Space and time
Recent papers in Space and time
It is explicated that human brain functions as ‘radio’ capable of projecting thought and emotional frequencies that may be categorized to operate on two distinct bands: the low frequency band (similar to the AM band) and the high... more
This dissertation is submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of Natal, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
The question that guides this article is as follows: how do the formal innovations pointed to by Mallarmé as unpredictable ruptures with respect to tradition - namely, the double page and the division of motifs - contribute to creating a... more
The manual explores the subject of liturgical celebrations in all its components with a special focus on those related to time and space. After highlighting the definition of “liturgical celebration” and the specific identity of the... more
The basic characteristics of space-time as a requisite dualistic condition of creation has been explicated. It is emphasized that space and time represent a set of conjugate phenomena that are symbiotic in nature in a sense that one... more
It is indicated that consciousness is imparted to humanity through projection of divine coded Light that is crystalline, coherent and intelligible. It is further elucidated that Light is composed of consciousness particulates that... more
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
La propiedad de los gestos de ser deícticos refiere a su capacidad de señalar en alguna dirección, a algo o a alguien: con el índice extendido, la mano, la mirada, la barbilla, los labios, la cabeza, etc. La variedad de formas que tenemos... more
The aim of this essay is to analyse the concepts of "space" and "time" in Eliot's "Burnt Norton". Even though Eliot's reflection is generally associated with the importance of time, it could be possible to affirm that the idea of "time"... more
The dawn of the new crystalline age and the Ascension progression has been discussed within the context of the new 144 Crystalline Grid and its relevance to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the Cosmic Trigger of the triple dates, and the... more
A geometric model has been introduced for the dimensional depiction of consciousness. According to this model, a consciousness 'dimension' may be represented through definition of concentric spherical layers in space/innerspace stretching... more
The mechanics of consciousness as pertains to a soul experiencing life within multiple continuums of time and space indigenous to different dimensions of consciousness has been discussed. It has been explicated that a soul absorbs a... more
The explicit geometrical form of the quaternion is considered as three orthogonal phi spiral rotations of increasing amplitude. Each spiral can be assigned an angular frequency and initial phase difference. The geometric trajectories or... more
The following are the slides that were published as a part of a paper in 2012 that was re-published in 2014 in the It is reproduced here as a slide presentation paper for the benefit of the public.
It is explicated that as a result of separation from the SELF and its divinity, exacerbated by the fact that humanity has been reincarnating for many millennia, it has come to forget its ethereal or angelic aspect, thus being mesmerized... more
This book presents a cognitive linguistic study of distance representations carried out using the British National Corpus and the National Corpus of Polish. Corpusbased examination of linguistic expressions of spatial expanse in the... more
The mechanics of consciousness as pertains to projection of coherent light on a soul has been discussed. It is elucidated that consciousness is discrete in nature and occurs on a quantum scale through flashing of adamantine or Akash... more
This thesis explores the concepts of space and time in videogames. From the designer's monitor to the player's screen, spatiotemporal elements shape the player's experience of videogame spaces, expanding on her perceptions of everyday... more
The mechanics of consciousness as it is disseminated upon us is explored in this article. It is discussed that consciousness is imparted upon humanity through the Earth Grid via a holographic reality software, encoded as the binary... more
An overview of the phenomenon of unity consciousness has been presented. As consciousness is a quantum phenomenon, the subject of unity consciousness has been explored from the stance of the quantum mechanics ideology. It is explicated... more
An Overview of what has been referred to as "Seven Higher Heaven" in Metaphysics, and what The Book of Urantia refers to as "Superuniverses" has been explicated. It is elucidated that the first (outer) 84 dimensions of Cosmos provide the... more
Unique investigation into the nature of death for 4th- and 5th- dimensional beings.
This book explores modernity, the disciplines, and their interplay by drawing in critical considerations of time, space, and their enmeshments. Based in anthropology and history, and drawing on social-political theory (as well as other,... more
Jazz has a unique character and history that finds analogy in matters of life and death. Its spontaneous and courageous aspect provides compelling models for leadership and social creativity and has a procreative capacity that imitates... more
Contemporary geographical thought is constrained by a political economic imagination rooted in binarism, which is exemplified in debates surrounding neoliberalism. Neoliberal proponents call for decentralization and increased capital... more
The discussion of the Creation of Nebadon Universe and its universal structure is continued. It is explicated, herein, that clearly, with dissemination of the quanta of energy in the two conjugate-mirrored spaces or Worlds, that depending... more
The basic problem that confronts the standard models of the universe, is the problem of initial singularity characterized by infinite density, infinite temperature and infinite space time curvature. In this model the author introduces a... more
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
Although the concept of absolute space was the product of Newton’s genius alone, it did have precursors in the philosophical concepts of space developed by Patrizi and Gassendi before him as well as a long history of changes, adaptations... more
Modern physics is based on two paradigms that emerged from the Second Scientific Revolution - relativity and the quantum. Since their inception these two theoretical giants have advanced science and society far beyond anything that their... more
Consciousness is that omnipotent source of energy behind the Prime Creator, the progenitor of our consciousness and the chief architect of our programs of reality that affords our life experiences. And, the way that consciousness... more
As museums are increasingly attracted to Virtual Reality (VR) technology as a display resource, this research argues for a pressing need to examine the role of VR objects in the museum and how visitors picture the past via such intangible... more
Space and the built forms of it are increasingly recognized as fundamental in social analysis and theoretical discourse across the social sciences. Whether generally, as an integral part of any cultural, social, or ideological aspect of... more
This book provides a survey of the history of Western concepts of space, opens up interdisciplinary approaches to the phenomenon of space in fields ranging from physics and geography to philosophy and sociology, and explains how... more
We consider the Universe deep inside the cell of uniformity. At these scales, the Universe is filled with inhomogeneously distributed discrete structures (galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies), which perturb the background Friedmann... more
notion d'ordre dans les mathématiques au XIX e siècle, 4 novembre 2005, Maison de la Recherche, Clermont-Ferrand.
Tomando como punto de partida una reflexión sobre el presente, sus grandes transformaciones y desafíos epistémicos, los autores reflexionan acerca del lugar prominente que los análisis sociales le confieren al eje “local-global” en la... more
While recently more and more literature addressing lesbian issues in Latin America has appeared in sociology and literary criticism, in the area of film this is a rather new territory. This essay, therefore, seeks to explore such... more