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A detailed survey of the technique of perturbation theory for nearly integrable systems, based upon the inverse scattering transform, and a minute account of results obtained by means of that technique and alternative methods are given.... more
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      Nonlinear OpticsSingular PerturbationsPhotonic devices - Nonlinear opticsNonlinear optical waves, optical spatial solitons
We describe the measured group-velocity dispersion characteristics of several air-silica photonic crystal fibers with anomalous group-velocity dispersion at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. The values measured over a broad spectral... more
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      PhotonicsNear InfraredSilicaSolitons
This article offers a comprehensive survey of results obtained for solitons and complex nonlinear wave patterns supported by purely nonlinear lattices (NLs), which represent a spatially periodic modulation of the local strength and sign... more
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      Modern physicsSolitonsPhysical sciencesGuided Wave
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      Mathematical PhysicsAlgebraLie AlgebraQuantum Physics
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      Fiber LasersQuantum ElectronicsSolitonsOptical physics
We present a review of gravitating particle-like and black hole solutions with non-Abelian gauge fields. The emphasis is given to the description of the structure of the solutions and to the connection with the results of flat space... more
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      Black HolesGravityMathematical SciencesSolitons
We show that solitonic solutions of the classical string action on the AdS 5 × S 5 background that carry charges (spins) of the Cartan subalgebra of the global symmetry group can be classified in terms of periodic solutions of the Neumann... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsIntegrable SystemsString Theory
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsSolitonsConservation Laws
We demonstrate that rogue waves provide a powerful tool to actively control a nonlinear system with minimal effort. Specifically, optical rogue waves-rare, bright flashes of broadband light arising in subthreshold supercontinuum... more
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      Nonlinear OpticsTemporal dynamicsSolitonsPhysical sciences
The analysis performed shows that in cubic photorefractive crystals (of Bi,,SiO,, and GaAs type in particular) with drift ("quasilocal") mechanism of optical nonlinearity spatial soliton propagation can be observed for reasonable external... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsSwitchingSolitons
We report on an experimental observation of bound states of solitons in a passively mode-locked fiber soliton ring laser. The observed bound solitons are stable and have discrete, fixed soliton separations that are independent of the... more
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      PhysicsOpticsFiber LasersFiber Laser
All stationary solutions to the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation under box or periodic boundary conditions are presented in analytic form for the case of attractive nonlinearity. A companion paper has treated the repulsive... more
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      Quantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesSolitonsPhysical sciences
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      Classical PhysicsSolitonsDispersion RelationSpectral Decomposition
The nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation is used as a vehicle to employ the tanh method and the sine-cosine method to formally derive a number of travelling wave solutions. The study features a variety of solutions with distinct physical... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisSolitonsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
This paper studies the optical soliton perturbation by the aid of soliton perturbation theory. The various perturbation terms, that arise in the study of optical solitons, are exhaustively studied in this paper. The adiabatic parameter... more
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      Nonlinear OpticsNumerical SimulationPower LawSolitons
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from ERS-1 and ERS-2 have been used to study the characteristics of internal waves in the East China Sea. Rank-ordered packets of nonlinear internal waves in the East China Sea are often observed in... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesNonlinear WavesNumerical Simulation
For isotropic and homogeneous nonlinear left-handed materials, for which the effective medium approximation is valid, Maxwell's equations for electric and magnetic fields lead naturally, within the slowly varying envelope approximation,... more
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      EngineeringElectromagnetic WavesMathematical SciencesSolitons
In this paper an algebraic method is devised to construct new exact wave soliton solutions for two generalized nonlinear Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV systems of partial differential equations using symbolic software like Mathematica or... more
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      EngineeringPartial Differential EquationsDifferential EquationsMathematical Sciences
In this paper we study a class of Lorentz invariant nonlinear field equations in several space dimensions. The main purpose is to obtain soliton-like solutions. These equations were essentially proposed by C. H. Derrick in a celebrated... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNumerical MethodSolitons
A low-loss terahertz air-core microstructure fiber is demonstrated for terahertz waveguiding. Substantially low attenuation constant less than 0.01 cm −1 has been achieved and the guiding wavelength is found to be tunable by linear... more
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      EngineeringSolitonsPhysical sciencesTerahertz
We construct the open string boundary states corresponding to various timedependent deformations of the D-brane and explore several ways in which they may be used to study stringy soliton collective coordinate quantum dynamics. Among... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsString TheorySolitons
We investigate metal-enhanced fluorescence of peridinin-chlorophyll protein coupled to silver nanowires using optical microscopy combined with spectrally and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. In particular we study two different... more
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      NanofibersFluorescenceSemiconductorsScanning Electron Microscopy
Motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, we show that there is a remarkable agreement between static supergravity solutions and extrema of a field theory potential. For essentially any function V(α) there are boundary conditions in anti... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum Field TheoryGravitySolitons
Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the creation and description of bright matter wave solitons are reviewed. Several aspects are taken into account, including the physics of soliton train formation as the nonlinear Fresnel... more
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      Bose Einstein CondensationNumerical SimulationMathematical SciencesSolitons
We report experimental studies of spatial optical solitons in a nonlinear glass waveguide. Spatial solitons are self-trapped beams that propagate without diffraction. We demonstrate the formation of spatial solitons, and we investigate... more
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      Applied MathematicsOpticsMedical ImagingFiber Optics
We investigate the entanglement characteristics of two general bimodal Bose-Einstein condensates -a pair of tunnel-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates and the atom-molecule Bose-Einstein condensate. We argue that the entanglement is only... more
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      OpticsQuantum MechanicsDynamicsMathematical Sciences
By pumping a fiber in the anomalous group-velocity dispersion regime with a color-center laser, we generate a femtosecond distributed soliton spectrum with T > 100 fsec covering a wide spectral range between 1.55 < X < 1.85 jim. We... more
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      Applied MathematicsOpticsMedical ImagingFiber Optics
We show that quadratic solitons are equivalent to solitons of a nonlocal Kerr medium. This provides new physical insight into the properties of quadratic solitons, often believed to be equivalent to solitons of an effective saturable Kerr... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsInformaticsNonlinear Optics
During this last decade, several remarkable phenomena inherent to the nonlinear propagation of incoherent optical waves have been reported in the literature. This article is aimed at providing a generalized wave turbulence kinetic... more
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      Applied MathematicsNonlinear OpticsModulationFiber Laser
We report results of a systematic analysis of the stability of one-dimensional solitons in a model including the self-repulsive or attractive cubic nonlinearity and a linear potential represented by a periodically shaking lattice, which... more
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      Quantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesSolitonsPhysical sciences
We apply the method of nonlinear steepest descent to compute the long-time asymptotics of the Korteweg-de Vries equation for decaying initial data in the soliton and similarity region. This paper can be viewed as an expository... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical SciencesSolitonsPhysical sciences
In this paper, we propose a new completely integrable hierarchy. Particularly in the hierarchy we draw two new soliton equations:
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      Mathematical PhysicsMathematical SciencesSolitonsPhysical sciences
We analyze the influence of self-steepening and higher-order dispersion on the process of optical wave thermalization. This study is aimed at developing a thermodynamic formulation of supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers.... more
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      ThermodynamicsNonlinear OpticsKineticsWave turbulence
We consider vector solitons of mixed bright-dark types in quasi-one-dimensional spinor ͑F =1͒ Bose-Einstein condensates. Using a multiscale expansion technique, we reduce the corresponding nonintegrable system of three coupled... more
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      Numerical SimulationMathematical SciencesSolitonsPhysical sciences
We study the motion of bright matter wave solitons in nonlinear potentials, produced by periodic or random spatial variations of the atomic scattering length. We obtain analytical results for the soliton motion, the radiation of matter... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsNumerical SimulationMathematical SciencesSolitons
The lower branch of the dispersion relation of exciton polaritons in semiconductor microcavities, operating in the strong-coupling regime, contains sections of both positive and negative curvature along one spatial direction. We show that... more
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      Nonlinear OpticsSolitonsPhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) model, which was proposed 50 years ago to examine thermalization in non-metallic solids and develop "experimental" techniques for studying nonlinear problems, continues to yield a wealth of results in the theory... more
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      Applied MathematicsAlgorithmsPhysicsLattice Theory
Matrix orthogonal Laurent polynomials in the unit circle and the theory of Toda-like integrable systems are connected using the Gauss–Borel factorization of two, left and a right, Cantero–Morales–Velázquez block moment matrices, which are... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsApproximation TheoryMathematical Physics
Observational studies show that voids are prominent features of the large-scale structure of the present-day Universe. Even though their emerging from the primordial density perturbations and evolutionary patterns differ from dark matter... more
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      Quantum PhysicsSolitonsTheoretical Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
We construct Darboux transformations for the super-symmetric KP hierarchies of Manin–Radul and Jacobian types. We also consider the binary Darboux transformation for the hierarchies. The iterations of both type of Darboux transformations... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
We present a unified approach for qualitative and quantitative analysis of stability and instability dynamics of positive bright solitons in multi-dimensional focusing nonlinear media with a potential (lattice), which can be periodic,... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesSolitonsPhysical sciences
Localized patterns and nonlinear oscillation formation on the bounded free surface of an ideal incompressible liquid are analytically investigated . Cnoidal modes, solitons and compactons, as traveling non-axially symmetric shapes are... more
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      Applied MathematicsFluid DynamicsSolitonsNonlinear
The excitation of near-infrared ð2 þ 1ÞD solitons in liquid carbon disulfide is demonstrated due to the simultaneous contribution of the third-and fifth-order susceptibilities. Solitons propagating free from diffraction for more than 10... more
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    • Solitons
We analyze the existence and stability of localized solutions in the one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation with a combination of competing self-focusing cubic and defocusing quintic onsite nonlinearities. We... more
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      Applied MathematicsModelsSolitonsBifurcation
In this paper, based on the regular Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) system, we study negative-order KdV (NKdV) equations, particularly their Hamiltonian structures, Lax pairs, conservation laws, and explicit multisoliton and multikink wave... more
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      Applied MathematicsIntegrable SystemsSolitons
We show that the center-of-mass motion of ultracold attractively interacting bosons can become superballistic in the presence of decoherence, via single-, two- and/or three-body losses. In the limit of weak decoherence, we analytically... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsStatistical Physics Of Complex SystemsSolitons
Nonlinear evolution equations with cosine/sine compacton solutions are reviewed, including the Rosenau-Hyman equation and generalizations of Korteweg-de Vries, Camassa-Holm, Boussinesq, Benjamin-Bona-Mahony, Klein-Gordon and other... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisSolitonsAnalytical Solution
We investigate one-dimensional (1D) and 2D radial domain-wall (DW) states in the system of two nonlinear-Schrödinger/Gross-Pitaevskii (NLS/GP) equations, which are coupled by the linear mixing and by the nonlinear XPM... more
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      EngineeringNonlinear OpticsMathematical SciencesSolitons
The nonlinear dynamics of electron-acoustic localized structures in a collisionless and unmagnetized plasma consisting of "cool" inertial electrons, "hot" electrons having a kappa distribution, and stationary ions is studied. The... more
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      Plasma PhysicsThermodynamicsNonlinear dynamicsAstronomy
We consider the multicomponent Yajima-Oikawa (YO) system and show that the two-component YO system can be derived in a physical setting of a three-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (3-CNLS) type system by the asymptotic reduction method. The... more
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      SolitonsSolitons and Nonlinear wave