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Dipole and quadrupole solitons in a two-dimensional optically induced defocusing photonic lattice are theoretically predicted and experimentally observed. It is shown that in-phase nearest-neighbor and out-of-phase next-nearest-neighbor... more
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      Applied MathematicsPhysicsLattice TheorySolitons
A. Muñoz Mateo1,3,∗ Xiaoquan Yu2,3,† and Jun Nian4,5‡ 1 Departament de Fı́sica Quàntica i Astrofı́sica, Universitat de Barcelona, Martı́ i Franquès, 1, E–08028 Barcelona, Spain 2 Department of Physics, Centre for Quantum Science, and... more
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We consider the thermal expansion, change of sound velocity with pressure and temperature, and the Poisson ratio of lattices which have rigid units (polyhedra very large stiffness to change in bond-length and to bondangle variations)... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceCompressibilityThermal Expansion
In the low-energy regime, the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model's key characteristics are encapsulated by a Dirac-type Hamiltonian in continuum space, i.e., localized states emerge at the boundaries. Building on this, we have developed an... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsComputational PhysicsQuantum Physics
In zero magnetic field the superconductor Sr2RuO4 is believed to have a chiral spin triplet pairing state in which the gap function d-vector is aligned along the crystal c-axis. Using a phenomenological but orbital specific description of... more
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      PhysicsPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The paper reviews recent work on time reversal symmetry (TRS) breaking superconductors. The family of TRS breaking superconductors is growing relatively fast, with many of its newly discovered members being non-centrosymmetric. However,... more
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsSuperconductivitySymmetry Breaking
A horizontal layer containing a miscible mixture of two fluids can generate dissipative solitons called convectons when heated from below. The physics of the system leading to this behavior is explained, and the properties of the... more
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      PhysicsSolitonsHeat convectionSpringer Ebooks
Propöe-se um novo esquema de qua'ntizaçlo seml-clássi ca em teoría de campos ..a expanslo em torno da carga (ETC) +. o 'qua-fr é desenvolvido dentro do formalismo canónico. Esse método, que é apropriado para quantizar teorias Invariantes... more
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      PhysicsStabilityDifferential EquationsSolitons
Propöe-se um novo esquema de qua'ntizaçlo seml-clássi ca em teoría de campos ..a expanslo em torno da carga (ETC) +. o 'qua-fr é desenvolvido dentro do formalismo canónico. Esse método, que é apropriado para quantizar teorias Invariantes... more
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      PhysicsStabilityDifferential EquationsSolitons
We review the state of the art and recently obtained theoretical and experimental results for two-and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) solitons and related states, such as quantum droplets, in optical systems, atomic Bose-Einstein... more
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Many coastal protection structures in the UK have been designed for storm surges with appropriate return periods but their performance during tsunami-type waves is uncertain. A shallow water and Boussinesq (referred to as SWAB) model is... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeography
This paper analyses the advantageous features of supercontinuum (SC) generated from continuous-wave (CW) excitation. It has been shown that both the generation mechanisms and the temporal and spectral properties of supercontinuum produced... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceOpticsLaser
the properties of compacton-anticompacton collision processes. We compare and contrast results for the case of compacton-anticompacton solutions of the K(l,p) Rosenau-Hyman (RH) equation for l=p=2, with compactonanticompacton solutions of... more
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    • Physics
Extending a Padé approximant method used for studying compactons in the Rosenau-Hyman (RH) equation, we study the numerical stability of single compactons of the Cooper-Shepard-Sodano (CSS) equation and their pairwise interactions. The... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsPhysicsQuantum Mechanics
Bosonic Z2 metal: Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry due to Cooper pairing in the resistive state of Ba1−xKxFe2As2
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsPairing
We present an exact analytical model of a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate at negative temperature. This work is motivated by the first experimental discovery of negative temperature in Bose-Einstein condensate by Braun et al. We... more
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      PhysicsMedicineBose-Einstein CondensateChromatic Scale
We study Skyrmion dynamics in a (2+1)-dimensional Skyrme model. The system contains a dimensionless parameter α, with α = 0 corresponding to the O(3) sigmamodel. If two Skyrmions collide head-on, then they can either coalesce or... more
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      Applied MathematicsPhysicsVibrationsSolitons
Experimental evidence is presented in support of the theoretical prediction of Diamessis and Redekopp [J. Phys. Oceanogr. 36, 784 (2006)] for wave-induced vortex shedding at the lower solid boundary of a stratified fluid system as a... more
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We study two coupled systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, namely, generalized Boussinesq-Burgers equations and 2 1 -dimensional Davey-Stewartson equations. The Lie symmetry method is utilized to obtain exact solutions of... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryCombustionClassical Physics
We develop an analytical procedure to compute all relevant physical properties of scalar field oscillons in models with quartic polynomial potentials: energy, radius, frequency, core-amplitude, and lifetime. We compare our predictions to... more
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      PhysicsQuantum MechanicsMedicineSimulation
We investigate the matching between (1+1)-dimensional nonlinear field theories coupled to an external stochastic environment and their lattice simulations. In particular, we focus on how to obtain numerical results which are... more
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      Field TheoryPhysicsStatistical PhysicsLattice Field Theory
In this paper an infinite system of a Toeplitz matrix was considered and some results are demonstrated as partially new solution for the system. A survey was conducted on infinite system based on Toeplitz matrix computation. A unique... more
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      MathematicsComputationMarkov chainToeplitz matrix
En la obra El Derecho de la Sociedad, Niklas Luhmann sostuvo que el acoplamiento estructural de los subsistemas Derecho y Política se realiza por medio de la Constitución, así como que el acoplamiento estructural entre los subsistemas... more
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      Sociology of LawInterdisciplinarityLuhmannRegulation
In this paper we study the propagation of solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate governed by the time dependent one dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation managed by Feshbach resonance in a linear external potential. We give the Lax pair... more
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The construction of a family of real Hamiltonian forms (RHF) for the special class of affine 1 + 1-dimensional Toda field theories (ATFT) is reported. Thus the method, proposed in [1] for systems with finite number of degrees of freedom... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsLie Algebra
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      Materials ScienceFiber Laser
Bu çalışmada, Baryum titanat (BaTiO3) nanofiber ve nanotozlar elektroeğirme yöntemiyle üretilmiştir. Nanofiberler 800 °C sıcaklıkta ısıl işleme tabi tutularak barium titanat nanotoz elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen numunelerin mikroyapı... more
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      Materials ScienceNuclear Chemistry
Saktioto and Prof. Dr. Jalil Ali for all their guidance and support throughout the duration of this research and thesis writing. I am greatly indebted to them for the knowledge imparted and the precious time they allocated to guide me.... more
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      PhysicsFiber Bragg gratingNonlinear systemSoliton
RESUMO Um problema recorrente em computação científica é resolver numericamente proble-mas de propagação de ondas em que o domínio original do problema é truncado via uma condição de fronteira artificial. As reflexões causadas pela... more
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    • Physics
This study investigates the stability and decay properties of solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLSEs) with time-dependent coefficients. Employing a blend of analytical and numerical methods, we delve into how temporal... more
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    • Schrodinger equation
Nonlocal quantum fluids emerge as dark-matter models and tools for quantum simulations and technologies. However, strongly nonlinear regimes, like those involving multi-dimensional selflocalized solitary waves (nonlocal solitons), are... more
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The generation of finite energy packets of X-waves is analysed in normally dispersive cubic media by using an X-wave expansion. The 3D nonlinear Schroedinger model is reduced to a 1D equation with anomalous dispersion. Pulse splitting and... more
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Plane waves in Kerr media spontaneously generate paraxial X-waves (i.e. non-dispersive and non-diffractive pulsed beams) that get amplified along propagation. This effect can be considered a form of conical emission (i.e. spatio-temporal... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsNonlinear OpticsMedicine
We predict that an ultra-cold Bose gas in an optical lattice can give rise to a new form of condensation, namely matter X waves. These are non-spreading 3D wave-packets which reflect the symmetry of the Laplacian with a negative effective... more
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsNonlinear OpticsMedicine
The nonlinear propagation of light pulses in liquid-filled photonic crystal fibers is considered. Due to the slow reorientational nonlinearity of some molecular liquids, the nonlinear modes propagating inside such structures can be... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsNonlinear Fiber OpticsNonlinear Optics
We observe the formation of an intense optical wavepacket fully localized in all dimensions, i.e. both longitudinally (in time) and in the transverse plane, with an extension of a few tens of fsec and microns, respectively. Our... more
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      PhysicsOpticsNonlinear OpticsMedicine
The solar wind interacts with planetary magnetospheres, generating plasma waves in both the upstream region and the magnetospheric environment. Mars, lacking an inherent magnetic field, has an induced magnetosphere formed through solar... more
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      Plasma PhysicsSpace Plasma Physics
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One of the extraordinary aspects of nonlinear wave evolution which has been observed as the spontaneous occurrence of astonishing and statistically extraordinary amplitude wave is called rogue wave. We show that the eigenvalues of the... more
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      PhysicsMedicineOptical physicsOptical fiber
We propose a novel configuration that utilizes electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to tailor a fiber mode propagating inside a thin optical fiber and coherently control its dispersion properties to drastically reduce the group... more
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      PhysicsSlow LightFiberMathematical Sciences
Suppression of the quantum-mechanical collapse by repulsive interactions 11:40-12:10 Goran Gligoric The effect of dipole-dipole interaction on transition from the immiscible to miscible state in linearly coupled binary dipolar... more
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We report on the first observation of surface gap solitons, a nonlinear optical analog of localized surface Tamm states in periodic electronic potentials. We demonstrate strong beam self-trapping in the form of staggered surface modes at... more
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      PhysicsNonlinear OpticsPhotonicsOptical Waveguides
In the present work, by employing the field equations given in [15] and the extended PLK method derived in [9], we have studied the head-on collision of solitary waves in arteries. Introducing a set of stretched coordinates which include... more
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      PhysicsMechanicsNonlinear WavesWater Waves
We present a new description of nonequilibrium square patterns as a harmonically coupled crystal lattice. In a vertically oscillating granular layer, different transverse normal modes of the granular square-lattice pattern are observed... more
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsPattern FormationFluid Dynamics
Electron Spin-Echo @SE) measurements on mixed-stack charge transfer compound tetrathiafulvalene ('fTF)-chloranil (CA) are reported. Below Neutral-Ionic transition temperature, the ESE signals related to the spin solitons were observed.... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsChemistrySolitons
We investigate numerically the scattering of a moving discrete breather on a pair of junctions in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain. These junctions delimit an extended region with different masses of the particles. We consider ͑i͒ a rectangular... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamicsStatistical Physics
We study discrete surface breathers in two-dimensional lattices of inductively coupled split-ring resonators with capacitive nonlinearity. We consider both conservative ͑Hamiltonian͒ and analyze the properties of the modes localized in... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials Science
We have studied properties of nonlinear waves in a mathematical model of a predator-prey system with pursuit and evasion. We demonstrate a new type of propagating wave in this system. The mechanism of propagation of these waves... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPhysicsPopulation Dynamics
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    • Physics