Sources of Self-efficacy

32 papers
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Sources of self-efficacy refer to the origins of an individual's belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish tasks. These sources typically include mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and emotional states, which collectively influence one's confidence and motivation in various domains.
Studies focusing on paternal confidence in supporting breastfeeding remain relatively scarce, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to explore paternal breastfeeding self-efficacy among fathers in Indonesia. This study... more
Teacher Immunity is one of the essential factors for successful language teaching in educational contexts. This study aimed to explore the factors which positively contributed to female EFL teachers' Emotional Intelligence and... more
A teacher’s efficacy beliefs have been found to influence their professional commitment (Coladarci, 1992; Ware and Kitsantas, 2007, 2011; Klassen et al., 2013), their job satisfaction (Caprara et al., 2006, Hoigaard et al., 2012) and how... more
This study examined the malleability of math self-efficacy (SE) among children with poor calculation fluency via an intervention that targeted four sources of SE (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasions, and... more
The significance of teachers' self-efficacy in coding education within K-12 settings has grown substantially. However, the literature lacks subject-specific measurement tools tailored to assess teachers' self-efficacy in coding... more
Music teachers can empower students with control over their own musical ability development by helping them foster positive self-efficacy beliefs. This article reviews general education and music research regarding Bandura's theoretical... more
Learners form their self-efficacy beliefs by interpreting information primarily from four sources namely performance accomplishments, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal. It is important to recognize the four... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students' opinions about the sources of self-efficacy belief and their gender, academic achievement, the grade level, SocioEconomic Status (SES), and learning style.... more
Bandura’s reaction to the depictions of human agency that were propagated by the trait, behaviorist, and psychodynamic theories yielded the social cognitive theory. Through the social cognitive theory emerged the concept of self-efficacy.... more
She is an awardwinning music teacher and taught orchestra in the public schools for 13 years. Dr. Hendricks has presented research and practitioner workshops nationally and internationally and published papers in a variety of research... more
The study aimed at identifying the association between Bandura's four hypothesized self-efficacy sources and metacognitive reading strategies by employing reading self-efficacy beliefs as a mediating variable. A correlational research... more
This study was conducted to find the association between pronunciation self-efficacy sources and pronunciation self-efficacy beliefs. It was quantitative in nature using a correlational research design. A sample of 155 Malaysian ESL... more
Bu araştırmada, özel yetenekli (ÖY) öğrencilerin matematik öz-yeterlik kaynaklarının matematik kaygıları üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya;
Teaching English as a second language is a long and complex undertaking, particularly when it is done in multilingual rural areas where English serves a limited purpose. The purpose of this phenomenological case study was to shed light... more
Self-efficacy, which is known as the teachers' self-perception of their competence and abilities in doing specific tasks, has attracted considerable attention in teacher education. It is seen as the teacher's belief in achieving specific... more
This study examined the malleability of math self-efficacy (SE) among children with poor calculation fluency via an intervention that targeted four sources of SE (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasions, and... more
Can reading fluency and self-efficacy of reading fluency be enhanced with an intervention targeting the sources of self-efficacy?
Studies on self-efficacy beliefs grounded on the Social Cognitive Theory have revealed significant contributions for the areas of education, psychology, medicine, physical education, business administration, among others. In the national... more
Bandura’s reaction to the depictions of human agency that were propagated by the trait, behaviorist, and psychodynamic theories yielded the social cognitive theory. Through the social cognitive theory emerged the concept of self-efficacy.... more
Career development in schools in Australia has been touted as a priority since the Organisation for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD, 2004a) provided advice and guidance to assist in understanding the importance of career... more
The study aimed at identifying the association between Bandura's four hypothesized self-efficacy sources and metacognitive reading strategies by employing reading self-efficacy beliefs as a mediating variable. A correlational research... more
This study was conducted to find the association between pronunciation self-efficacy sources and pronunciation self-efficacy beliefs. It was quantitative in nature using a correlational research design. A sample of 155 Malaysian ESL... more
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as produções científicas que abordam a temática do estágio supervisionado na formação de professores de Educação Física. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática em bases de dados com o intuito de... more
Can reading fluency and self-efficacy of reading fluency be enhanced with an intervention targeting the sources of self-efficacy?
The beliefs children hold about their capabilities as readers are known to influence their reading achievement. The aim of this study was to extend previous work by examining trajectories of change in reading self-efficacy among primary... more
In this study, we examined self-regulatory efficacy and sources of self-efficacy (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion and physiological/emotional states) and the relationships between self-efficacy and its... more
Bu arastirmada,liseli ögrenciler için matematik yetkinlik beklentisi bilgilendirici kaynaklan ile ilgili bir ölçek gelistirme ön çalismasi yapilmistif. Ölçegin maddeleri Lent, Lopez, Brown ve Gore (1996) tarafmdan lise li ögrenciler için... more
This study examined the malleability of math self-efficacy (SE) among children with poor calculation fluency via an intervention that targeted four sources of SE (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasions, and... more
Purpose-Grit is a novel, rather an important psychological variable that has been associated with performance in the English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) context. However, there is a dearth of research on the relationship of... more
Reading comprehension is a complex process that is based on several factors such as emotion, intelligence, cognition, metacognition and like. It has been proved that there is a strong correlation between the use of metacognitive... more
RESUMO A eficácia coletiva de professores refere-se ao modo como os membros do corpo docente julgam as capacidades desse grupo para realizar as tarefas específicas de sua função. Este estudo objetivou revisar sistematicamente pesquisas... more
She is an awardwinning music teacher and taught orchestra in the public schools for 13 years. Dr. Hendricks has presented research and practitioner workshops nationally and internationally and published papers in a variety of research... more
Self-efficacy is one asset in human thought; it is also related to someone's belief in solving a problem. The study aims to see correlation of collaborative learning-based YouTube creation on speaking self-efficacy. In light of measuring... more
Research findings from several academic domains have demonstrated that students' judgments of their own academic capabilities or self-efficacy beliefs influence their academic behaviors and performances. But there has been very few... more
Self-efficacy scales have been used widely across curriculum and demographic structures, while retaining their objectivity in a specific domain. This pilot study aimed to test the validity and reliability of adapted scales that... more
In this study, we examined self-regulatory efficacy and sources of self-efficacy (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion and physiological/emotional states) and the relationships between self-efficacy and its... more
Self-efficacy scales have been used widely across curriculum and demographic structures, while retaining their objectivity in a specific domain. This pilot study aimed to test the validity and reliability of adapted scales that... more
Self-efficacy belief of the teacher is widely accepted construct in the professional development of the teacher. In this context, I as a mathematics teacher interested to study the efficacy beliefs of mathematics teachers in Nepal, which... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the cognitive load (henceforth, CL) of listening activities of a cognitive-based listening instruction of a recently changed EFL curriculum. 126 K-11 students (male=62, female=64) participated in... more
Can reading fluency and self-efficacy of reading fluency be enhanced with an intervention targeting the sources of self-efficacy?
Self-efficacy scales have been used widely across curriculum and demographic structures, while retaining their objectivity in a specific domain. This pilot study aimed to test the validity and reliability of adapted scales that... more
Este articulo se publico en espanol en la Revista Ibero-americana de Educacao, vol. 71, num. 2, p. 145-168.
During initial training, aspiring teachers should learn how to deal with the high cognitive, emotional and behavioral demands generated by teaching. At the same time, they need to develop and strengthen their personal belief that they... more
Este estudo investigou o desenvolvimento da autoeficácia docente de futuros professores ao longo da participação em um programa de iniciação à docência na área de educação física. Participaram 16 licenciandos em educação física que... more
 A percepção que o professor tem em sua capacidade para ensinar Arte é mediadora das ações que desenvolvem em sala de aula. A maneira como os professores se percebem para ensinar, os guiará para comportamentos de enfrentamento,... more
Previous studies focusing on teacher education have highlighted the role that supervised practicum plays in the construction of future teachers' personal beliefs, including self-efficacy beliefs, yet there remains a need to understand... more
Previous studies focusing on teacher education have highlighted the role that supervised practicum plays in the construction of future teachers’ personal beliefs, including self-efficacy beliefs, yet there remains a need to understand... more
As experiências de ensino durante o estágio curricular supervisionado desempenham um papel importante na formação de futuros professores. Contudo, a maneira como influenciam a crença de autoeficácia docente desses estudantes ainda é pouco... more