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R. d'Inverno - Introducing Einstein's relativity (1992, Clarendon Press Oxford University Press)
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Lorentz transformations and special theory of relativity have existed for more than a century and mathematics related to them has been used and applied for innumerous times. Relativistic energy and relativistic momentum equations have... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativityLorentz transformationConservation of EnergyConservation of Momentum
As we approach the 125 th anniversary of the Michelson-Morley experiment in 2012, we review experiments that test the isotropy of the speed of light. Previous measurements are categorized into one-way (single-trip) and two-way (round-trip... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativitySpeed of Light
So far, no convincing experimental evidence for the Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic force law has been reported. This paper utilizes an available experiment, which is often claimed as one of the most precise experiments in modern... more
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      Special RelativitySpecial relativity and ElectromagnetismSpecial Theory Of Relativity
The electromagnetic interaction governs many aspects of our daily lives. Although the unity of the electric and the magnetic phenomena is established through Maxwell's theory, it is not adequately emphasized in most of the courses on... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativityResonanceElectromagnetic FieldCurriculum and Pedagogy
In this paper we will briefly introduce Apparent Source Theory (AST) as it is applied to the Michelson-Morley experiment and provide a link to animation of AST uploaded on Youtube. The animation will help understand not only why the... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativityMichelson–Morley experiment
В работе показана возможность и необходимость распространения принципа движения электромагнитного поля на электродинамические процессы. На основе анализа известных парадоксов электромагнетизма также показано, что закон электромагнитной... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsElectromagnetismParadoxesSpecial Theory Of Relativity
Lorentz transformations and special theory of relativity have existed for more than a century and mathematics related to them has been used and applied for innumerous times. Relativistic energy and relativistic momentum equations have... more
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      MechanicsGeneral RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativityLorentzian Geometry
We present new mathematical foundations of classical Maxwell–Lorentz electrodynamic models and related charged particles interaction-radiation problems, and analyze the fundamental least action principles via canonical Lagrangian and... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsSpecial Theory Of RelativityClassical ElectrodynamicsElectrodynamics
I will try to invalidate the theory of relativity by presenting a compelling alternative theory. I hope that criticism of Einstein's theories will not be seen as offense.
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      Special Theory Of RelativityAlbert Einstein
Radar guns provide an excellent means of explaining and demonstrating some of Einstein's theories in a very simple and undeniable way. Specifically, radar guns demonstrate how the speed of the emitter cannot add to the speed of the light... more
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      RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativitySpeed of Light
Within planetary radar astronomy a radio signal is transmitted to a spacecraft, to a planet, and similarly police radar transmits a radio wave to a car, and then radio signal is re-transmitted (or reflected) back and received at the... more
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    • Special Theory Of Relativity
I know about the universe because it influences me. Light excites the photoreceptors in my eyes, surfaces apply pressure to my touch receptors and my eardrums are buffeted by relentless waves of air molecules. My entire sensorium is... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of Science
Lorentz transformations and special theory of relativity have existed for more than a century and mathematics related to them has been used and applied for innumerous times. Relativistic energy and relativistic momentum equations have... more
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      PhysicsMechanicsGeneral RelativitySpecial Theory Of Relativity
Time dilation of Special relativity can be easily derived from the thought experiments using the traditional light clock. However, time contraction is also possible to derive but using the "novel" light clock described in this... more
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    • Special Theory Of Relativity
This is the third in a series of papers on a new theory of relativity [Phys. Essays 4, 68 (1991); ibid [ 194; "Relativistic Kinematics IV,," submitted to Phys. Essays]. This paper presents, in detail, an application of the new theory of... more
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      Special RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativitySpecial and General Relativity
Based on historical documents collected over the past decade and my interviews with several key eyewitnesses, I have carefully reexamined the inception and development of the Relativity Criticism Group in the Chinese Academy of Sciences... more
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      History of ScienceSpecial Theory Of RelativityHistory and Philosophy of Modern Physics
This paper gives an account of the Gestalt Aether Theory of gravity. Gestalt Aether Theory clearly establishes the connection between electromagnetism and gravity and is able to account for every known or observed property of gravity. It... more
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      ElectromagnetismQuantum MechanicsÆther PhysicsSpecial Theory Of Relativity
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsNumber Theory
Special Relativity Theory (SRT) has two postulates, one stating that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, and the other stating that the speed of light is the constant 186,000 miles per second, regardless of any reference... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceQuantum Gravity
Space-based experiments today can uniquely address important questions related to the fundamental laws of Nature. In particular, high-accuracy physics experiments in space can test relativistic gravity and probe the physics beyond the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsScience PolicyBeyond the Standard Model Physics
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      Special Theory Of RelativityResonanceElectromagnetic FieldCurriculum and Pedagogy
In special relativity, this article shows that Newton's second law can be applied in any inertial reference frame.
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsGeneral RelativitySpecial Relativity
A complete theoretical and mathematical description of how electric fields change due to relative motion that includes an in-depth analysis of relativistic electric fields and the methods to effect motion. This new description is based... more
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      MathematicsRelativityHistory of MathematicsGeneral Relativity
Time is a simple word, though it remains truly the most mysterious and vicious phenomena where every living and non-living ones are its victim. This antediluvian force of nature shows no mercy as it moves along every path, every corner... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
It is known that Maxwell's electrodynamics—as usually understood at the present time—when applied to moving bodies, leads to asymmetries which do not appear to be inherent in the phenomena. Take, for example, the recipro-cal... more
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      PhysicsTime TravelSpecial Theory Of RelativityAlbert Einstein
We examine the possibility of localized propagating tachyonic fields within a properly extended relativity. A possible extension is to include superluminal transformations and reference frames. This leads to complex 4D spacetime, or real... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSpecial Theory Of RelativityClifford Algebra and Its Application
Vi è la diffusa tendenza a considerare la storia della relatività nei rassicuranti termini di una continua accumulazione di trionfi. Nata e cresciuta grazie al lavoro di un solo uomo, tra il 1905 e gli anni Venti la relatività prima... more
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      ThermodynamicsHistory of PhysicsSpecial Theory Of RelativityAlbert Einstein
This article discusses an apparent paradox between perceived time and externally measured time during dreamed body movement. An appeal to concepts regarding space in special relativity may help to resolve the puzzle and perhaps point to a... more
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      PerceptionRelativitySleep PhysiologyPhenomenology
This is a prelude to a book which I intend to publish. This paper describes my temporary thoughts on Einstein's pathway to the special theory of relativity. See my papers on my thoughts on Einstein's pathway to his general theory of... more
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      Special RelativityInduction (Philosophy)Special relativity and ElectromagnetismSpecial Theory Of Relativity
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      History of ReligionShamanismSpecial Theory Of RelativityAntropología
Solution manual of the one of the best books on Einstein's General Relativity by J B Hartle
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsRelativity
Having found several erroneities, chimerae, lacunae, malaphors and their sequalae, or (at least generally considered) 'sub-literate' comments and notations in the work of renowned SuperPhysicist Albert Einstein, I have concluded that it... more
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      James JoyceHistory and Philosophy of PhysicsSemiotics of MusicMozart
During the years 1912-1918, the creative efforts of Albert Einstein (b. 1879 - d. 1955) were directed towards the discovery of General Relativity Theory, name under which he meant a comprehensive theory of gravito-dynamic phenomena,... more
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      General RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativitySpace Time
This paper compares Einsteinian physics with Eddington’s interpretation of the theory of relativity. Firstly, various interpretations of the theory of relativity are examined and the non-scientific obstacles of the theory are analysed.... more
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      History and Philosophy of PhysicsGravitational WavesSpecial Theory Of RelativityAlbert Einstein
This article describes two of the major errors of Einstein's reasoning in his 1905 document which founded the Special Theory of Relativity. Einstein contradicted himself by using both the principle of the constancy of speed of light, and... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsRelativityGeneral RelativitySpecial Relativity
Different cultures around the world have independently discovered time in antiquity and developed calendars and clocks to measure this mysterious unknown. We say 'mysterious' because to this day no one has defined what 'time' is or means.... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophy of Science
Combining the formalism of relativistic standing waves with that of the old Bohr model for hydrogen leads to a surprisingly consistent theory, one which retains certain essential features from both classical and relativistic mechanics. Of... more
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      HydrogenSpecial RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativityNiels Bohr
“Theory of Grand Settlement” is a new Theory of Everything (TOE) that brings out a fundamental change in the physical and cosmological understanding of the Universe. Gravity, Space-Time and Origin of the Universe are all redefined. The... more
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      Cosmic InflationSpecial Theory Of RelativityCosmic Microwave BackgroundGeneral Theory of Relativity
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      EpistemologyCosmology (Physics)Special Theory Of RelativityGeneral Theory of Relativity
I provide in this document the missing steps (i.e., derivations) from Einstein's original paper, 1905. I have also shown with the detailed derivations the essence of Special Relativity and the exact point whence Einstein established the... more
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      Special RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativityAlbert EinsteinPrinciples of Relativity
The presentation and defination of Time as a concept in the Theory Special Theory of Relativity is remarkably difference to that of Time in the Theory of Classical Mechanics. In Special Relativity, Time is considered as the fourth... more
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      Philosophy of TimeSpecial RelativitySpace and Time (Philosophy)Astrophysics
Ashok Das - Lectures on Gravitation (2011, World Scientific Publishing Company)
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsGravitationRelativity
"Everything that has a beginning, has an end". The universe has an end. And the end will ensure the timeline of the universe remains symmetrical: a flat universe contracting to a point of infinite density!
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      Earth SciencesGeologyCosmology (Physics)Quantum Gravity
Science is a work in progress, although the progress that science has made over the past few decades has been vastly limited by the narrow, limited and dogmatic worldviews representing the major paradigms of physics. It is not hard or... more
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      ParapsychologyMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
The foundations of Modern Physics are derived from the basic Mechanics of waves that propagate at c in a physical medium. The foundation theories are unified and all the usual relativistic and quantum paradoxes are removed. Spacelike... more
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      Foundations of Quantum MechanicsGeneral RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativityQuantum entanglement
The existence of a Space Rest Frame is discussed. In the past the existence of a stationary luminiferous aether was proposed as the medium for the propagation of light. This idea was discarded when the Michelson-Morley experiment was... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems