Spatial Attention

2,176 papers
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Spatial attention is a cognitive process that involves selectively focusing on specific locations in the visual field while ignoring others, enhancing the perception and processing of stimuli in those attended areas. It plays a crucial role in visual perception, enabling individuals to prioritize information based on spatial relevance.
Experimental evidence on the distribution of visual attention supports the idea of a spatial saliency map, whereby bottom-up and top-down influences on attention are integrated by a winner-take-all mechanism. We implement this map with a... more
Human subjects' answer to questions like "what number is halfway between 2 and 8" provides insights into spatial attention mechanisms involved in numerical processing. Here we show that mental numerical bisections are accompanied by a... more
& We used fMRI to directly compare the neural substrates of three-dimensional (3-D) shape and motion processing for realistic textured objects rotating in depth. Subjects made judgments about several different attributes of these objects,... more
This study tested the hypotheses that visual search impairments in schizophrenia are due to a delay in initiation of search or a slow rate of serial search. We determined the specificity of these impairments by comparing children with... more
Dual tasks and their associated delays have often been used to examine the boundaries of processing in the brain. We used the dual-task procedure and recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate how mental rotation of a first... more
We investigated the modulation of the somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) elicited by mechanical stimuli in a spatial sustained attention and a spatial trial-by-trial cueing design by means of high density electrode array EEG recordings.... more
Visual spatial attention was evaluated in dyslexic and normally reading children by using a¯anker task. When an irrelevant distractor is presented adjacent to a target stimulus, interference is observed when the two stimuli are associated... more
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Do voluntary (endogenous) and involuntary (exogenous) attention have the same perceptual consequences? Here we used fMRI to examine activity in the fusiform face area (FFA--a region in ventral visual cortex responsive to faces) and... more
Most healthy individuals display a subtle spatial attentional bias, exhibiting relative inattention for stimuli on one side of the visual field, a phenomenon known as pseudoneglect. Prior work in animals and patients has implicated... more
Individuals with Asperger syndrome (AS) have problems in following conversation, especially in the situations where several people are talking. This might result from impairments in audiovisual speech perception, especially from... more
Laboratory research suggests that the processing of painful stimuli can be modulated by selective attention to a particular sensory modality. However, alternative accounts for previous findings remain possible in terms of task-switching... more
L’objectif est de préciser les déficits d’attention spatiale chez les enfants dyslexiques présentant ou non des troubles phonologiques, à partir d’épreuves d’orientation avec indiçage endogène en vision (Expérience 1 : 78 enfants... more
We studied the role of the frontal lobes in orienting spatial attention and inhibiting attentional capture by goal-irrelevant stimuli, using a spatial cueing method in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Two blocks of trials were... more
■ Growing evidence indicates that planning eye movements and orienting visuospatial attention share overlapping brain mechanisms. A tight link between endogenous attention and eye movements is maintained by the premotor theory, in... more
The active and skilful use of tools has been claimed to lead to the 'extension' of the visual receptive fields of single neurons representing peripersonal space -the visual space immediately surrounding one's body parts. While this... more
Clavikula (tulang selangka) adalah tulang menonjol di kedua sisi di bagian depan bahu dan atas dada. Dalam anatomi manusia, tulang selangka atau clavicula adalah tulang yang membentuk bahu dan menghubungkan lengan atas pada batang tubuh.... more
The relationship between attention and general intelligence was investigated considering the different types of attention: alertness, sustained attention, focused attention, attentional switching, divided attention, attention according to... more
A growing literature suggests that working memory and attention are closely related constructs. Both involve the selection of task-relevant information, and both are characterized by capacity limits. Furthermore, studies using a variety... more
A leftward spatial bias has been observed with visuospatial attention tasks, including line bisection and the greyscales task. Upper and lower visual field differences have been observed on various tasks, with a lower visual field... more
■ Although the dominant approach posits that developmental dyslexia arises from deficits in systems that are exclusively linguistic in nature (i.e., phonological deficit theory), dyslexics show a variety of lower level deficits in sensory... more
We report two experiments designed to investigate the potential use of vibrotactile warning signals to present spatial information to car drivers. Participants performed an attention-demanding rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)... more
Fearful and neutral faces were presented at attended/unattended foveal and parafoveal locations. Spatial attention enhanced P1/N1 ERP components at both locations. Expression effects were earlier for attended foveal than parafoveal... more
Left visual neglect is a dramatic neurological condition that impairs awareness of left-sided events. Neglect has been classically reported after strokes in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery. However, the precise lesional... more
Background and Purpose-The authors studied clinical features and lesion patterns associated with conjugate eye deviation (CED) in acute stroke. Methods-Consecutive patients with supratentorial stroke (Ͻ6 hours after symptom onset) were... more
by Sonja Kotz and 
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Attention can be oriented to different spatial locations yielding faster processing of attended compared to unattended stimuli. Similarly attention can be oriented to a semantic category such as "animals" or "tools". Words from the... more
In Stroop color naming, color targets were accompanied by a color word or a color word plus a neutral word that reduces or... more
Traditional studies of spatial attention consider only a single sensory modality at a time (e.g. just vision, or just audition). In daily life, however, our spatial attention often has to be coordinated across several modalities. This is... more
This study was designed to investigate the possibility that driver responses to potential front-to-rear-end collision situations could be facilitated by implementing vibrotactile warning signals that indicate the likely direction of the... more
Four experiments were conducted to ascertain whether myopia is associated with deficits of visuospatial attention. In myopic and Ž . Ž . Ž . emmetropic control subjects, we studied: 1 automatic and voluntary orienting of attention, 2... more
Unilateral spatial neglect is a neurological disorder characterized by impaired orienting of attention to stimuli located in the contralesional space, typically following right-hemisphere damage. Neuropsychological investigations in the... more
Using a whole report-paradigm based on . A theory of visual attention. Psychological Review, 97, 523-547;. A computational theory of visual attention. . Parameter-based assessment of spatial and non-spatial attentional deficits in... more
Phonological skills are foundational of reading acquisition and impaired phonological processing is widely assumed to characterize dyslexic individuals. However, reading by phonological decoding also requires rapid selection of sublexical... more
Bimodal visual-tactile neurons respond to visual and/or tactile stimuli presented near the hands, arms, and face. The strength of bimodal-cell response to a visual stimulus depends on its proximity to the hand. We tested the hypothesis... more
Focused visuo-spatial attention was studied in 10 developmental dyslexic children with impaired nonword reading, 10 dyslexic children with intact nonword reading, and 12 normally reading children. Reaction times to lateralized visual... more
The nature of the neural system that directs our attention toward selective items in the extrapersonal world is a longstanding and interesting puzzle. The ability to image the human brain at work non-invasively using positron-emission... more
We demonstrate a previously unknown gender difference in the distribution of spatial attention, a basic capacity that supports higher-level spatial cognition. More remarkably, we found that playing an action video game can virtually... more
A group of patients with compulsive hoarding (n ¼ 30) was compared to a mixed clinical group (n ¼ 30) and a nonclinical community group (n ¼ 30) on laboratory tests of information-processing features hypothesized to be central to hoarding... more
We studied attentional control mechanisms using electrophysiological methods, focusing on the N2pc event-related potential (ERP), to track the moment-bymoment deployment of visual spatial attention. Two digits (T 1 and T 2 , both red or... more
Laser evoked potentials (LEPs) are brain responses to activation of skin nociceptors by laser heat stimuli. LEPs consist of three components: N1, N2, and P2. Previous reports have suggested that in contrast to earlier activities (N1),... more
Left unilateral neglect is a neurological condition characterized by an impairment in orienting and responding to events occurring on the left side. To gain insight into the brain mechanisms of space processing and to provide theoretical... more
Current fMRI retinotopic mapping procedures often use checkerboard stimuli consisting of expanding rings and rotating wedges to measure the topography within human visual areas. Efficient procedures are well described in the literature.... more
There is now much experimental evidence supporting the idea that visual attention can be deployed in at least two ways: one space-based and other object-based. However, it is not clear whether space-and object-based attention work in an... more
By moving through the environment, an observer generates flow field patterns from which information about the movement's speed and trajectory can be extracted. Onset of peripheral object motion or a change of object motion direction... more
Laser evoked potentials (LEPs) are electrical brain responses to nociceptive heat stimuli. In a recent study [Legrain, V., Guérit, J.M., Bruyer, R. and Plaghki, L., Pain, 99 (2002) 21-39.], we found that amplitude at ∼400 ms was increased... more