South Asian Art
Recent papers in South Asian Art
This is a slightly revised version of my doctoral thesis, in which I have attempted to assemble all the available evidence on the genesis and early development of the directional guardians in Indian culture (mainly Brahmanical / Hindu).... more
draft only of the presentation to be presented at the first EAAA conference, Olomouc, September 2014.
If you want a better copy, please email me.
If you want a better copy, please email me.
Das Thema dieser Sektion »Verformen, Umformen und Übermalen« spielt oft im Kontakt zwischen verschiedenen religiösen Traditionen eine Rolle, beispielsweise, wenn Heiligtümer einer bestehenden Religion umgebaut werden zu Sakralräumen eines... more
In the framework of religious phenomena, proselytism could be considered as the core element of all religions apart from cultural environment or political authority. In a few words, we can say that religion is bound for spreading true... more
Traditional Arts of South Asia: Continuity in Contemporary Practice & Patronage. ISBN 9781872843322, London: Saffron Books, 2015. AUTHOR/EDITOR: Crispin Branfoot. OTHER CONTRIBUTORS: Anna Dallapiccola; Eiluned Edwards; Adam Hardy; Robin... more
Commentary on the Nepal Earthquake and rebuilding of cultural heritage sites. Orientations Magazine, June 2015.
Short paper abstract This paper explores vernacular uses and responses to photography in India through an analysis of a selection of artefacts produced at Nathdwara for Pushti Marg devotees. These works will challenge established notions... more
In the enchanted world of Braj, the primary pilgrimage center in north India for worshippers of Krishna, each stone, river, and tree is considered sacred. In Climate Change and the Art of Devotion, Sugata Ray shows how this place-centered... more
The article focuses on the ancient multivalent connections between dance and sculpture, in India
This report summarizes the challenges and recommendations for Canada's healthcare system in the areas of mental health, sexual health, and chronic disease health for South Asian communities in Toronto, Canada. This report captures the... more
“Cloud Gate” encompasses a space that is both material and spiritual at a level beyond the immediate comprehension of the viewer. Kapoor talks of this experience as being “a direct attribute of the sublime”, a description he made of... more
[Introductory essay in:] "Sikh Heritage: Ethos and Relics" by Bhayee Sikandar Singh and Roopinder Singh. (New Delhi: Rupa) This book's two authors have worked in a unique partnership that transcended their individual... more
From the very earliest times, a range of stylistic possibilities was open to Indian painters. Divine Visions, Earthly Pleasures highlights many appealing styles and trends found in this rich tradition. The Indian artist constantly plays... more
My East is Your West (2015) and After Midnight (2015), two recent exhibitions of modern and contemporary South Asian art in Venice and New York, present an important opportunity to reflect on the changing relationship between museological... more
'architetto Giacomo Mutti , scomparso nel 2013, era un grande appassionato dell'India ed un profondo conoscitore delle sue arti la cui idea di collezionismo era strettamente legata al desiderio di diffondere e trasmettere la millenaria... more
ECSAS Vienna 2020. Focusing on the devotional sect of Pushtimarg, this panel encourages a diversity of papers to stimulate new debates on the significance of the sect vis-à-vis its social histories, devotional practices, theologies,... more
A survey of visual forms in Pakistan which are based on intuition and cultural conditioning. The paper puts forward the possibility of forging an identity through these forms and identifies the educational curricula in Pakistan as an... more
Essay on Pakistani artist Lala Rukh's (1948-2017) Documenta 14 commission. The essay was part of the publication 'Rupak', published by Grey Noise, Dubai in April of 2017.
When the twenty-three year old Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler used his modest capital to open his first gallery on 28 rue Vignon in 1907, he approached his new profession as art dealer with a degree of ideological commitment to the art of his... more
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The purpose of this discussion is to present the general characteristics of Tibetan thangka paintings and the forms of damage to which they are susceptible.
Published in the book 'Ebrahim Alkazi: Directing Art | The Making of a Modern Indian Art World' (2016), this essay is part of my ongoing research on exhibition histories of South Asia 'Around Exhibitions: Circles of Engagement'. The... more
Hiran Minar is yet another masterpiece of mughal architecture. Unique in design, pattern and setting, the monument adds a glorious chapter to the mughals, their love for building edifices of great strength and grandeur of noble simplicity... more
Tarihi boyunca orduya büyük önem veren, hatta bazı dönemler militarist yaklaşımlar benimsemiş Japonya, 1946 tarihinden sonra anayasal pasifizm dönemine girmiş ve ABD ile sıkı ilişkiler geliştirerek askeri güvenliğini tamamen ABD'ye... more