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Wir leben in Klangwelten, die unser Erleben einer lebendigen Wirklichkeit prägen. Wir suchen nach außeralltäglichen Klangerlebnissen in aufwändig inszenierten Spiel-Räumen. Diese Spiel-Räume sind Räume der erlebten Interaktion, es sind... more
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      Urban GeographyPhenomenologySoundscape StudiesAtmospheres (Architecture)
Parcours de bancs d'écoute.
Course of listening benches
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Sustainable sound planning has been drawing more attention as citizens are demanding higher levels of comfort and livable environment while keeping the convenient access to transportation and neighborhood in urban settings. Particularly... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsUrban PlanningSoundSoundscape
Si la trace humaine, au sens très large du terme, indélébile et souvent hégémonique est un marqueur de l'Anthropocène, pour le sonore, nous pouvons observer une position un peu différente. Trace immatérielle, éphémère, mouvante, le son,... more
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The global move toward reducing the usage of lead in electronics manufacturing industry is driving the industry to switch from tin-lead alloys to pure tin (Sn) for its component plating process. This transition has resulted in a... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
Carnet de notes, sons et écoutes impromptus
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      Sound ArtSoundscapeSoundwalkListening
Installer l'écoute Composer des paysages Cadre Paysages, environnements, milieux et territoires sonores, esthétiques et sociabilités Expériences-écrire/écrire/parcourir Le soundwalking, marcher, écouter Rapports kinesthésiques à l'espace... more
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      PedagogySound ArtSoundscapeSoundwalk
Dans la série Et avec ton territoire, comment tu t'entends ? une proposition de résidence création Territoire(s) à l'oreille. Faire paysage, entre les deux oreilles exactement. Arpenter, seul, à deux, en groupe, pour s'immerger, écouter,... more
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      SoundscapeSoundwalkécoutePaysages Sonores
Relations qualitatives entre conditions environnementales, morphologie et organisation dans la production d'ambiances sonores par Edith Normandeau Faculté de l'aménagement Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureMorphologyClimatePlanning
Taking the term soundscape as a starting point, this essay by José Manuel Berenguer addresses a number of concerns relevant to understanding the listening experience within art and everyday life. Tackling questions such as phenomenology,... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundSoundscape Design
This is an exploration of a type of chanting that is not ordinarily considered music, but through “musical” parameters such as pitch, vocal style and intensity, it is often performed in settings in a musical way in order to create a vocal... more
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      MusicMusicologySoundscape StudiesSound studies
Перевод главы из книги R. Murray Schafer. The Soundscape (1994)
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundscapeCultural Criticism
In his Carnival of the Animals (1886), Camille Saint-Saëns imitates the sounds of the animal kingdom in all their variety. Over the course of fourteen movements, he imitates both the sublime and the lowly, ranging from the romantic and... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureSoundscape StudiesSound studies
The thesis of this essay can be stated quite directly: Slavoj Žižek, despite having little to say about mashup and remixing in any direct way, engages this new media phenomena in both theory and practice, providing contemporary culture... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
Six bonnes raisons pour (se) construire des paysages sonores Du plaisir avant tout Dans une société où les tensions anxiogènes ne manquent pas, avoir du plaisir, à faire, à entendre, à écouter, est une chose plus que bénéfique, sinon... more
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      SoundscapeSound Artsacoustical ecology
Soundscape recordings of nature may often provide us with a valuable sound-basis as a primary compositional material, offering a rich sound-world to transform and develop certain compositional strategies. Soundscapes can also be an... more
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      Music TechnologyMusic PsychologySoundscape StudiesElectroacoustic Music
This paper focuses on cognitive mapping, a set of skills that everyone makes use of in everyday life aimed at helping us understand the spatial environment we live in. I will refer to texts by Roger M. Downs and David Stea, Fredric... more
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      PsychogeographyFredric JamesonSoundscapeCognitive Mapping
Présentation pour une conférence autour de la cartographie sonore
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Soon after field recording was applied to anthropological work, animals became a favoured subject. This paper surveys the work of Cherry Kearton, Wilhelm Koch, Karl Reich, Albert Brand, and John Hutchinson. The emphasis is on the cultural... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesNature CultureSoundscape
Este texto acompaña el programa “Atravesando el paisaje sonoro de la protesta” (2019), compuesto de diferentes aproximaciones artísticas y documentales al paisaje sonoro de las movilizaciones y acciones de protesta en distintos países... more
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      SoundscapeHistoria Cultural
Complition of news ans old texts about Soundscape, Soundwalk, Acoustic Ecology ans Sound Art
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      Acoustic EcologySoundscapeSoundwalkSoundwalking
In the guidelines about the management of areas of good environmental noise quality recently published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) it is suggested to combine different methodologies, like noise mapping, sound level... more
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      Environmental StudiesSoundscape StudiesSoundscape
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      Public ArtSoundscape StudiesSound studiesUrban Studies
A person can see, feel and touch architecture, but what if he / she could hear it too? Imagine an architectural music in which the surfaces, materials, and forms of a space speak directly, alluring the observer even further into... more
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      Aural ArchitectureSoundscapeSoundscapes Aural Architecture Urban Acoustic Environments Sensory Geography Public Art and Policy Concepts of Place Sense of place + place experience Place-making
התפרסם כפרק בספר: צליל, דימוי ומרחב: ליטורגיה ואמנויות כמעצבי זיכרון תרבותי בימי הביניים, בעריכת: שרית שלו-עיני גלית נגה-בנאי איריס שגריר יוסי מורי.... more
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      Medieval StudiesLiturgical HistoryJerusalemSoundscape
The complexity of human spatial experience is often taken for granted. According to Gibson, we perceive the world in a dynamic way (Gibson, 1979), thus, due to the phenomenon of movement, perception is not static. Moreover perception... more
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      VisualizationLandscape ArchitectureLandscapeSoundscape
While existing analytical frameworks (Chion 1994, Coulter 2009) provide basic classification tools for experimental audiovisual works, they fall short in elaborating the variety of compositional possibilities falling within the notion of... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
El sonido es movimiento, sin movimiento no hay sonido. Nuestras vidas cotidianas están plagadas de sonidos, el mundo es un mundo sonoro.
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      StorytellingRadioSound ArtSoundscape
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      ArchitectureSoundscape StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignArchitecture and sound
The Auditory Setting introduces and investigates how narrative and a sense of place are constructed in film and media arts through the reproduction and mediation of site-specific environmental sounds, or ‘ambience’. Although this sonic... more
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      Media StudiesSound and ImageFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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      SoundMediaLive MusicFado
In this paper we are going to exam the Pharos as a Total Work of Art, connected with the soundscape and landscape of Alexandria. Viewing the Pharos through the prism of the contemporary history of art and music, we analyze the... more
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      Ancient HistoryGraeco-Roman AlexandriaSoundscapeTritons
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito el análisis de la obra Pagliacci de Ruggero Leoncavallo en el que desarrollaremos algunos puntos concretos para el estudio y conocimiento de la misma.
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
Divriği Great Mosque and Hospital as one of the World heritage monuments on UNESCO’s list was the subject of research. More precisely, the focus was on the architecture and the acoustic characteristics of the hospital built in 1228/1229... more
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      AcousticsSeljuks (Islamic History)Music TherapySoundscape
The ubiquitous din of Paris’s street hawkers, known as the cris de Paris or the “cries of Paris,” has captured the Parisian imagination since the Middle Ages. During the 1850s and 1860s, however, urban demolition severely disturbed the... more
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      Cultural HistoryMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Sanayi devrimi ile birlikte insanların içinde yaşadıkları çevre dönüşüme uğramıştır. Ekonomik büyüme ve üretim ekseninde insanların yaşamlarını sürdürdükleri kentlerin peyzajları hem görsel hem de işitsel olarak bir önceki yüzyıldan... more
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      Sound and ImageContemporary ArtSound ArtSoundscape
In order to study the in¯uence of the interaction between visual and acoustic stimuli on perception of the environment, 36 sound and image combinations were presented to 75 subjects. The sounds and images used were of natural and... more
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    • Soundscape
"This wonderfully provocative book places the tradition of 'background music' or 'environmental music' such as Muzak into a distinctly modern perspective. A sharp interdisciplinary study that makes connections between the popular and the... more
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      Cultural StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound studiesAmerican art/ Art of the United States
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      SoundscapeAmateur FilmTravel filmFilm Sound and Music
« La décennie comprise entre 1910 et 1920 fut l'âge des ténèbres de la musique moderne américaine. Les rares lueurs d'activité étaient aussitôt éclipsées par une obsession quasi absolue envers le répertoire historique européen. » 7 C'est... more
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      MusicologyImprovisationSocial NetworkingPosthumanism
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Recent years have seen not just a revival, but a rebirth of the analogue record. More than merely a nostalgic craze, vinyl has become a cultural icon. As music consumption migrated to digital and online, this seemingly obsolete medium... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesMedia SociologySociology of Culture
The use of “soundscape” is so prevalent at this point in writings on sound and music, literature, art, history, media, identity, the environment, engineering, commerce, and travel—Jonathan Sterne calls it “the most enduring spatial figure... more
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      Media StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound studiesAural Architecture
David Lynch’s sonic resonances echo through projects and media. Pulsating room tone, eerie acousmêtre, electronic wash, static drones, thwarted resolutions and remediated retro textures frequently trouble the image, while imploding... more
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      Film Music And SoundHauntologyTransmedial StorytellingFandom
Bells, Pellet Bells and Bell Pendants: Listening to the Iron Age Finland The thesis addresses the problem of Finnish Iron Age bells, pellet bells and bell pendants, previously unexplored musical artefacts from the 400–1200-centuries AD.... more
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      Late Iron Age (Archaeology)BellsMusic ArchaeologySoundscape
Cartilha sobre Educação Sonora dirigida a docentes da Rede Pública de Ensino. Publicação realizada em parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente por ocasião da realização, em 1998, do I Festival Escuta!, com a presença
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      Soundscape StudiesSoundscapePaisagem SonoraEscutas musicais
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesMusicMusic History
Archeologists find remains of circular earthworks with marks of timber palisades or stone circles in many parts of Europe. This article gives an overview of acoustic measurements made at two reconstructed timber circles in Central... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Neolithic EuropeGermanySoundscape
El arte, en general, ha sido y sigue siendo una herramienta saciadora de necesidades tanto humanas como inhumanas. Su naturaleza también le permite servir al conocimiento, a la justicia y hasta a la felicidad. Es, básicamente, racional y... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore