Spatial Variation
Recent papers in Spatial Variation
Aquatic macroinvertebrates living in anastomosing lowland rivers use different habitats and respond differently to the hydrological regime. In this paper, the structure and composition of benthic, drifting and marginal macroinvertebrate... more
An approach for calculating turbulent flows in a wave-current boundary layer over a slowly varying bed is presented. Waves are periodic in time with several harmonics. In this paper, we adopt a time invariant eddy viscosity model, in... more
Y. Kominami). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g r f o r m e t 0168-1923/$ -see front matter # a g r i c u l t u r a l a n d... more
Thailand experiences severe floods and droughts that affect agriculture New techniques, such as Data-Based- Mechanistic modelling ale being developed to study rainfall and river flow to improve flood and drought alleviation policies and... more
The factors responsible for widespread declines of grassland birds in the United States are not well understood. This study, conducted in the short-grass prairie of eastern Wyoming, was designed to investigate the relationship between... more
Stomach contents from tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, caught on lines off the central coast of Western Australia were analysed to investigate variations in the diet due to sex, size and geographic location. Stomachs from 84 specimens... more
Spatial patterning of ecosystems can be explained by several mechanisms. One approach to disentangling the influence of these mechanisms is to study a patterned ecosystem along a gradient of environmental conditions. This study focused on... more
Abstract: The Galápagos Islands harbor some of the least impacted marine ecosystems in the tropics Efectos de la Pesca Artesanal en Comunidades Marinas en las Islas Galápagos Resumen: Las Islas Galápagos albergan algunos de los... more
A four-year study of site-specific weed control is presented in this paper. Weed seedling distribution was sampled and mapped prior to and after post-emergence herbicide application in four fields planted with maize, sugar beets, winter... more
This work constitutes a theoretical study of the edge-detection method by means of the Jensen-Shannon divergence, as proposed by the authors. The overall aim is to establish formally the suitability of the procedure of edge detection in... more
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in 34 surface sediments along the Susquehanna River were investigated in 2000. The total concentrations of PAHs in the surface sediments of Lake Clarke, Lake Aldred, the upper Conowingo... more
Question: How do forest herb species differ from each other in their spatial and temporal dynamics during recovery from volcanic disturbance, and how are dynamics related to species traits?
The paper addresses the problem of the resistance due to vegetation in an open channel flow, characterized by partially and fully submerged vegetation formed by colonies of bushes. The flow is characterized by significant spatial... more
We developed a mobile remote sensing measurement facility for spectral and anisotropic reflectance measurements. We measured reflection properties (BRF) of over 100 samples from most common land cover types in boreal and subarctic... more
Temperate zone deciduous tree phenology may be vulnerable to projected temperature change, and associated geographical impact is of concern to ecologists. Although many phenology models have been introduced to evaluate climate change... more
High rates of coastal retreat characterise the weakly cemented Plio-Pleistocene rocks and sediments which form much of the cliffed coastline of East Anglia, southern North Sea. The accurate establishment of sediment losses from these... more
Spatio-temporal variations in the water quality of the Chao Phraya River, Thailand, were examined, on average-yearly basis, between 1999 and 2008, from 32 surface water stations from the river origin to the delta. Five water quality... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the seasonal and spatial variations in surface water quality at the mid-Black Sea coast of Turkey. The samples were collected from ten monitoring stations including rivers and sea water during the... more
Our ability to demonstrate statistical patterns of invasion by non-native species will determine the success of future management projects. We investigated the suitability of self-organizing maps (SOM, neural network) for patterning... more
Numerous observations of extensional provinces indicate that neighbouring faults commonly slip at different rates and, moreover, may be active over different time intervals. These published observations include variations in slip rate... more
Aim To forecast the responses of alpine flora to the expected upward shift of treeline ecotones due to climatic warming, we investigated species richness patterns of vascular plants at small spatial scales across elevational transects.
We hypothesize that floating debris leaving polluted coastal bays accumulate on nearby pristine beaches. We examined composition, quantities and distribution of marine debris along ∼150 km of relatively undeveloped, tropical beaches in... more
Microclimate Chalk grassland Limestone grassland Surface temperature Soil moisture Climate change Topography Slope and aspect Spatial scale a b s t r a c t
Bone is a complex tissue whose composition and properties vary with age, sex, diet, tissue type, health and disease. In this review, we demonstrate how infrared spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopic imaging can be applied to the study... more
Heavy metals are one of the concerned pollutants emitted by the municipal waste incineration system (MWIs). The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential impact on local airborne metals from the emissions of an MWI. Aerosol... more
Previous studies of the spatial pattern of stream invertebrate drift have focused on spatial variation at microhabitat scales or landscape scales, or temporal variation over diel or seasonal scales. None have examined consistency in... more
The biogeochemical properties of an extensive bloom (~250,000 knl 2) of the coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi, in the north east Atlantic Ocean were investigated in June 199 !. Satellite (NOAA-AVHRR) imagery showed that the bloom was... more
Nucleotide sequences from the control region of the mitochondrial (mt) DNA were analyzed for Japanese loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) to elucidate population genetic structure and phylogeography. Three haplotypes were detected among... more
The acoustics of churches is a cultural heritage to be preserved as carefully as the artistic and architectural aspects of this particular category of buildings. The acoustic characteristics of an environment could be measured according... more
Reproductive biology and social behaviour of the parrotfish Sparisoma cretense was studied in the Azores Islands, northeast Atlantic, to characterize its spawning season and general reproductive biology in the region, to clarify the... more
Through their grazing activities limpets have an important role in controlling macroalgal abundance and as a result the structure and dynamics of rocky shore assemblages. Using two congeneric limpet species, with different biogeographic... more
Caffrey. J.M. and Kemp, W.M., 1991. Seasonal and spatial patterns of oxygen production. respiration and root-rhizome release in PotamogelOn pN(oliatus L. and Zos/era Inarina L. Aquat. Bol.. 40: 109-
Eight new primer sets were designed for PCR detection of (i) mono-oxygenase and dioxygenase gene sequences involved in initial attack of bacterial aerobic BTEX degradation and of (ii) catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene sequences responsible... more
This article compares two methods to interpolate grain size distributions to a 3D model (grid-size 25 · 25 · 0.2 m) of the upper 5 m of the riverbed of three lower Rhine distributaries in The Netherlands. These models have been used as... more
Petroleum refineries are large industrial installations that are responsible for the emission of several pollutants into the atmosphere. Hydrocarbons are among the most important air pollutants that are emitted by petroleum refineries,... more
Daily water quality data from six U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) monitoring stations along the Great Miami River and digital land use/land cover and elevation data for the same watershed were analyzed. The validity of using electrolytic... more
This paper presents an application of high resolution satellite remote sensing data for mapping water quality in the Goldon Horn, Istanbul. It is an applied research emphasizing the present water quality conditions in this region for... more
Steady state and dynamic responses of two tree fern species of contrasting origins, Dicksonia antarctica (of Gondwanan origin) and Cyathea australis (Pan-tropical), were studied over two consecutive years under field conditions in a wet... more
Weathering rates of base cations are crucial in critical load calculations and assessments of sustainable forestry. The weathering rate on a single site with detailed geological data can be modelled using the PROFILE model. For... more