Recent papers in Soundscape
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A binaural telephone is a voice-over-ip application which enables auditory telepresence. The basic concepts and implementation issues of such a telephone are discussed. In particular, we will address a specific problem of the voice of a... more
The monochrome ink medium, long celebrated for its visual economy, emerges in the Yuan period as an unexpected conduit of sound. The cicada, an insect of little pictorial appeal yet endowed with a piercing cry, became a recurring motif in... more
Notwithstanding the green areas are important for preserving and promoting the health of population, they are often exposed to noise pollution, especially in urban areas. However, the perceived quality of a green area does not depend only... more
An experimental study was carried out in 20 squares in the center of Rome, covering a wide range of different uses, sonic environments, geometry, and architectural styles. Soundwalks along the perimeter of each square were performed... more
Urban parks play an important role in preserving and promoting the health of citizens who are often exposed to noise pollution and the stress of daily life. The present study describes the main results obtained from a survey performed in... more
Walking tours on the streets of cities like New York offer music fans the opportunity to tread in the footsteps of their punk rock idols. Music lovers seek a tourist experience that constructs intra-and inter-personal authenticity as a... more
Walking tours on the streets of cities like New York offer music fans the opportunity to tread in the footsteps of their punk rock idols. Music lovers seek a tourist experience that constructs intra- and inter-personal authenticity as a... more
The article deals with the relationship between environmental education, focusing on ecological subject and the objectification of the pedagogical processes. This challenge was met in theoretical and conceptual articulation of music... more
This work is part of the research project "Sons al Balcó" conducted by La Salle -Universitat Ramon Llull, which examines the impacts of noise pollution on human perception and mental health, specifically focusing on the perception of... more
En mars 2025, dans le cadre d’une chaire ArTeC, l’artiste de l’écoute Budhaditya Chattopadhyay présentera plusieurs dimensions de son travail de recherche-création autour de la psychogéographie : marche sonore, enregistrement de terrain,... more
A presente pesquisa procurou, a partir de uma revisão de literatura, abordar as nuances da Transferência de Tecnologia (TT) entre Academia e empresa, perpassando pela importância da implementação de portfólios tecnológicos. Trazendo uma... more
population (most of whom are non-native speakers of Arabic); it is also the fastest growing religion outside its own members. The entries have been drafted with the primary purpose of producing an overall-descriptive comprehension... more
Anthropophony is a prominent component of the soundscapes worldwide and is known to affect biota. Although responses to antropophony in terrestrial and marine animals have been relatively well studied, there is still a lack of knowledge... more
intéressés par la perception musicale, les discours émotionnel, et par les paysages auditifs. Nous étudions l'utilisation de la musique pour réhabiliter divers troubles de communication et afin de développer de nouvelles technologies afin... more
Various enquiries and a census reveal that more than half of patrimonial sound collections with ethnographical interest being made in France are about ethnomusicology and dancing. Overwhelmingly association-made collections have been... more
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of... more
Architects are shapers of the inhabited environment. Form and space are their medium. They have scant leverage on the economic forces driving what is built but, through design, they do influence how they are deployed. Acknowledging this,... more
The plurality and transversality of experiences related to sounds unfold in a wide range of studies. For this special issue, a comparative approach has been favoured, broadening the cultural scope, therefore going beyond the Italian... more
séptima entrega del proyecto “Decálogo sonoro, experiencias de escucha que dejaron huella”, del colectivo artístico Negra40. Este proyecto se propone reunir el rastro genealógico y biográfico de las impresiones de escucha de 10 artistas... more
Plantorumori, our research and art work, is about complicity with plants. Our aim is to use music as a conciliator to create subjective communication channels with nature, particularly with plants. The communication channels that we want... more
The study aims to find effective compositional strategies to create experiences of imaginary spaces through headphone listening that can be used as a descriptive tool during composing. The thesis will begin by identifying different sorts... more
IntroductionThis study aims to investigate the interplay between roadside trees and pedestrians’ assessment of traffic noise and comfort. The study examines the potential effects of visual and design elements of roadside trees on the... more
In order to design auditory displays that function well within the cultural, informational and acoustic ecology of everyday situations designers as well as researchers in psychoacoustics need to continue to gain a better understanding of... more
Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Auditory Display, Boston, MA, USA, 6-9 July 2003 ... Evaluating Soundscapes as a Means of Creating a Sense of Place ... Phil Turner, Iain McGregor, Susan Turner and Fiona Carroll ...... more
This paper reports progress towards mapping workplace soundscapes. In order to design auditory interfaces that integrate effectively with workplace environments, we need a detailed understanding of the way in which end users inhabit these... more
Sound Event Detection is a task with a rising relevance over the recent years in the field of audio signal processing, due to the creation of specific datasets such as Google AudioSet or DESED (Domestic Environment Sound Event Detection)... more
In this paper we present an outline of the soundscape of street cries in Granada over a time span from the mid -19th century to the mid-20th century. Starting with the writings of the aristocrat, writer and traveler Lady Emmeline Stuart... more
This thesis consists of a unified portfolio of eight compositions focused on and exploring alternative versions of the 3rd channel, which is a personal approach to composition and a way to describe my compositional technique. The... more
We conceived Ada: Intelligent Space exhibit as an artificial organism, integrating a large number of sensory modalities, and let it interact with visitors using a multitude of effector systems. Ada used a language of sound and light to... more
Con el presente artículo se pretende descubrir, a través de mediciones de ruido ambiental y datos de flujo vehicular, el cambio del paisaje sonoro en la ciudad de Medellín durante la implementación del día sin carro del día jueves 22 de... more
Multiple speech source localization has been an important re- search topic over the recent years. Histogram mapping method proposed by Huang et al.(1) has two major advantages over the other conventional studies, that it does not require... more
Beluk Vocal Art is one of the traditional arts of West Java which is still being preserved from generation to generation. However, this art is scarce to find. Beluk Vocal Art has a unique characteristic, namely a high singing or screaming... more
Sleman Regency has the most temple cultural heritage in Yogyakarta, supported by Green Open Space (GOS). The area is a habitat for urban birds and can be used as an indicator of environmental quality. This study aims to analyze the... more
A binaural telephone is a voice-over-ip application which enables auditory telepresence. The basic concepts and implementation issues of such a telephone are discussed. In particular, we will address a specific problem of the voice of a... more
En el año 1781, Johann Baptist Burger descubrió una fuente de aguas termales cerca de su jardín en la pequeña localidad de Heiligenstadt, a pocos kilómetros al norte de Viena. Construyó una casa de baños que con el tiempo se convirtió en... more
RESUMO A escrita pode propor uma escuta, assim como uma escuta pode gerar escritas. Apresento uma escrita que partiu de uma auto-escuta e, agora, proponho outra escuta para o/a leitor/a. Esta proposição envolve uma auto-escuta que pode... more
Shipping is the principal source of anthropogenic noise in the aquatic soundscape of coastal areas. Noise can have temporary or permanent effects on the physiology, behavior, and ecology of the marine mammals and, as noise pollution is... more
Ese ruido continuo, aunque no sin agudos y graves, va (por la intensidad) desde el murmullo lastimero del viento entre los juncos hasta el ronquido formidable de las olas en golpe de ariete, que entran de repente en una gruta submarina y... more
A talk about the unexplored potential of a genre of sound studies and sound art described as Sonic Fiction*. Science fiction tells stories of future or parallel worlds, often re-defined by new technologies; but what if we use sound as a... more