Video display content can be extended to the walls of the living room around the TV using projection. The problem of providing appropriate projection content is hard for the computer and we solve this problem with deep neural network. We... more
Contemporary Art is not always well acknowledged even when work of successful talents. Forgotten, if not abandoned by its own community, it is often not recognised as Art by the potential users, as the Italian educational system does not... more
In questo volume vengono esposte in maniera organica e quanto più completa possibile le tecniche che, anche se non nate propriamente per la SAR, sono state utilizzate nel settore con ottimi risultati. I temi trattati hanno come filo... more
Il presente volume intende essere una guida il più esaustiva possibile per tutti coloro che, già padroni delle tecniche base di video mapping, intendo- no approfondire l’argomento ed in particolare vogliono focalizzare l’attenzione sulla... more
This article explores issues associated with immersive storytelling in order to examine how the field of World Building can constitute a theoretical framework for practice in the context of VR-based and Full Dome artistic projects. With... more
This article explores issues associated with immersive storytelling in order to examine how the field of World Building can constitute a theoretical framework for practice in the context of VR-based and Full Dome artistic projects. With... more
This article explores issues associated with immersive storytelling in order to examine how the field of World Building can constitute a theoretical framework for practice in the context of VR-based and Full Dome artistic projects. With... more
Thanks to the use of digital media, which is increasingly present in contemporary museography, the concept of anastylosis, and consequently its use, can be reviewed in the light of the results achieved to date in narrating heritage. The... more
Most Augmented Reality applications feature an information overlay over physical objects that consists of text, images, and animated 3-D models. We go a step further by using an AR-menu and linking multiple overlays using occlusion-based... more
Studio Glowarp gained experiences into the application of the Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) that allowed creating a cultural exhibition called GLOWFestival ( whose aim was the revaluation of the... more
In this presentation I will present the research developed lately in ISTAR-IUL regarding the use of digital technologies, namely Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) to explore architecture... more
This article wants to present the Spatial Augmented Reality technique (hereafter S.A.R.), better known as video mapping, used by the Studio Glowarp on scale models of archeological finds and cultural heritage. The use of S.A.R. technique... more
The paper presents the results of an experiment which aims on the one hand to the elaboration of a "missing" cartography able to illustrate with suitable graphic codes the main evolutionary phases of the urban fabric of the city of Ascoli... more
У цьому дослідженні для уникнення проблем з перекладом на різні мови світу тотожних по суті за значеннєвим наповненням термінів «просторова додана реальність», «відеомеппінг» та «проекційний меппінг», які вживаються у науковому обігу для... more
Pseudo-valorizzare i centri storici con effetti globali stellati Articolo del 7 Aprile 2019, scritto da Donato Maniello "La Notte stellata di Van Gogh illumina Trani con il videomapping". Questo il titolo di un articoletto apparso su un... more
Virtual studio technology plays an important role for modern television productions. Blue-screen matting is a common technique for integrating real actors or moderators into computer generated sceneries. Augmented reality offers the... more
This paper analyzes what technologies, devices and equipment are available today that can contribute to the creation of an interactive environment based on Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR). The objective is to define what should be... more
Virtual studio technology plays an important role for modern television productions. Blue-screen matting is a common technique for integrating real actors or moderators into computer generated sceneries. Augmented reality offers the... more
This paper analyzes what technologies, devices and equipment are available today that can contribute to the creation of an interactive environment based on Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR). The objective is to define what should be... more
We present a novel multi-step technique for imperceptible geometry and radiometry calibration of projectorcamera systems. Our approach can be used to display geometry and color corrected images on non-optimized surfaces at interactive... more
In this presentation I will present the research developed lately in ISTAR-IUL regarding the use of digital technologies, namely Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) to explore architecture... more
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes what technologies, devices and equipment are available today that can contribute to the creation of an interactive environment based on Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR). The objective is to define what should... more
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes what technologies, devices and equipment are available today that can contribute to the creation of an interactive environment based on Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR). The objective is to define what should... more
This article aims to enrich the conversation about the colonization of students' horizontal discourse by the vertical discourse in school, according the Bernstein's distinction, researching the creative work of students in the context of... more
In this paper we propose a feature-based alignment method for visualizing geographical content on a movable paper map using non-calibrated projector-camera pair. In order to project correctly aligned geographical content on a movable... more