In recent decades, the study of Ibero-American music has undergone a deep transformation driven by the development of new strategies, methods, and theories, as well as by increasing interdisciplinarity and the rapid incorporation of... more
Personal holdings of women musicians preserved in the institutions of musical documentation in Spain
Ponencia presentada en el 23 Congreso annual de IAML que tuvo lugar del 30 de julio al 4 de agosto en la universidad de Cambridge. El objetivo de la conferencia será presentar una guía colectiva de los fondos personales de compositoras e... more
Providing citizens with easy access to the results of research via online dissemination can revitalize the relationship between science and society. If research in the humanities and social sciences, and in particular their audiovisual... more
In France, two major events have changed the use of oral sources dissemination of research in the early 21st century. The evolution of technology has not only revolutionized a familiar landscape, revealed new actors and new issues but... more
Various enquiries and a census reveal that more than half of patrimonial sound collections with ethnographical interest being made in France are about ethnomusicology and dancing. Overwhelmingly association-made collections have been... more
Autour des années 1970 1 , dans un contexte d'exaltation du sentiment régionaliste, les linguistes, les historiens et les ethnologues ont porté un intérêt nouveau ou renouvelé au terrain, principalement par la prise en considération... more
This article considers Hugh Tracey’s 1952 book African Dances of the Witwatersrand Gold Mines in relation to the history of music scholarship in southern Africa. Its first finding is that sound recordings and archives were crucial in the... more
Le cours "Formats et Normes Documentaires" explore les différentes conventions, standards et pratiques utilisés pour structurer, organiser et présenter des documents dans divers contextes. Il aborde les principes fondamentaux de la... more
In recent decades, European and North American institutions' sound archives have emerged as abundant research sources for ethnomusicologists, folklorists, and anthropologists, offering unique records of musical practices from the Global... more
The music, the radio programs, the voices of poets, writers, scientists, politicians; the testimonies of indigenous peoples, the soundscape, sound art, among others types of sound recordings are evidence of the historical development,... more
The music, the radio programs, the voices of poets, writers, scientists, politicians; the testimonies of indigenous peoples, the soundscape, sound art, among others types of sound recordings are evidence of the historical development,... more
En el ambiente educativo las nuevas tecnologías se han vuelto una herramienta indispensable, han permitido traspasar barreras de espacio y tiempo, permitiendo capacitar a personas inmersas en diferentes culturas. En este contexto la... more
En el ambiente educativo las nuevas tecnologías se han vuelto una herramienta indispensable, han permitido traspasar barreras de espacio y tiempo, permitiendo capacitar a personas inmersas en diferentes culturas. En este contexto la... more
The paper analyses the conflicting issues that arise when dealing with Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) held in audio digital archives, when the demand for open access conflicts with ownership rights and ethical issues. It describes two... more
Through two case studies from Mozambique and Goa (India), this paper aims to analyze the role of individual approaches regarding sound archives in a post-colonial context. It argues that, despite the growing interest in ethnomusicology in... more
The performative practice of cantaram, defines a musical interlude within the scenes of a theatrical performance, being an integral part of tiatr, a theatrical form in Goa that solidified in the 1950s and 1960s. Cantaram themes are... more
ASTUCE, “Ambiances Sonores, Transports Urbains, Coeur de ville et Environnement” (Sound Ambiences, Urban Transport, City centre and Environment), is a research project aiming to provide a relevant methodology to improve the environmental... more
This paper discusses the Petra Anamnetic acoustic mapping project. Juxtaposing audio recordings made in the World Heritage Site of Petra and the neighbouring tourist town of Wadi Musa, Jordan, the piece interrogates how sound might... more
Through two case studies from Mozambique and Goa (India), this paper aims to analyze the role of individual approaches regarding sound archives in a post-colonial context. It argues that, despite the growing interest of ethnomusicology in... more
Mémoire de master en ethnomusicologie, soutenu le 09.09.2024 à l'Université de Genève.
Greek-Karamanlidika publications represent a broad area of research in the history of Ottoman music. The publications written by Ottoman Greeks, most of whom were musicians or cantors, contain a wide range of repertoire and theoretical... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Die Radiosendung Oriental Music des deutsch-jüdischen Musikethnologen Robert Lachmann, der 1935 nach Palästina emigrierte und an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem ein Archiv außereuropäischer Musik aufbaute, ist Ausgangspunkt für... more
Die Radiosendung Oriental Music des deutsch-jüdischen Musikethnologen Robert Lachmann, der 1935 nach Palästina emigrierte und an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem ein Archiv außereuropäischer Musik aufbaute, ist Ausgangspunkt für... more
Das Laborgespräch widmet sich dem transkulturellen Dialog und der multimedialen Auseinandersetzung mit der (post-)kolonialen Gewalt der Infrastrukturen elektrischer Telekommunikation, dem Widerstand dagegen und der Frage, wie die mit der... more
El archivo sonoro fundacional del Instituto Nacional de Musicología Carlos Vega (INM) fue generado por Carlos Vega como un objeto de estudio para examinar y clasificar las músicas populares de Argentina y... more
Descriptif du cours Le XXe siècle se caractérise par une transformation profonde des pratiques culturelles et mémorielles, en grande partie due à l'essor de l'audiovisuel, et notamment des enregistrements sonores. Apparues à la fin du XXe... more
Las emisoras de radio comerciales, como Radio Luxemburgo y Europe n°1, fueron medios de comunicación muy populares en la Europa Occidental de los años 60. Sin embargo, los investigadores no les han prestado tanta atención como a sus... more
'That operation had all the characteristics of rape: the cynicism, the utter lack of scruple and the plain treachery that accompanied that particular crime against society. We were certainly outgunned and outmanoeuvred. We were indeed... more
This introduction explores the notion of “ethnographic rubbish” – recordings that fall outside the ethnographer's initial analytical framework – and positions this rubbish as worthy of scholarly attention. It argues for the inclusion of... more
This paper presents the rich archival collection of sound recordings of the Serbian church music, kept at the Phonoarchive of the Institute of Musicology SASA. The study focuses on the sound recordings of the traditional Serbian church... more
Collections and archives of environmental sound recordings are undergoing rapid transformations, diversifying their intents from educational purposes and biodiversity conservation to artistic endeavors and broader entertainment projects.... more
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 3 1. Theory and Concepts……………………………………………………………4 1.1. Sensory anthropology ……………………………………………………………… 4 1.2. Soundscapes…………………………………………………………………………6 2. Auditory Dichotomies: Silence & Noise... more
ción y uso en los archivos, considerando lineamientos enmarcados en la Ley General de Archivos (LGA-Mx) y los resultados de un estudio realizado con una muestra de 30 instituciones públicas de los tres niveles de gobierno en San Luis... more
Il est recent que les ethnologues se preoccupent de la sauvegarde des sources qu'ils ont produites sur le terrain mais Christian Bromberger a choisi de deposer l'ensemble des sources de sa recherche dans un centre d'archives.... more
Enjeux et pratiques éthiques pour la diffusion des archives orales dans une phonothèque de recherche
Au debut des annees 1990, les archives des chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales sont au centre de multiples interets. C’est aussi a cette periode que les questions d’ethique que pose le traitement de ces archives au moment de leur... more
Quand le renard raconte ses histoires au monde. La naissance du Portail du Patrimoine Oral, catalogue collectif d'archives sonores et audiovisuelles Véronique Ginouvès Maison méditerranéenne des... more
Les phonothèques comme outil de transmission du savoir en sciences de l'homme : l'exemple de la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences Humaines et Sociales Corinne Cassé, ethnologue-Véronique Ginouvès, documentaliste CNRS Bibliographie ... more
Cooperación en investigación para dar cuenta de la realidad y de las posibilidades de intervención sobre la misma. Aporte de elementos teórico-prácticos para el desarrollo de repositorios especializados en Humanidades y Educación, en las... more
In response to the proposal of digitizing the entire back-run of several European audio archives, many research projects have been carried out in order to discover the technical issues involved in making prestigious audio documents... more
Los institutos y centros de investigación generan una gran cantidad de documentos sonoros de origen digital como resultado de proyectos de investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades. La acumulación de estos documentos digitales es... more