Recent papers in Soteriology
Reading Thomas Joseph White’s The Incarnate Lord is a very great pleasure. His carefully argued and measured theology draws on the thinking of St. Thomas Aquinas in original and fruitful ways. As a lover of the theology of Hans Urs von... more
This document (accepted by the Board of Ordained Ministry in 2020) includes some revisions, making it more accessible to the laity. In addition, it may provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned... more
Hebrews evinces the linked exegetical aporiae of, on the one hand, tension between the asserted perfection of the believer and exhortations to further perfection and, on the other, a similar tension between Christ’s exalted, preexistent... more
John Wesley brought together five key dynamics of the Christian faith, effectively combining in thought and practice these five elements: 1. Divine sovereignty and human freedom 2. Doctrine and experience 3. Experience and structure 4.... more
Ephesians 2:11–22 is often thought to promote a tertium genus (“third race”) ecclesiology that entails the belief that the Torah has been abolished. If the Torah is abolished, this leads to the view that torah observance is rendered... more
New Calvinism is a theological movement that has significantly impacted evangelical Christianity and has served to weaken the influence of dispensationalism. New Calvinism portrays itself as the flagship of Reformed theology. Part of the... more
Un cours de christologie pertinent pour notre temps
EDITOR: DR. MERYEM BERRİN BULUT ezeli bir gizem Aşkın ve Sevginin Bilimsel Serüveni "Mutluluk ne diye sorsatar, cevabı gülüşünde ve o sıcak bakışında arardım.", "Sen olmadan nasıl var olacağımı bilmiyorum.", "Manzara da neymiş... Yüzü... more
Il confronto tra il cristianesimo e le altre religioni oggi necessita di essere compreso e riconfigurato nel contesto della pluralità delle tradizioni religiose. Il pluralismo incide sulle culture e sulle società coinvolgendo il modo di... more
Refleksja nad dziełem zbawczym dokonanym przez Chrystusa przyjmowała i przyjmuje różne kształty. zwykle mówi się w tym kontekście o wielości modeli soteriologicznych. Pośród rozmaitych ujęć dzieła Chrystusa wyróżnia się także zespół... more
This article submits that the confluence of language and power proliferate social strata and exacts violence on subaltern bodies in a punitive age of mass incarceration. I explore racialized social hierarchies in Judeo- Christian sacred... more
출판사 소개글: 칭의는 하나님이 주권적으로 죄인을 의롭다 하시는 것으로서, 모든 공로는 그리스도에게 있다. 그렇다면 칭의 때 인간이 하는 역할은 무엇인가? 이 질문은 교회 역사에서 끊임없이 제기되어 왔지만, 안타깝게도 하나님의 주권과 인간의 역할 사이에서 균형을 잃은 칭의 이해가 반복되었고 지금도 반복되고 있다. 칭의에 대한 이해에서의 오류는 과거에도, 현대에도 여전히 있다. 그러므로 "교회가 넘어지고 서는 조항"인 칭의에... more
When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? The difference between a secular mindset and a sacred mindset is that in the secular life, one engages in daily life disconnected and without awareness of God. In the sacred... more
In the West, the dominant way of understanding the work of Jesus has been through a ‘judicial model of salvation’. Although this model is helpful in some regards, it is a primitive and near-sighted understanding of the ministry of Jesus.... more
In the interest of exploring the relationship between soteriology and philosophy in the Bodhicaryāvatāra, and hoping to counterbalance the tendency to read it as a source for normative ethics, this paper compares Śantideva's text in... more
Christians have long understood grace both as a declaration of acceptance and as a power that transforms. This article illumines two theses while investigating the relationship between these understandings of grace in Luther, Calvin, and... more
ABSTRACT: The study examines John Calvin(1509-1564) and Alexander Comrie’s(1706-1774) doctrine of justification in light of the sixfold causality of justification(i.e., efficient, material, formal, instrumental, meritorious, final cause).... more
The article seeks to demonstrate how the theological notion of ‘divine promises’ runs through the whole of the theological thought of Romans. The concept is identified as typological allegory whose theological content consists in... more
In Enabling Fidelity to God, Jason Whitlark has produced a stunningly fresh reading of Hebrews in its larger Greco-Roman context. Recent scholarship tends to read the soteriology of Hebrews as reflecting, indeed embracing, the Greco-Roman... more
In the early 1990s, a previously-neglected text, entitled Laterculus Malalianus, was attributed by Jane Stevenson to the hand of Theodore of Tarsus (archbishop of Canterbury, 668–690). The text is a well-spring of Christological concerns.... more
A survey of primary texts showing the early recognition of resurrection as a necessary, saving effect founded upon Christ's universal atonement. This paper is a copy of the pages from Piedmont International University's (now Carolina... more
Abstract: This study deals with the relationship between the notion of definitive sanctification which is proposed by John Murray (1898-1975) and the ordo salutis. The idea of definitive sanctification has been criticized in many... more
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to consider Prof. Hoon Taik Chung’s dissertation entitled “Aan hun vruchten zult gij hen kennen” in light of syllogisus practicus. According to Prof. Chung, faith is always prior to works. Works... more
في كثير من الأحيان يُفسّر التجسد بطريقة ترى أنَّ حالة إخلاء المسيح كافية لتتميم الخلاص. في حين أنَّ قوله المعروف جيدًا: "إنَّه [أي الابن] أصبح إنسانًا حتَّى يُمكِّننا أن نصير آلهة" قد يوحي بهذا بسهولة، فإنَّ العمل ككلّ يحتوي على نسيج غني... more
Jésus, l'unique engendré de Nicée-Constantinople.
suggested by Clive Marsh. Sixth and last, I will offer an impression of what salvation means in the context of late modernity. Overwinteren and Gott Braucht Dich Nicht Gert-Jan Segers' (b. 1969) novel is written from the first-person... more
This article surveys the Pauline teaching in the Epistle to the Galatians of the status of Christians before and after their conversion as it fits the imagery of slavery, as is often used in the New Testament. The first section deals with... more
Anselm of Canterbury was the father of the first systematic effort at explaining the redemption of Christ by means of satisfaction in Cur Deus Homo. Others before him offered multiple explanations. However, his efforts have remained the... more
The article maintains that two impediments frustrate the Evangelical-Orthodox theological dialogue. The first is the intractable challenge of internal diversity, which makes the notion of a theological dialogue between 'Orthodoxy' and... more
The concepts of ‘honour and shame’ have emerged in contemporary missiological discourse as a key tool for ministry among ‘shame cultures’. While a recognition of different cultural values is an important step towards contextualization,... more
The Role of the Conversion Theology of Charles G. Finney in the Theological Drift of Southern Baptists David Charles Hacker, D.Th. International Christian College and Seminary, 2021 Chair: Dr. William McCorkle This dissertation... more
A Brief Guide to the Study of Islam: Anthropology and Soteriology, Studies of Islam, Anthropology, Soteriology, Guide to Islam,
The Gospel of Matthew frequently presents the terms of salvation as a strict dichotomy. To name a few, the Matthean Jesus envisions a narrow or wide gate (Matt 7.13– 14), wise or foolish builders (7.24–27), those who confess or deny... more
Jayson Georges. The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and
Fear Cultures. San Bernardino, CA: Timē, 2016. 80 pp. Pbk.
ISBN 978-0-692-33801-8. $8.99.
Fear Cultures. San Bernardino, CA: Timē, 2016. 80 pp. Pbk.
ISBN 978-0-692-33801-8. $8.99.
This paper discusses the theme of "personal justice" in the Summa theologiae, a concept inherited from the Nicomachean Ethics wherein Aristotle says that a man is just toward himself only metaphorically, insofar as the parts of man are... more
Paper presented at Oxford Patristics Conference in 2003.
Publication is well past the contractual three-year embargo on online sharing.
Publication is well past the contractual three-year embargo on online sharing.