South Asian Archaeology
Recent papers in South Asian Archaeology
2016 Madison South Asia Conference Abstract - Indian Buddhist ritual texts (ca. 6th-7th centuries CE) detail a systematization of mantra families (kulas) through which female deities gain new importance in Mahāyāna ritual and... more
This is a slightly revised version of my doctoral thesis, in which I have attempted to assemble all the available evidence on the genesis and early development of the directional guardians in Indian culture (mainly Brahmanical / Hindu).... more
I am in the beginning stages of establishing the Southeast Asian Numismatics Digital Archive (NOTE: An early proof-of-concept site can be found at A proposal currently under consideration would adopt the numisdata... more
Das Thema dieser Sektion »Verformen, Umformen und Übermalen« spielt oft im Kontakt zwischen verschiedenen religiösen Traditionen eine Rolle, beispielsweise, wenn Heiligtümer einer bestehenden Religion umgebaut werden zu Sakralräumen eines... more
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
This volume cross-examines the stability of heritage as a concept. It interrogates the past which materialises through multi-layered narratives on monuments and other objects that sustain cultural diversity. It seeks to understand how... more
The aim of this study is to present the anthracological results from three archaeological sites located in the North, North West and South East of Sri Lanka. The study is based on the observation and analysis of 1689 charcoal fragments... more
Since Painted Grey Ware (PGW) was identified in North-Western India, seven decades have lapsed and our knowledge base about this type of pottery and the communities that made use of it has grown only very slightly. Archaeology still... more
The three seasons of excavation at Kanmer revealed a large number of animal skeletal remains. This paper presents the results of the analysis carried on the excavated faunal material during the third season (2007-08) from Kanmer. More... more
This article seeks to present a short overview of the astronomy of Sanchi and Udayagiri (near Vidisha), and a longer overview of the astronomy of the Ajanta caves 26 and 19. With regard to Sanchi and Udayagiri, it presents excerpts from... more
This chapter explores the role of terracotta cattle figurines within the Ahar Culture of Chalcolithic Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. It proceeds chronologically and spatially, beginning at Balathal in Rajasthan c. 3700 BC and concluding at... more
Data on burial customs during the Buddhist acculturation phase are extremely scarce in Gandhara and surroundings. This article – on the basis of the unpublished results of an IsMEO excavation directed by Maurizio Taddei in 1963 – sheds... more
The work presented here advances a hypothetical reconstruction of the planning and programming of the building site, the executive process, the construction and decoration, and ultimately the deconsecration and abandonment of an ancient... more
Semenenko A.A. The motif of the three-headed bull in Rigveda and Mature Harappan culture // История. Общество. Политика / РИО ФГБОУ ВО «Брянский государственный университет имени академика И.Г.Петровского». — №3(15). — 2020. — C. 29–37.
One of the many distinctions of J. M. Kenoyer’s research is his emphasis on how Indus Valley material culture was used as a system of visual symbols to unify, maintain and legitimize the Civilization (Kenoyer 1995, 2000). Ceramic vessels... more
During the archaeological campaign of the University of Basle at the Drapham-Dzong in Bhutan from 2008 to 2010, iron slag came to light inside the 15th or 16th century monastery-castle. Moreover, in the bamboo jungle of the nearby hamlet... more
The summary of the research on archaeological sites and settlements in Dinajpur-Joypurhat area of Bangladesh has been included in this short paper.
The occurrence of similar glass beads at archaeological sites in Africa and Asia bears witness to the trade relationship between the two continents. This paper reports elemental analysis results from a recent in-depth laser ablation –... more
A French translation of Skilling 2008, originally published in English :
This is the second edition of earlier title of the same name (2013). The subtitle has been changed here a little. The book contains: * Colour photographs of 70 Ajanta narrative paintings. * * 84 abridged Buddhist legends. * Elementary... more
Hiran Minar is yet another masterpiece of mughal architecture. Unique in design, pattern and setting, the monument adds a glorious chapter to the mughals, their love for building edifices of great strength and grandeur of noble simplicity... more
A word-by-word explanation of the translation of the so-called creation hymn of Rigveda. The translation is very different from traditional ones. As I demonstrate, the hymn has been completely misunderstood by previous translators. The... more
Easily the grandest example of temple architecture in the hills of Malnad, 1 the Vidyashankara temple of Sringeri stands out even in the wider Karnataka region, thanks to its unusually heterogeneous form (Figs. 1, 2 and 3). Its... more
Tekkalakota, located in Bellary District, Karnataka, is well known as a site associated with the Southern Neolithic period (c. 3000 - 1200 BCE). Since this time, it has been continuously occupied, through the Iron Age (c. 1200 - 300 BCE),... more
This article reorients archaeology's approach to things by acknowledging the moment of the encounter with the past as one of speculation. Years of scientific claim, research design and methodology place the agentive nature of research in... more