In many applications, the primary goal of a spatialized audio cue is to direct the user’s attention to the location of a visual object of interest in the environment. This type of auditory cueing is known to be very effective in... more
In five experiments we compared prosaccade and antisaccade performance in normal human observers. This was first examined for visual stimulation in temporal or nasal hemifields, under monocular viewing. Prosaccades were faster following... more
In five experiments we compared prosaccade and antisaccade performance in normal human observers. This was first examined for visual stimulation in temporal or nasal hemifields, under monocular viewing. Prosaccades were faster following... more
Recent behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) studies have revealed cross-modal interactions in endogenous spatial attention between vision and audition, plus vision and touch. The present ERP study investigated whether these... more
Precue validity affects the performance of perceptual tasks. These spatial attention effects have been variously attributed to facilitation of processing, capacity allocation, or noise reduction. We used a new attention-plus-external... more
Despite this body of work, the relative contributions of these areas to guiding spatial selection and visuomotor behavior are still poorly understood. This is due mainly to the limitations of traditional imaging methods. In particular,... more
Visual processing mainly occurs during fixation, periods separated by saccadic eye movements, necessitating a close coordination between sensory and motor systems. It has been suggested that the intention to make a saccade can modulate... more
Human cognition is characterized by severe capacity limits: we can accurately track, enumerate, or hold in mind only a small number of items at a time. It remains debated whether capacity limitations across tasks are determined by a... more
Recent evidence indicates that the spatial direction of endogenous covert spatial attention in one sensory modality can crossmodally influence early processing of stimuli in a different modality. However, spatial locations are initially... more
& Previous ERP studies have uncovered cross-modal interactions in endogenous spatial attention. Directing attention to one side to judge stimuli from one particular modality can modulate early modality-specific ERP components not only for... more
The N2pc component has recently become a popular tool in attention research. To investigate whether this component exclusively reflects attentional target selection, or also prior stages in attentional processing (covert orienting,... more
Previous experiments investigating ERP correlates of anticipatory attention shifts triggered by central symbolic cues have identified a contralateral ''early directing attention negativity,'' which was assumed to be generated by processes... more
Velzen, José Lucia van IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below.
In attentional momentum, detection of a target further ahead in the direction of an ongoing attention shift is faster than detection of a target an equal distance in an orthogonal direction. In representational momentum, memory for the... more
In illusory line motion, presentation of a cue is followed by presentation of a nearby stationary line, and the line is perceived to "unfold," "expand," or "extend" away from the cue. Effects of the allocation of attention regarding where... more
Instruction-dependent effects on automatic responses to action observation Valeriani M.
It is known that visual performance is better on the horizontal than the vertical meridian, and in the lower than the upper region of the vertical meridian (Vertical Meridian Asymmetry, "VMA"), and that exogenous spatial attention... more
Feature attention operates in a spatially global way, with attended feature values being prioritized for selection outside the focus of attention. Accounts of global feature attention have emphasized feature competition as a determining... more
Recent brain imaging studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have implicated a frontal-parietal network in the top-down control of attention. However, little is known about the timing and sequence of activations within... more
We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to evaluate the role of attention in the integration of visual and auditory features of multisensory objects. This was done by contrasting the ERPs to multisensory stimuli (AV) to the sum of the... more
Several major cognitive neuroscience models have posited that focal spatial attention is required to integrate different features of an object to form a coherent perception of it within a complex visual scene. Although many behavioral... more
Recent behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) studies have revealed cross-modal interactions in endogenous spatial attention between vision and audition, plus vision and touch. The present ERP study investigated whether these... more
We demonstrate a previously unknown gender difference in the distribution of spatial attention, a basic capacity that supports higher-level spatial cognition. More remarkably, we found that playing an action video game can virtually... more
Separating transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of Broca's area and speech therapy in chronic aphasia: a controlled outcome study
Synesthesia is a condition in which stimulation in one modality also gives rise to a perceptual experience in a second modality. In two recent studies we found that the condition is more common than previously reported; up to 5% of the... more
Attention is often conceived as a gateway to consciousness . Although endogenous spatial attention may be independent of conscious perception (CP) , exogenous spatial orienting seems instead to be an important modulator of CP . Here, we... more
When asked to estimate the outcome of arithmetic problems, participants overestimate for addition problems and underestimate for subtraction problems, both in symbolic and non-symbolic format. This bias is referred to as operational... more
When asked to estimate the outcome of arithmetic problems, participants overestimate for addition problems and underestimate for subtraction problems, both in symbolic and non-symbolic format. This bias is referred to as operational... more
Cerebral blood flow PET scans and high-density event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded (separate sessions) while subjects viewed rapidly-presented, lower-visual-field, bilateral stimuli. Active attention to a designated side of the... more
Background-Attention, the processing of one source of information to the exclusion of others, is important for most cognitive processes, including language. Evidence suggests not only that dysfunctional attention mechanisms contribute to... more
In this study, 7-19-year-olds performed an interrupted visual search task in two experiments. Our question was whether the tendency to respond within 500 ms after a second glimpse of a display (the rapid resumption effect [Psychological... more
Cerebral blood flow PET scans and high-density event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded (separate sessions) while subjects viewed rapidly-presented, lower-visual-field, bilateral stimuli. Active attention to a designated side of the... more
Unilateral spatial neglect is a neuropsychological syndrome commonly observed after stroke and defined by the inability to attend or respond to contralesional stimuli. Typically, symptoms are assessed using clinical tests that rely upon... more
Patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) report cognitive difficulties, affecting the ability to represent, perceive and use their affected limb. Moseley, Gallace & Spence (2009) observed that CRPS patients tend to bias the... more
We investigated whether anxiety facilitates detection of threat stimuli outside the focus of overt attention, and the time course of the interference produced by threat distractors. Threat or neutral word distractors were presented in... more
In a previous study using positron emission tomography (PET), we demonstrated that focused attention to a location in the visual field produced increased regional cerebral blood flow in the fusiform gyrus contralateral to the attended... more
Research with adult subjects has provided convincing evidence for the existence of a covert visual attention system with the function of modulating shifts in overt visual attention, or gaze. The covert visual attention system becomes... more
The effects of age on the neural processes underlying shifts in visuospatial attention were studied by non-invasive recording of brain electrical activity. Event-related evoked potentials (ERPs) were recorded in young (age 28-36 years... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
The mechanism by which visual-spatial attention affects the detection of faint signals has been the subject of considerable debate. It is well known that spatial cuing speeds signal detection. This may imply that attentional cuing... more
Patients with right hemisphere injury frequently neglect to cancel targets primarily in the left part of the page nearest the body. Since this region is diagonally opposite the area from where such patients usually begin cancelling, near... more
Background-Some studies have suggested that in stroke patients, spatial inattention on the cancellation test is closely related to disorganized visual search. However, methods to assess spatial aspects of search organization on... more
A priming procedure was used to study the processing of distractors located either inside (between the location of two targets) or outside (peripherally to the locations of the targets) the focus of attention. The stimuli were five-letter... more
Over the last decade, the additional singleton task has been widely used to study visual statistical learning. In this paradigm, participants are instructed to find a target while ignoring a series of distractors. In some trials, a... more
Although a direct relationship between numerical-allocation and spatial-attention has been proposed, recent research suggests these processes are not directly coupled. In keeping with this, spatial attention shifts induced either via... more
To determine the manner in which attention is distributed among numerous locations in the visual space, we used a multifocal recording technique that allowed simultaneous recordings of evoked cortical activity from 12 visual field areas... more
Attention can be focused voluntarily and effectively on spatial locations in order to enhance the processing of task-relevant events. However, work on 'attentional capture' has demonstrated that spatial biases can be temporarily reset by... more