the method used in the wood-based panel industry. The raw material, rice straw, was chosen because of its availability. The... more
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      Construction MaterialsSoundMultidisciplinaryNoise
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      Civil EngineeringSoil ScienceLab ReportSpecific Gravity
Currently, most of the biodiesel is produced from the refined/edible type oils using methanol and an alkaline catalyst. However, large amount of non-edible type oils and fats are available. The difficulty with alkaline-esterification of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringFuelDiesel Fuel
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      Image AnalysisDensityBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSample Size
These exam questions and answers Metering System
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      CalibrationViscosityUltrasonic TransducersAccuracy
The geophysical and geotechnical assessment of the granite deposit at Idi-Osan Ofagada village near Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria, have been undertaken and the exploitation suitability of the deposit established. The area is underlain by... more
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      TectonicsVESSpecific GravityReserve Estimation
The waste materials utilization in concrete production is very much helpful in reaching the goal of sustainable construction. Therefore, this study intends to use coconut shells and fly ash by replacing coarse aggregate and cement,... more
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      Architectural EngineeringCivil EngineeringCompressive StrengthFly Ash
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      GeneticsGeologyGeochemistryStructural Geology
The machinery and operations when improperly designed may generate rice kernel cracking and breakage and consequently a low marketing price. The objective of this work was to determine the influence of the rice processing operations on... more
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      Food EngineeringFoodOryza SativaFood Sciences
This research is concerned with the mechanical and physical properties of hemp fibre reinforced concrete (HFRC). An experimental program was developed based on the statistical method of fractional factors design. The variables for the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringStatistical Analysis
This article was prepared with W.A Oddy. Essentially it just introduces a programme of research that Andrew Oddy undertook in the late 1970s and early 1980s on Gold coins of Central and South Asia. He carried out extensive specific... more
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      NumismaticsKushan historyMetrologyAncient Metrology
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    • Specific Gravity
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    • Specific Gravity
This paper presents a general and a simplified method for deliverability calculations of gas wells, which among other advantages, eliminates the need for conventional multipoint tests. The analytical solution to the diffusivity equation... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisSteady stateSpecific GravityGas Flow
The Esmaeilzadeh-Roshanfekr (ER) equation of state (EOS) is used to predict the PVT properties of gas condensate reservoir fluids. Three gas condensate fluid samples taken from three wells in a real field in Iran, referred here as SA1,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringClassical PhysicsVan Der WaalsFluid phase equilibria