The current study aims to explore the efficiency of the AI tool (Mid Journey) for improving the reading comprehension skills of Pakistani dyslexic students. The literature revealed that the use of artificial intelligence is very... more
This study aims to explore strategies to empower Pakistani math students with hearing impairments to have greater autonomy in their educational journey. The objective is to identify effective methodologies and examine the viewpoints of... more
This exploratory study was conducted with a group of teachers at four partnership school sites (elementary, middle, and high school) who taught students with a range of disabilities. The study was designed to gain insight into how these... more
Poor employment outcomes for persons with intellectual disability (ID) persist despite legislative mandates designed to enhance access to gainful employment. Recent data suggest that only 37% of young adults with ID obtain paid employment... more
Research has shown that assistive technology (AT) can help support employment skills for individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs). The authors of this review examined the effectiveness of various types of AT support for... more
To achieve comprehension of these content-area texts, students are required to know the meanings, relationships, and contextual interpretations of each new vocabulary word. Students, especially exceptional students (those who have an... more
Kurzweil 3000 is a leading software program used in higher education by individuals who need reading assistance. This text-to-speech program is one of the most successful ways of helping students with reading and attention deficit... more
This paper analyzes the intersection of technology and diversity in classrooms with reference to the implications of the inequity of access and usage for under-represented groups including low-income, minority students, students from... more
Πρώτη αναγγελία του 2ου Διεθνούς Τακτικού Συνεδρίου, με τίτλο: «Καλλιτεχνική Εκπαίδευση και Αναπηρία στην Εποχή της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης. Τα ῾Σχολεία Ελεύθερης Μουσικής Πρόσβασης' κοντά στην Κοινωνία».
This paper examines the controversial problem of the availability of and access to computers, training, and technology, and the availability of and access to all types of learners. Technologies must be designed with diverse learners in... more
This study investigates 35 third-grade students' requests, and responses in their reading groupS. Standarized,reading achievement tests, tests 4-4 language knowledge were administered. and six samples of peer interaction were video/taped... more
Introduction: The aim of this article is to determine whether there are differences in the coping strategies of parents of children with disabilities (autism spectrum disorder or other disabilities) and children without disabilities, in... more
Focus on multimodal learning, especially composition, is increasing in K–12 classrooms, particularly among those whose populations are struggling academically. This shift toward multimodal learning also is evident in special education... more
UDL is an educational approach that aims to provide all students with equal opportunities to succeed. This method offers flexibility in how students access materials, engage with the content, and demonstrate their knowledge. As part of a... more
Ms. Flores, a first grade teacher, greets her students as they enter her classroom in a South Texas elementary school. Ms. Pecina, the mother of one of Ms. Flores' students, approaches. She says, "Good morning, Ms. Flores. Mucho gusto en... more
Dr. Accardo, thank you for not only being professional, patient, and supportive, every step of the way, but for overflowing with compassion, understanding, and kindness when life took several unexpected turns. Without your guidance and... more
This study investigates how virtual reality (VR) technology impacts empathy and social interaction. VR, through its immersive capabilities, offers unique opportunities to explore and enhance interpersonal dynamics in digital environments.... more
Meta-analyses of the findings from 29 studies including 4,194 early childhood practitioners showed that different practitioner belief appraisals (endorsement, importance, self- efficacy) were related to the intent to use, and the adoption... more
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder from bilingual homes have to learn and discriminate which language to use across settings and different people. Language instruction is complicated by the core deficits in social communication,... more
Technology in schools is abundant as is the call for evidence-based interventions for students who need additional support to be successful. One promising use of technology is for self-monitoring interventions aimed at improving classroom... more
Self-monitoring has a well-established literature base for improving the behavior of students with a range of ages and abilities. Whereas self-monitoring often involves technology for prompting self-monitoring procedures, to date, only a... more
Esta investigación examina el impacto de una intervención que utiliza un Entorno Gamificado Aumentado (EGA) para estimular las habilidades socio-emocionales de una muestra de 54 sujetos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) de edades... more
With emphasis placed on the least restrictive learning environments under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students with disabilities are often placed in general education classrooms. As a result, the discussion of... more
All parents want what is best for their children but not every knows how to help children avoid the biggest issues in special children's behavior problems. Ignorance on the knowledge of handling special need children's needs can affect... more
The Florida Reading Journal is published for members of the Florida Reading Association and all others concerned with reading. Because The Florida Reading Journal serves as an open forum, its contents do not necessarily reflect or imply... more
This guide accompanies the following article: Little, C. W., Clark, J. C., Tani, N. E. & Connor, C. M., (2018) Improving writing skills through technology‐based instruction: a meta‐analysis. Review of Education,... more
Mobile technologies have shown great potential in various educational settings. Moreover, there is an emerging research base demonstrating how students view and interact with mobile devices to learn. As more of these technologies enter... more
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is a children's television show incorporating many elements of video modeling, an intervention that can teach skills to children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This study evaluated the impact of watching... more
Using a counterbalanced, randomized treatment design, 12 elementary school-aged children read under two conditions: (a) independent, silent reading; and (b) computer-assisted reading, via Kurzweil 3000. A repeated-measures multivariate... more
Technology provides educators with significant advantages in working with today's students. Video selfmodeling (VSM) is an evidence-based intervention requiring the use of technology that has been successfully used to address problems... more
As referenced in the Every Student Succeeds Act and the National Educational Technology Plan, personalized learning is the new focus in many K–12 learning environments. Nonetheless, few people understand what personalized learning really... more
The cooperative design practices as well as the participatory research tradition and contextual design have inspired the researchers of a relatively new and challenging design context, i.e. design with children for children. An ample... more
Data-based individualization (DBI) is a process of collecting and analyzing data on students’ response to intervention and then making intervention adaptations accordingly. Although this process can lead to better student outcomes, very... more
pdf. 6 Běžně je známé, že to platí o skautingu, ale v současnosti se to u nás dá vztáhnout i na celou řadu dalších spolků, které tak či onak na skauting navazují, byť ne vždy byly během naší historie s ním ve shodě. Každopádně tradiční... more
Alternative communication has been successfully used in interventions to develop communication skills in children with ASD. However, few studies in Brazil have approached nonverbal adolescents with autism. This article aimed to... more
This study focuses on teacher and student co-learning with assistive technologies (such as text-to-speech readers) in a specialized program for students with learning disabilities. Canadian students in Grades 4-5 who were reading well... more
An exploratory case study approach was used to describe remote tutoring in biochemistry and general chemistry with students who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH). Data collected for analysis were based on the observations of the... more
Smartwatches may provide a natural, portable, and unobtrusive strategy by which to support directive-following for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). A mentor can send visual supports (e.g., photographs, videos, text)... more
Mobile technologies have shown great potential in various educational settings. Moreover, there is an emerging research base demonstrating how students view and interact with mobile devices to learn. As more of these technologies enter... more
A multiple baseline design investigated the effects of computer graphic organizers on the persuasive composition writing skills of four Hispanic students with specific learning disabilities. Participants reviewed the elements of... more
Advances in and the decreased cost of technology has resulted in a significant increase in educational programming that incorporates technology into the school curriculum. Specifically, the use of iPads has become quite common to support... more
Meta-analyses of the findings from 29 studies including 4,194 early childhood practitioners showed that different practitioner belief appraisals (endorsement, importance, self- efficacy) were related to the intent to use, and the adoption... more
Online instructional delivery has always been viewed as beneficial due to its flexibility in settings and times, but the Covid-19 pandemic produced an essential need for the ability to engage in learning without direct contact with... more
In a counterbalanced treatment design, 12 elementary school aged children read under two conditions; (a) independent, silent, and with mentor help as necessary; and (b) computer assisted, with visual and auditory delivery of text (via... more
Mathematics interventions aimed at accelerating the learning of students with mathematics difficulties (MD) should be developed through a design science approach such as the Curriculum Research Framework (CRF). Precision Mathematics is a... more
Mathematics interventions aimed at accelerating the learning of students with mathematics difficulties (MD) should be developed through a design science approach such as the Curriculum Research Framework (CRF). Precision Mathematics is a... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a video modeling (VM) intervention package (including virtual manipulatives and error correction) delivered via synchronous, virtual environment to teach the mathematics skills... more