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This is the first of two articles that examines how knowledge about Singapore and its Straits circulated within European literary circles between 1511 and 1819. The present exposé surveys close to three centuries worth of references to... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryAsian StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
The Philippine-American War (c.1899 – 1913), which led to the colonial subjugation of the Philippines by the United States for over forty years and the suppression of the first independent republic in South-East Asia, is one of America’s... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryMilitary HistoryPropaganda
In the transition to a multipolar international system, the literature has focused on great power competition while little attention has been given to the strategic possibilities of smaller states. However, as a result of globalization,... more
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      South-East AsiaChinese foreign policySmall StatesMyanmar
La regione del Belūcistān è, dopo anni di dominazioni straniere, suddivisa all’interno di tre Stati: Iran, Afghanistan e Pakistan. La sua posizione è notevolmente strategica in quanto situata sul lato occidentale del Medio Oriente,... more
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      East AsiaSouth-East AsiaPakistanEast Asian Studies
The twilight of Second World War has seen a change in the global political relations among the global big powers which also shaped the international political alliances and relations. Using the secondary method of data collection,... more
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      International RelationsChinese StudiesSinologySouth-East Asia
Assessments of Singapore’s history invariably revolve around Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival in 1819. Before this date – we’ve been earlier told – “nothing very much appears to have happened in Singapore”. Pre-1819 Singapore was a sleepy,... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more
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      HistorySociologyHistorical SociologySocial Sciences
This essay looks at Singapore-based company, Theatreworks, directed by Ong Keng Sen1. My focus is the intercultural productions of Theatreworks of the 1990s and 2000s, which have been highly criticised internationally. In researching this... more
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      AnthropologySouth-East AsiaSingaporeDiaspora Studies
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      South-East AsiaIndonesiaPhilippinesBusiness Start-Up
Using extant data, this paper describes and compares trackable variations in the imprisonment of women over the last couple of decades across eight Southeast Asian countries including the following: Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand,... more
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      South-East AsiaGenderWomenImprisonment
Crises of Empire offers a comprehensive and uniquely comparative analysis of the history of decolonization in the British, French and Dutch empires. By comparing the processes of decolonization across three of the major modern empires,... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryInternational RelationsFrench History
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSouth-East AsiaSoutheast AsiaVietnamese History
University faculty in Southeast Asia (SEA) is being required to take on new roles and responsibilities resulting from rapid changes in higher education. To date, a range of faculty development (FD) initiatives has been implemented,... more
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      Higher EducationSouth-East AsiaFaculty DevelopmentTeachers' professional development
The concept of hidden curriculum has become well established. It addresses the contexts of learning, the actions of students’ peers and teachers, and other domains which shape learning but are not part of official syllabuses. The concept... more
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      Comparative & International EducationSouth-East AsiaCambodiaPrivatisation Of Public Space
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      Military HistoryPacific Island StudiesSouth-East AsiaAsia Pacific Region
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      War StudiesSouth-East AsiaWar CrimesVietnam War
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      HistoryCartographySoutheast Asian StudiesEarly Modern History
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    • South-East Asia
New Delhi is carefully following developments in the South China Sea as part of her “Looking East” policy and helping Vietnam exploit offshore oil and build her maritime capacities. However, Indian policy is cautious and aptly described... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisIndian studies
NOTES: The early versions of this paper are stored in arxiv (hosted by Cornell University Library): CITATION: DASJ Talabis, EJV Manay, AL Babierra, JJM Flores and JF Rabajante. 2013. A Numerical Model... more
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      SociologyApplied MathematicsDemographySocial Sciences
Tom Chiny i Azja Wschodnia. Dziedzictwo w obliczu przemian powstał z okazji 80. rocznicy urodzin profesora Krzysztofa Gawlikowskiego (1940–2021), badacza Chin i Azji Wschodniej, orędownika dialogu międzykulturowego, twórcy Centrum Badań... more
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      AnthropologyInternational RelationsSinologyPolitical Science
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      HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesChinese StudiesHistoriography
This study tests the differences in the shared understanding of the backpacker cultural domain between two groups: backpackers from Australasia and backpackers from Asian countries. A total of 256 backpackers responded to a questionnaire... more
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      Cultural StudiesAsian StudiesAnthropologyTourism Studies
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      South-East AsiaAsia Pacific TriennialeCurating contemporary art
From the sixteenth to the nineteenth century Cambodia’s coinage consisted of small silver uniface coins with animal or vegetal designs. These coins continue to defy detailed attribution as their designs are without inscriptions and the... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSouth-East AsiaSoutheast AsiaCambodia
This study investigated what competencies are crucial for culturally competent practice for mental health practitioners with LGBTIQ clients in Thailand. The study used two-round Delphi methodology to aggregate views of mental health... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthDelphi Methodology
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
Mount Meru and SE asian art
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      Art HistorySouth-East AsiaSouth Asian Security DynamicsMount Meru
The tiger Panthera tigris (L.) has a fragmented modern biogeographic range, much contracted by recent extinctions, covering continental Asia from India, Nepal and Bhutan east through China and south to Peninsular Malaysia and the island... more
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      PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatologyArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
In Singapore, digital humanities (DH) is inclusive of the larger spectrum of the humanities, including not only its traditional disciplines (e.g., languages and literature, philosophy, law, geography, history, art history, musicology) but... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Malacca Strait, a waterway located in South East Asia between the Malay Peninsula and the island of Sumatra, is undoubtedly one of the most important strait in the world with more than one third of world’s goods transported through it.... more
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesInternational Security
Engaging with the idea of a gurukulam in the 21st century
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      MusicMusic EducationSouth-East AsiaIndia
Approximately forty contemporary hunter-gatherer societies survive in the increasingly deforested region of South East Asia. Despite the important place of hunter-gatherers in anthropological theory-making, detailed ethnographic... more
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      AnthropologyHuman Behavioral EcologyHuman EvolutionIndigenous Studies
In most south-east Asian countries, the members of the Chinese Diaspora have secured important position in the fields of administration, education and religion. Thanks to their capacity to work and to adapt as well as their frugality,... more
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      CriminologySouth-East AsiaSoutheast AsiaThailand
Job satisfaction explains individuals’ reactions towards their jobs. Many studies find that job satisfaction is a well-known construct that is widely used to study work-related well-being; and contributes significantly to employees’... more
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      South-East AsiaJob Satisfaction
In tourism studies globalization and localization are often conceived of as a binary opposition. The ethnography of an Indonesian group of tour guides presented here illustrates how the global and the local are intimately intertwined... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLanguagesGeography
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceSouth-East AsiaIndonesian Politics
The various forms of Asian drag, their reception in Asia and elsewhere, and their cultural impact.
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      Asian StudiesGender StudiesPopular CultureSouth Asian Studies
There is hardly any country in the world, which does not have an Indian element in its population. So wide is its spread that it could rightly be said that the Sun never sets on the Indian population. Among the Indian Diaspora, Tamils... more
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      South-East AsiaTamil LiteratureTamilTamil Nadu
This paper identifies the right meaning of the vedic terms Dasa and Dasyu.It shows that the popular notion of Dasa and Dasyu as native settlers of ancient India, is not correct.The allusion that the Iranian Ahura and the Vedic Asura... more
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      ReligionAncient HistorySociology of ReligionComparative Literature
"This book offers annotated translations of documents touching on Dutch admiral Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge and his voyage to Asia between 1605 and 1608. These translations are aimed at a contemporary English-speaking Asian readership... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsHistoryMilitary History
In 2015, approximately 1.8 billion young people will be living in the Asia-Pacific region according to the UN. This is a diverse and dynamic group of citizens who will be occupying the frontlines of our societies in the years to come in... more
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      Gender and SexualitySouth-East AsiaFeminism
Modern genetics, ecology and archaeology are combined to reconstruct the domestication and diversification of rice. Early rice cultivation followed two pathways towards domestication in India and China, with selection for domestication... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical LinguisticsArchaeobotanySouth-East Asia
Kajian arkeologi di Lembah Mansuli, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ielah menemukan dua tapak Paleolitik, iaitu Gua Samang Buat dan tapak terbuka Mansuli. Isu utama di Gua Samang Buat ialah berapakah kedalaman sedimen di dalamgua ini selepas... more
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      PalaeogeographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyEarth Sciences
In 1965 New Zealand was an active member of alliances designed to contain the People’s Republic of China in South East Asia. Late the previous year, the Defence Council had warned Cabinet that New Zealand could be at war with China and/or... more
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      International RelationsIntelligenceCold WarSouth-East Asia
This article examines Song-to-Ming printed illustrations celebrating the power of the Diamond Sutra, one of the most widely copied Buddhist scriptures in East Asia. An integral part of printed copies of the Diamond Sutra, these... more
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      BuddhismHistoryArchaeologyPrint Culture
This is an open access book available at: In 1603, Dutch Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk plundered a Portuguese merchantman, the Santa Catarina, travelling from Macao to Melaka. The sale... more
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      International RelationsPolitical TheorySovereigntyJust War
Warning! This file was written in WordPerfect long ago. In the conversion to pdf the cross-references haven't worked as expected. Most of them now point at page numbers, not item numbers. The page numbers may be correct, and the hotlinks... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyArea StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
The Singapore and Melaka Straits are a place where regional and long-distance maritime trading networks converge, linking Europe, the Mediterranean, eastern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent with key centres of... more
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      BusinessHistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic History
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      East AsiaSouth-East AsiaSoutheast AsiaPost-Soviet Politics