Space Missions

7,492 papers
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Space missions refer to planned and executed endeavors to explore outer space, involving the deployment of spacecraft, satellites, or probes to gather data, conduct experiments, or achieve specific scientific, exploratory, or commercial objectives beyond Earth's atmosphere.
A set of analysis tools has been created in a community-based team environment to support ground resource allocation planning. This new tool, called GRAPE, combines analysis, monitoring, and search capability into an existing community... more
Long-duration missions (e.g. to the Moon, asteroids, or Mars) require astronauts to collaborate and interact with complex computerized equipment and facilities under dynamic and hazardous conditions. The Mission Execution Crew Assistant... more
Ongoing and planned smallsat programs within NASA, the DoD, and academia have indicated a need to be able to routinely and efficiently operate multiple small spacecraft in support of science and technology missions. However, as the number... more
The goals and system-level requirements for the next generation aerospace vehicles emphasize safety, reliability, low-cost, and robustness rather than performance. Technologies, including new materials, design and analysis approaches,... more
Assignment about exoplanets and detection methods, with examples.
The recent improvements achieved in the Homoepitaxial Chemical Vapour Deposition technique have led to the production of highquality detector-grade single-crystal diamonds. Diamond-based detectors have shown excellent performances in UV... more
In light of the renewed international interest in lunar exploration, including plans for setting up a permanent human outpost on the Moon, the need for next generation earth-based human space mission simulators has become inevitable and... more
The authors describe some new estimates concerning the recently proposed SEE (Satellite Energy Exchange) experiment for measuring the gravitational interaction parameters in space. The experiment entails precision tracking of the relative... more
In the search for extraterrestrial life, the focus has predominantly been on chemical signatures and the presence of water. However, a novel approach could involve the investigation of electromagnetic waves and magnetic fields emitted by... more
-Anewppdsion concept for high AV space missions, termed LABS (Liquid Annular Re&or System), uses liquid nuclear fuel elements to heat hyw ppllant to very high temperatures (4000 K). The molten fuel is contained in a lower-temperature... more
EBEX (the E and B EXperiment) is a balloon-borne telescope designed to measure the polarisation of the cosmic microwave background radiation. During a two week long duration science flight over Antarctica, EBEX will operate 768, 384 and... more
This article investigates a hypothesis that solar sunspot variability perturbs Van Allen Belt particle dynamics, with cascading effects on Earth's electromagnetic environment and surface systems. While emphasizing established... more
Atomic clocks are an outstanding tool for the experimental verification of general relativity and more generally for fundamental astronomy (VLBI, pulsar timing, navigation, etc). Recent years have seen a rapid improvement in the... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
The nozzle is an important component of the rocket motor system, and a rocket’s overall performance is highly reliant on its aerodynamic design. The nozzle contour can be meticulously shaped to improve performance significantly. The... more
In 1995, Mayor and Queloz [a] detected for the first time a planet orbiting a nearby star (15.4 parsecs). Since then, the interest in the detection of extra-solar planets, in order to learn about the origin, evolution, and composition of... more
Thousands of exoplanets have now been discovered with a huge range of masses, sizes and orbits: from rocky Earth-like planets to large gas giants grazing the surface of their host star. However, the essential nature of these exoplanets... more
The discovery of almost two thousand exoplanets has revealed an unexpectedly diverse planet population. We see gas giants in few-day orbits, whole multi-planet systems within the orbit of Mercury, and new populations of planets with... more
The science of extra-solar planets is one of the most rapidly changing areas of astrophysics and since 1995 the number of planets known has increased by almost two orders of magnitude. A combination of ground-based surveys and dedicated... more
The technical personnel in the SEMA office are working to provide the highest degree of value-added activities to their support of the NASA Langley Research Center mission. Management perceives that reliability analysis tools and an... more
Important psychosocial issues involving tension, cohesion, leader support, and displacement of negative emotions were evaluated in a 4 1/2-year study involving five U.S. and four Russian Shuttle/Mir space missions. Weekly mood and group... more
As we approach the opportunity to send humans to Mars, we do so with an awareness of the risks and challenges crewed missions will face. Living and working in low-Earth orbit and visits to the moon five decades ago have provided a wealth... more
or the Keck telescope cannot make these kinds of observations due to their optical designs and narrow fields of view. The first generation of digital wide-field surveys from the ground (e.g. Sloan) have resulted in significant advances in... more
In this paper, in this edition of the Journal commemorating the life and work of David Wynn-Williams, we consider approaches to the astrobiological investigation of Mars. We provide a brief account of the scientific rationale behind the... more
The Italian participation to the consortium for the construction of a mid infrared (MIR) instrument for the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) has been defined during 2001. In this paper, a brief discussion about the key points of... more
Three Corner Sat (3CS) is a mission of 3 university nanosatellites scheduled for launch in late 2002. The 3CS mission will utilize significant autonomy to perform onboard science data validation and replanning. The 3CS mission will use... more
Complete planning and scheduling of all spacecraft operations is a challenging area with the remote agent experiment at Deep Space 1 being a pioneering system. Still the complete approach is rare in practice. For example, in the Mars... more
A three dimensional thermal analysis of a Lorentz force accelerator featuring an open heat pipe as a propellant feeding system is made in order to correct heat transfer problems that became apparent during attempts to operate the device.... more
Autobiographies, memoirs, interviews, and oral histories of 72 spaceflight veterans were content analyzed to assess reported coping strategies in each phase of space missions (before, during, and after the flight). Comparisons were made... more
by P R
We apply a recently derived and explicitly closed form of the equations of chemically reacting flows under local thermodynamic equilibrium to investigate its appli- cability to hypersonic flows. This new model rigorously takes into... more
Tropospheric ozone estimates have been obtained using the residuals technique of Fishman et al. Based on existing TOMS and SBUV satellite data. However, the TOMS and SBUV data must be gathered from separate satellites and spectral... more
We apply a recently derived and explicitly closed form of the equations of chemically reacting flows under local thermodynamic equilibrium to investigate its appli- cability to hypersonic flows. This new model rigorously takes into... more
Among the 17 volumes of results from the Hipparcos space mission, two are dedicated to variable stars. These two volumes arose from the work of two groups, one at the Geneva Observatory and one at RGO (Royal Greenwich Observatory), on the... more
Proof-of-concept demonstrator software.
Constellation Pathfinder will demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating and launching three 1-kg satellites (nanosatellites) that are capable of collecting and returning quality scientific and engineering data for several months. The... more
The great amount of data that will be produced during the imaging of Mercury by the stereo camera (STC) of the BepiColombo mission needs a compromise with the restrictions imposed by the band downlink that could drastically reduce the... more
A short overview is given of the Solar Orbiter mission. First, the key scientific aims of the mission are briefly described. As the mission profile has consequences on the design of the payload instruments and their calibration, the... more
The Phoenix Lander, first of NASA's Mars Scout missions, arrived at the Red Planet on May 25, 2008. From the moment the lander separated from its interplanetary cruise stage shortly before entry, the spacecraft could no longer communicate... more
The New Hard X-ray imaging and polarimetric Mission (NHXM) makes a synergic use of broad band spectroscopy (0.3-80 keV, 120 keV goal) and polarimetry (2-35 keV) as complementary diagnostics of the same astrophysical systems. Here we... more