Southeast Europe
Recent papers in Southeast Europe
The overall objective of this research project has been to improve the impact of vocational education and training (VET) at secondary school level on social inclusion and social cohesion in the countries of South Eastern Europe, Turkey... more
Review of Xavier Bougarel, Hannes Grandits, Marija Vulesica, eds., Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe, Routledge, London and New York 2019, pp. 281.
This paper lays out a new framework for thinking about Albania's participation in the First World War.
This thesis examines the different layers of identity among the Serbs of Vojvodina and their implications for political preferences regarding the basic structure of the state, namely either for regionalisation or for a centralised model... more
""This article is an ethnographic study of a 29-kilometer stretch of cross-border highway located in South Albania and linking the city of Gjirokaster with the main checkpoint on the Albanian–Greek border. The road, its politics, and its... more
Western Balkan countries continue to struggle with some major institutional and structural problems, which affect progress in almost all areas. The rule of law, which is a central feature of a modern democratic society, is not ensured.... more
Die GIZ/CIM-Studie mit dem Titel „Migrationsnetzwerke zwischen Deutschland und den Herkunftsstaaten Republik Albanien und Republik Kosovo“ untersucht Migrationsnetzwerke, verstanden als soziale Netzwerke von Migranten zwischen... more
China’s emergence as a financial backer and operator of development projects in the Balkans not only carries significant benefits for recipient countries and the EU, but also presents some possible challenges. On one hand, the host... more
By recovering and interpreting the hidden technological variability in the first pottery at Ilindentsi-Massovets, this paper reveals the innovative adaptations to local conditions that the adoption of pottery production, as a new... more
"Table of Contents Acknowledgments Bryan Rennie, Introduction: Themes in the International Eliade 1. The Sacralization of Time Michel Meslin, The Sacralization of Time in the Thought of Mircea Eliade Pablo Wright and César... more
Небојша Вилиќ (2010) КРИТИЧКА УМЕТНОСТ. Разговори со Бојан Иванов, Зоран Попоски, Мира Гаќина и Жанета Вангели. Скопје: 359 [124 страни со 39 илустрации во боја] Во последните неколку години, а во рамките на македонска-та... more
Studie se zabývá historickým vývojem a kolonizací oblasti dnes srbského a rumunského Banátu, kde se v průběhu 18. století zformovala Banátská vojenská hranice. Její vznik je výsledkem mnohaletého historicko-politického vývoje, jenž byl... more
У четири писма Николи Стојановићу из 1917. и 1918. Љубомир Стојановић је износио своје мисли о тренутној политичкој ситуацији, али како је време одмицало и ратна срећа се окретала Антанти и њеним савезницима, и о могућим решењима... more
Délkelet-Európa területén az elmúlt közel 30 évben nagy változások történtek. A kommunizmus bukásával a régióban fellángolt a nacionalizmus, amely több államban véres harcokhoz és polgárháborúhoz vezetett. A demokratikus értékek... more
The publication explores practices of critical contemporary fine arts – practices of research, progressive and experimental actions by contemporary fine artists from the 1990s to the present, in four countries in the region – Croatia,... more
Bundan 20 yıl önce kanlı savașlara sahne olan ve siyasi istikrarsızlık, zayıf devlet kurumları ve ekonomik geri kalmıșlıkla karakterize edilen Batı Balkan ülkeleri, bugün AB ile bütünleșme yolunda farklı hızlarda yol alıyor. AB'nin 15... more
The members of four generations of the national elite known as "Parisians" played a prominent role in the political development of modern Serbia. Liberals, Progressives, Radicals and Independent Radicals profoundly shaped the process of... more
Scholars of Southeast Europe have argued that the build-‐up of nationalism in Yugoslavia and its successor states was accompanied by a significant shift in the public discourse, as the national political elites began to employ a... more
Dieser Beitrag kann vom Nutzer zu eigenen nicht-kommerziellen Zwecken heruntergeladen und/oder ausgedruckt werden. Darüber hinaus gehende Nutzungen sind ohne weitere Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber nur im Rahmen der gesetzlichen... more
The epigraphic material published in the present paper derives from the town of Chalcis (Ottoman Aġrıboz/Eğriboz) and is exhibited at the Karababa Fortress; it currently belongs to the 23rd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities. The corpus... more
Lessons from the Post-War Balkans. Part 6 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi). Includes the articles: * 'Interethnic Policymaking for Interethnic Tolerance' by Islam Yusufi * 'Islam in Southeast European... more
What exactly is ‘soft co-optive power’, according to scores of very different and oft-conflicting definitions? And if we ever get over this riddle, how does China define its soft power and what is the rationale behind its 'waixuan'... more
At the very beginning I would like to emphasise something: this book is not only about Bosnia-Herzegovina. It is not only about Sarajevo and East Sarajevo. It is about all those people from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo, East Sarajevo and... more
An overview of the Balkan Wars as a precursor to the First World War
Exactly 20 years ago, a wave of popular uprisings swept across Eastern Europe and allowed citizens from Eastern Germany to Romania to reclaim their freedom. At the helm, extolling democracy, were standing dissidents, civil society... more
This is a review of Robert C. Austin's Founding a Balkan State: Albania's Experiment with Democracy, 1920-1925. It appeared in Canadian Slavonic Papers in 2013.
A basic question in current debates of international relations is whether intergovernmental organizations influence inter-state conflict behavior. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the major actors of the West European security... more
Dissertation: The Serbs and Vojvodina: Ethnic Identity within a Multiethnic Region Associate member of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Research bursary, Centre for Russian and East European Studies,... more
SEE marked the twentieth century because of the numerous crises and conflicts that permanently marked regional, European and world history. In order to understand processes in SEE, in order to protect their own national interests, with... more
A 14 C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC) Dear colleagues, in our first update of the 14SEA website about 350 new dates were added to the database. We also took the opportunity to slightly redesign the... more