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This paper is an updated version of the author's one of the PhD thesis chapters where she explains the asylum trajectories and the decision making processes of non-European applicants before the adoption of the first asylum law in Turkey.... more
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      Border StudiesIrregular MigrationContemporary International MigrationAsylum seekers
ABSTRACT This study focused on understanding the drivers of entrepreneurship amongst Somali migrants in South Africa. An administered survey questionnaire and in-depth case studies are used to explore the manner in which Somalia migrants,... more
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      South AfricaEnterpreneurshipMigrantsSomali Refugees
My paper examines the reproduction of power differentials among Somali refugees in Kakuma refugee camp, in Northern Kenya's Turkana County. By examining how the spatial organisation of the camp mirrors, and amplifies, pre-existing... more
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      Human GeographyHumanitarianismSpatiality (Cultural geography)Kenya
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      Mobility/MobilitiesRefugee StudiesEast AfricaUganda
Without conducting much analysis on the multiethnic texture of the country, colonial ethnographers and ethnohistorians obsessed with the ideology of ‘Somali homogeneity’, and stakeholders of the nationalist sentiments of self-same Somalia... more
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      EthnohistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Con la sentenza del 28 giugno 2011 nel caso Sufi e Elmi contro Regno Unito 1 la Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo (CoEDU) è tornata sanzionare il livellamento verso il basso degli obblighi internazionali assunti dagli Stati Membri... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational Refugee LawSomali Refugees
Refugee studies have examined both resilience and adverse outcomes, but no research has examined how different outcomes co-occur or are distinct, and the social-contextual factors that give rise to these diverse outcomes. The current... more
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      Refugee StudiesTrauma StudiesRefugee ResettlementSomalia
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Somali DiasporaSomali RefugeesSomalia: History Society and Culture
Moria or Dadaab? Greece, Kenya, the Forthcoming Tsunami of Illegal Refugees, and the Final Salvation of the Greeks ΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΝΕΝΕΡΓΟ ΜΠΛΟΓΚ “ΟΙ ΡΩΜΙΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ” Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη είχε αρχικά... more
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      HistoryGlobalizationHuman RightsRefugee Studies
The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate how the criminalization of immigration and poverty interacts with community engagement and service provision in the lives of Somali refugees in a Midwestern town. Fortunately, we find that most... more
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      CrimmigrationHybrid GovernanceCriminalization of PovertySomali Refugees
Kenya has passed a controversial amendment to the country’s existing security laws, days after heated debates led to brawling on the floor of the Kenyan Parliament. Despite the fracas, the bill was passed with only minor changes, to the... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsTerrorismRefugee Studies