Recent papers in Somogy
In our study, we report on the 2022-2023 archaeological excavations of the Rippl-Rónai Museum in Kaposvár.
The aim of this article was to analyze the structure and plot of the Kadesh crisis (Numbers 13–14) through narrative analysis, discussing the repetitions in the text based on literary theory. The pericope was analyzed as part of a... more
A közlemény az ónodi vár (Északkelet-Magyarország) 1985-1991 közötti feltárása során előkerült kályhacsempe-leletanyagból mutat be két csoportot. A III. sz. csoport többnyire színes mázas csempéit 11, részben a 16. század első feléből... more
- by Gábor Tomka
The purpose of the study. To present what concepts existed for the utilization of the thermal resources of the Southern Transdanubian region, both at the national and county level. Next, examine the impact of the international Thermal... more
a several decades long history in teaching. During this period, he taught a large number of students in agriculture with an up-to-date agrobotanical knowledge, and launched the career of or had a great impact on many field botanists... more
Az alábbi írás Kaposvár (illetve jórészt egész Somogy vármegye) 1913-1948 közti cserkészmúltjának mintegy négyéves kutatómunkával feltárt forrásain alapul. Munkánk során a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Somogy Megyei Levéltárában található... more
Life and death of Prince Miklós Odescalchi, member of the anti-nazi resistanance, who was executed in 1945. Many unknown details of his life are described in detail, like his flying career, sport achievements, car-related issues, etc. It... more
Summary on the construction history of the Kremzir-palace at Barcs In the course of research - on the basis of archived sources - it was possible to certify that the building that - operated as a town court from the 1950’-ies - was built... more
dezső Krisztina A 19-es pécsi honvéd gyalogezred. Fokos című első világháborús tábori újságja Gőzsy zoltán Pécs város igazgatása és jogi helyzete az 18. század első felében. az 1740-es években felvett tanúvallomások tükrében Gyánti istván... more
Varasd vármegye története A megye fekvése Varasd vármegye a mai Horvátország területén fekszik. A Szent Korona fennhatósága alól az 1920. június 4-én Trianonban aláírt békediktátum következtében került ki, amikor a Magyar Királysággal... more
With constant competition, more and more companies seek to optimize the performance of processes in order to become agile and efficient. In this way they seek to invest in technologies and software that assist in process analysis, which... more
Spor medyasi tum dunyada oldugu gibi Turkiye’de de spor olaylarini kitlelere aktararak onemli bir islev yerine getirmektedir. Spor medyasinin populer kulturunun bir urunu olarak egitim duzeyi dusuk kesimlere hitap eden bir yapida olmasi... more
Honfoglalás és kora Árpád-kori sírok, temetők és szórványleletek a Nyugat-Dunántúlon I.
Reflexao acerca de processo de pesquisa em artes a partir da discussao da nocao de zenite epistemo-metodologico na singularidade do trajeto de pesquisa que deu origem a tese Em demanda da santa seresta: trajeto criativo a partir de uma... more
Sebuah tantangan yang dihadapi oleh seorang pendidik untuk Menginternalisasikan suatu nilai terhadap peserta didik, upaya yang sudah dilakukan yaitu dengan melalui keteladanan dan pembiasaan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), di antaranya... more
A mostra A Mão do Povo Brasileiro foi apresentada pela primeira vez em 1969 na inauguração do novo edifício do Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), na Avenida Paulista. A estratégia curatorial e expográfica, elaborada pela arquiteta... more
This study aims to describe the planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating the marketing of graduates in vocational education units, as well as supporting factors and inhibiting marketing of graduates in vocational education... more
O texto analisa alguns fragmentos narrativos produzidos por uma professora iniciante das séries iniciais da educação básica durante as reuniões do seu grupo de pesquisa do doutorado. Ao tomar como campo empírico tais fragmentos nosso... more
Saat ini hampir semua negara di dunia terjangkit virus corona baru SARS-CoV-2 atau penyakit Covid-19, tak terkecuali Indonesia. Sehingga perlu adanya tindakan nyata yang harus dilakukan untuk menanggulangi penyebaran virus corona. Telah... more
Inggit Garnasih memiliki peran besar dalam kehidupan Soekarno sebagai wanita yang telah mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk membantu kemerdekaan bangsa ini. Sebagai wanita yang lemah lembut Inggit Garnasih mampu membentuk karakter pasangan... more
Dedication We dedicate this paper to our highly esteemed co-author Jean-Claude Monney who passed away in December 2012. For this reason, we express our deep thanks for his collaboration on the ecology and evolution of the asp viper that... more
A blunt-nosed viper specimen, Macrovipera lebetina obtusa is recorded from Hıdırlık village, Divriği, Sivas province in Central Anatolia. Previously Erzincan-Kemaliye was the westernmost locality known for this species in central... more
Kivonat: A Kis-Balaton Vízvédelmi Rendszer (KBVR) természetvédelmi státuszából eredően a területen régóta folynak a legkülönfélébb madártani vizsgálatok és populációméret becslések. A tanulmány célja a vízi és vizes élőhelyekhez kötődő... more
- by Emil Boros
KurZFASSung Acht exemplare von Blanus strauchi (BedriAgA, 1884) von zwei neuen Fundstellen in der Türkei (dutluca, Kemaliye, erzincan und Burdur) wurden hinsichtlich äußerer morphologischer Merkmale untersucht und der unterart B. s.... more
A perícope das serpentes no deserto destaca-se do conjunto de escritos que recorrem ao simbolismo da serpente, ao utilizar esse elemento potencialmente enganoso para a fé de Israel, ambivalente. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi... more
The false horned vipers of the genus Pseudocerastes Boulenger, 1896 form a group of horned viper species with horn-like structures above their eyes that are made up of numerous small scales. The head is distinct from the neck, covered... more
In 1999 and 2004, we published reports on how the introduction of 20 males into a severely inbred and isolated population of Adders (Vipera berus) halted its decline towards extinction. The introduction significantly enhanced the... more
The ability to collect quality blood samples is essential in any animal class. The production of poor-quality blood data can be useless or, even worse, misleading to the clinician (Mader D., 1996). The two common sites for venipuncture in... more
The topic of the article is the influence of the rules and customs of succession on the family structures and life strategies in Southern Transdanubia. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists and the local administration observed... more
A new species of blunt-nosed viper of the genus Macrovipera is described from the central and southern parts of Iran on the basis of morphological and molecular examination. The mitochondrial Cytb gene was used to investigate phylogenetic... more
Turkey harbors a high diversity of viperid snakes, many with a high threat level on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, yet perception about even basic topics, such as distributions and conservation... more
Turkey harbors a high diversity of viperid snakes, many with a high threat level on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, yet perception about even basic topics, such as distributions and conservation... more
North-eastern anatolia harbours a high diversity of viperid snakes with only a limited knowledge about their distribution and with relationships among these vipers not yet fully resolved. Moreover, information on habitat attributes for... more
Two females of the viper Vipera barani which is only known from a few specimens are recorded from Trabzon province, Turkey, and are described here. The variability of pholidosis and the dorsal pattern now known in V. barani encompasses... more
O estudo comenta os textos de Num 12, 1-12 e 16, 1-35 através ótica dos fracos e oprimidos. Se difere de autores que veem como incontestável a autoridade dos líderes. Estes textos enaltecem o poder de Moisés e Arão no fato de que o... more
Background: The blunt-nosed viper Macrovipera lebetina (Linnaeus, 1758) is a medically important snake species in the Middle East. Its nominate subspecies Macrovipera l. lebetina is confined to Cyprus, where it is the only dangerously... more
Amphibia and Reptilia collections at the Zoological Museum, University of Istanbul (ZMUI) were studied and revised. The samples were collected from 1921 until today. The localities of most species are found in the different regions of... more
- by Nilgün Kaya
Up to these days, there has only been minor investigation on the grounds of the late castle next to Kereki. During the excavations, a small amount of stove tile fragments was found, but the pieces are, however, rather significant.... more
In our study, we would like to give a brief summary of Kaposvár and in the neighborhood of avar and early Hungarian archaeological sites, and this information later on can keep us working, and answer to receive the arising questions.
In őrtilos, at the őrtilos-zrínyi-Újvár archaeological site, between 25 July 2016 and 26 May 2017, archaeological excavations were performed supported by the national Cultural Fund (nKA) 207134/00284 project. In 2017, we have... more