Archaeological materials from the Mediterranean world in Southeast Asia are scarce and their social context and cultural implications are rarely considered, while objects in Mediterranean style are often misinterpreted or overlooked.... more
I was very happy to be included in the new Cambridge History of Southeast Asia edited by the Barbara and Leonard Andaya. Scholarship on warfare in the Southeast Asian region is really taking off and where studies are not overtly warfare... more
This paper examines the archival, historical, and archaeological findings related to Candaba, a town situated in a swampy area. The pre-Hispanic name of Candaba was Candaue, and it was located near the present cemetery. Over time, the... more
This study aims to describe qualitatively the portrait of children's education in the perspective of the Banjar tribal fishing community in Karang Anyar Village, this phenomenon is very interesting and important to study... more
The dynamics of the Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah organization in North Sumatra, Indonesia, in the past, present, and future are covered in this essay. Al Washliyah is a group that has its roots in the city of Medan and has grown there while... more
Objective: This paper will help the students to appreciate the variety and diversity of Indian writing in English in the twentieth century.
As the Burrnese became intimately familiar with Western learning and its technology, such as maps and globes, European knowledge gradually lost its mystique. Of course, there were still "mysterious" things about Western knowledge, but the... more
In response to political expansion, Court literati in the middle Konbaung Dynasty were forging a flexible, inclusive Burman ethnic category that might have become the very broad category of Burmese today, but in the process of inclusion... more
1. Introduction : Definition and Scope of accounting, Its role and functions, History of accounting, Generally accepted accounting principles, Purpose and nature of accounting information-Users of accounting information. Branches of... more
This study aims to find out the history of establishment of the Organization of Al Jamiatul Washliyah in Tanah Karo In the year 1938-1967. To know the efforts and role of Al Jamiatul Washliyah in Advancing Education in Tanah Karo. To know... more
Through a detailed reading of a recent study of medieval Buddhism and politics in Sri Lanka in conjunction with a number of other works, this article explores the troubling legacy of translating the historical questions of subjectivity... more
The Islamic community of North Sumatra is accustomed to and very familiar with the education fostered by Al Washliyah. As the largest Islamic community organization in North Sumatra, it has profound influence upon the community so that... more
In general, this study aims to find organizational communication on Islamic organizations in overcoming conflict and imaging in North Sumatra. In particular to find out and analyze: the form of coordination of the tasks of Islamic mass... more
This essay discusses the question whether Augustine and Thoreau should be seen as a "holy man." It analyzes the genre of autobiography and hagiography in the ancient world and in 19th century America. It discusses the problem of... more
Minangkabau and Mandailing are two different ethnicities. Minangkabau ethnicity has a modernist dominant Muslim and has a matrilineal tradition. While the Mandailing ethnic group has a conservative dominant Islam and has a patrilinear... more
Historically, Vietnam and Japan have had long-standing relations. The two countries not only have similar history and culture but also very old trade relations. Since the beginning of the 15 th century, Japanese people have been trading... more
Review of "This Life at Play: Memoirs by Girish Karnad"
Work to apply luminescence dating to archaeological sites in the Lower Mekong Delta has continued with a programme aimed at dating ancient canal sediments and brick monuments in the vicinity of ancient city of Angkor Borei. Following the... more
Geo-informatics technologies are utilized in the conservation and management of cultural heritage and in related studies. For example, remote sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) technologies are utilized as tools for... more
This study presents preliminary results of research on pre-Angkorian canals near the ancient settlement of Angkor Borei in the southern Mekong delta of southern Cambodia. The canals have been mapped by aerial photograph interpretation and... more
This article is broadly concerned with the unique ethical quandaries anthropologists face when conducting research in touristic milieus, as well as the ethical dilemmas that ensue once we have left the field and are engaged in... more
relative time period: Follows the Southeast Asia Early Prehistoric. This period is considered the interface between the late prehistoric and early historic periods and is sometimes called the Protohistoric period. Complex polities emerged... more
The book ‘ Protection’, written by Shuvro Prosun Sarker, published in the year 2017 by the Springer Nature in their Palgrave Macmillan imprint, richly deserves a review. This is even more so in light of the recently amended legislation on... more
Microfossil and sedimentological data from a 3.1 m core extracted from a reservoir (baray) at the ancient Cambodian settlement of Angkor Borei in the Mekong Delta have provided a continuous record of sedimentation and paleoenvironments... more
Decolonisation has become a buzzword in academic circles today, and the efforts to decolonise knowledge and knowledge production are many and complex. However, it can also be argued that 'decolonisation' is not a discipline per se, but... more
This study aims to compare literacy produced by scholars from two major Islamic organizations in Indonesia, namely Al-Jami'atul Washliyah in North Sumatera and Nadhlatul Wathan in West Nusa Tenggara. A comparative study was conducted by... more
Through the content analysis of Matsumoto Nobuhiro’s pre-war writings, the PhD thesis examines Japan’s pre-war academic perspective of Southeast Asia and Indochina. Matsumoto Nobuhiro was one of early ethnologists and one of the two... more
Although it is an almost established understanding in European and North American literature that race is a social construct, the general academic and social discourses surrounding race in Japan remain outside this model. This can be... more
Years deviation of the age estimate. Negative is underestimation, positive is overestimation, zero is accurate estimation. 5. Errorabs: The absolute error of the estimation, all deviations made positive. 6. Origindate: Date of manufacture... more
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memetakan model dakwah yang ideal di organisasi Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. Model dakwah ini menjadi penting untuk dibahas karena dakwah merupakan ruh dari pada syariat Islam, tanpa kegiatan dakwah ajaran Islam... more
Islam, as a religion, has been dominant in Central Asia for about 1,300 years; however, the Central Asian Islam is different to that of Islam in other regions. With the advent of Islam at Central Asia from Arab peninsula, it transformed... more
In the beginning of the first century A.D. a Hindu community existed in Funan. The oldest Hindu kingdom established in the lower valley of the Mekong, the area now included in the Indo-China peninsula was known as the funan with its... more
A loom in use in Balai Cacang village in the Minangkabau region of Sumatra has an unusual warp suspension system, in which the warp is attached to a cord and tensioned around a pole. We show that this system is similar to that used on... more
Tentang cara pengajuan hukum keberatan terhadap pusan kppu
This paper presents a case study in the analysis of anthropogenically reset sedimentary materials, through work undertaken to identify and date sediments in an ancient canal in the Mekong Delta, Cambodia. The emergence of rice cultivating... more
This study presents preliminary results of research on pre-Angkorian canals near the ancient settlement of Angkor Borei in the southern Mekong delta of southern Cambodia. The canals have been mapped by aerial photograph interpretation and... more
In this article, I wish to explore the now much valorized separation of the artist from the critic. In arguing that these two orientations overlap and that the one is constitutive of the other, I wish to place the role and function of the... more
Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa berkembangnya dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan Islam di Indonesia sampai saat ini tidak terlepas dari usaha dan peran ulama Indonesia. Para ulama yang memiliki semangat juang yang tinggi melihat betapa... more
Tugas Filsafat Pendidikan Islam
Pendahuluan Disamping sebagai tugas kuliah yang harus dikerjakan oleh mahasiswa pascasarjana uinsu Prodi Pedi C Non Reguler ternyata dengan sedikit memahami ketiga jurnal yang direview ini benar benar membuka wawasan tentang tokoh-tokoh... more
1. SYEKH HASAN MAKSUM Kontribusi Hasan Maksum dalam dunia pendidikan sudah terlihat dari riwayat pendidikannya. Sebagai seorang pelajar yang giat, sudah tentu beliau juga memiliki cita-cita besar bagi bangsa dan negaranya. Hasan Maksum... more