Somatic Education
Recent papers in Somatic Education
Just as a child’s neurodevelopment becomes more sophisticated with life experience, somatic psychotherapy and dance/movement therapy, now in their eighth decade, are approaching a more intricate stage of growth. As each discipline grows... more
How do we share embodied knowledge? How do we understand the world through our bodies? How can we effectively interpret and communicate somatic experiences to a wider audience? These questions emerged during a collaborative research... more
Feldenkrais methods emphasize individualization, freedom, and ease. Ballet methods emphasize perfection and hierarchy, and this can lead to injuries. This paper asks how Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and ballet-two practices that seem... more
This paper suggests potential areas of dialogue between Body-Mind Centering® (BMCsm) and contemplative photography from a practitioner’s perspective. I begin with an overview of the embodiment process in BMC, and discuss some... more
The concept of embodiment, or the lived experience of the body, has become an important focus of scholarly attention across psychology, sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies. Addressing the inherent challenges of researching the... more
Wandering as Pathscaping, by Vanessa Grasse, presents a practical and theoretical enquiry into a walking and drawing practice grounded in a somatic and dance improvisation informed approach. This is articulated through the author’s... more
This article explores how the felt sense of touch, as engaged through the enabling constraints of the Argentine tango duet, can facilitate an experience of kinaesthetic listening in the spaces emerging between the dancer's inside and... more
This article is a brief response to the issues highlighted by Synesiou’s article in this issue, and Hetherington’s response to the article. Both contributors raise important points but especially the reflexive question of what is a body... more
Je propose d'aborder la danse comme une parole silencieuse. Pour discuter de cette dénomination d'apparence contradictoire, je définis la danse en tant que parole silencieuse comme un processus de symbolisation que je nomme métaphore... more
This paper takes as its context widespread feelings of anxiety within neoliberal society caused by a combination of material and discursive factors including precarious access to work and resources. It is argued that the state uses... more
Este trabalho reflete sobre a tentativa de desenvolver uma metodologia de ensino para o balé clássico sob uma perspectiva epistemológica construtivista. Ele é fruto da pesquisa de Mestrado em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade Federal da... more
The lived experience of the body–that is, our bodily sensations, perceptions and behaviors–is the essential ground of human identity. Developmentally, our visceral impulses serve as the foundation for personal agency, guiding us as we... more
Introduces the role of neuromaturational and dynamical systems theory in child development and ensuing adult movement behavior. Highlights the work of physical therapist, Irmgard Bartenieff (1900 - 1982) and occupational therapist Bonnie... more
The human embryo creates a body without a brain. Just how it does this, remains mysterious. While advances in science and technology afford scientists a privileged view of developmental changes in vivo, the embryo's dynamic growth... more
Just as a child’s neuro-development becomes more sophisticated with life experience, somatic psychotherapy and dance/movement therapy, now in their eighth decade, are approaching a more intricate stage of growth. As each discipline grows... more
The domain of Interaction Design (IxD) strives for rich interactions yet continues to work with both a shallow definition of gestalt experience and a meager palette of experiential variables from which to pull. The presence of the body in... more
Keynote address at the Healthy Houses/Healthy Interiors conference 2011, Bratislava University, Slovakia Green and sustainable design talks about the protection of natural resources, about designing in harmony with nature. But we must... more
This book describes the theory and methods of an original somatic approach to movement education. Based on the five Elements of ancient philosophical tradition, Elemental Movement integrates somatic and alchemical principles, processes,... more
Research has established the crucial role of the body in navigating experiences of social difference and mediating the traumatic impact of oppression. Although conceptual frameworks from education, counseling, and critical embodiment... more
Este documento, dirigido a aquellos interesados en la educación, la creación y la presentación de la danza, además de otras artes y técnicas que impliquen el trabajo con el cuerpo, se trata de un análisis de las distintas formas de... more
El tema central de esta investigación se refiere a aquellas praxis corporales disciplinares extracotidianas a través de las cuales se forman bailarines profesionales y su incidencia en la construcción de subjetividad de los mismos.
An introduction to pre-figurative foundations of learning
Sacrifice, Soma, and Spontaneity: Partners in an Integrative Psychology. Literature review looks at the anthropology of sacrificial process, the phenomenology of sacred space, and the sacrificial dimensions of archetypal psychology.... more
RESUMO Este texto aborda aspectos comuns e especificidades entre os princípios do método Body-Mind Centering (BMC), de Bonnie Baindbridge Cohen, a partir do Sistema de Análise de Movimento de Rudolf Laban/Bartenieff, e os princípios da... more
Self-care is fundamental to mental health practitioner training and professional efficacy. Expressive writing about stressful events has been researched and shown to have positive physical and psychological effects. Mindfulness, an... more
Movement sonification is an ongoing area of artistic research attracting the interest of musicians, technologists and movement practitioners. Similarly, mobile phones are frequently used in artistic contexts. By discussing Sonolope, a... more
In the text, it is discussed some aspects on somatics in contemporary times, from the starting point of its technical and conceptual basis, clarifying premises and applications, as well as misunderstandings and restrictions. Some aspects... more
Keywords modern technology somatics dance embodied experience identity authority PADM 1 (2) pp. 101-125.
In this paper, I examine definitions of and relationships between violence, oppression, peace, liberation, and embodiment in the context of critical pedagogy in order to construct a theory of critical embodied praxis for social justice... more
Is Pilates a Somatic Education Method? – This paper renews the discussion about the relevance of the Pilates method to the field of Somatic Education. The impact of marketing – which sells the method as a fitness activity – and the... more
. Trabajo final de graduacion para optar por el grado de licenciatrua en Artes Escenicas de la Unievrsidad Nacional de Costa Rica 2012. Investigacion performatica sobre el estado de trance desde una perspectiva del performance y el teatro... more
Bridging dance anthropology and multimodal discourse analysis, the article focuses on language used to teach and/or describe various versions of the pas de basque step in Highland, Scottish country, Scottish step and "called" Ceilidh... more
As abordagens somáticas se encontram amplamente disseminadas nos processos pedagógicos das artes da cena, tanto por promoverem bem-estar e saúde corporal, como por fomentarem diferentes maneiras de aproximação do corpo e sua... more
• Werbocentryzm: Treśd = to, co mówimy (wypowiedziane) Forma = to, jak mówimy (niewypowiedziane)
O artigo parte do princípio de que a educação somática articula questões próximas aos estudos da percepção tanto das ciências cognitivas como da filosofia. Indica que as abordagens somáticas podem ampliar sua área de atuação e transbordar... more