Recent papers in Solitons
We consider some nonlinear phenomena in metamaterials with negative refractive index properties. Our consideration includes a survey of previously known results as well as identification of the phenomena that are important for... more
In this paper, the topological (dark) soliton solutions to the Camassa-Holm type equations are obtained by the solitary wave ansatz method. This solution may be useful to explain some physical phenomena in genuinely nonlinear dynamical... more
We have investigated the nonlinear optical interaction of uniform and kink states of a nematic and a ferrofluid-doped nematic (ferronematic) liquid crystal with an incident laser field. We find that the transition between the permitted... more
Several finite-differencing techniques are used to study the dynamics of interacting one-dimensional solitons.
Explicit expressions for the generators of the quantum superalgebra U q [gl(n/m)} acting on a class of irreducible representations are given. The class under consideration consists of all essentially typical representations: for these a... more
In this thesis study, it is aimed to cover the surface of Ti-based materials with Ag by using new experimental processes with cold substrate technique and to examine the TiO2-Ag binary structure. Titanium and its alloys (Ti-6Al-4V) are... more
The nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation is used as a vehicle to employ the tanh method and the sine-cosine method to formally derive a number of travelling wave solutions. The study features a variety of solutions with distinct physical... more
A detailed survey of the technique of perturbation theory for nearly integrable systems, based upon the inverse scattering transform, and a minute account of results obtained by means of that technique and alternative methods are given.... more
An overview of optical solitons was presented in this project. Starting from the nonlinear effects on the refractive index and the wave equation, the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NLSE) was developed. The NLSE is capable of describing... more
It is shown that Lorentz Invariance is a wave phenomenon. The relativistic mass, length contraction and time dilation all follow from the assumption that energy-momentum is constrained to propagate at the speed of light, c, in all... more
In this paper, based on the regular Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) system, we study negative-order KdV (NKdV) equations, particularly their Hamiltonian structures, Lax pairs, conservation laws, and explicit multisoliton and multikink wave... more
In the course of the past several years, a new level of understanding has been achieved about conditions for the existence, stability, and generation of spatiotemporal optical solitons, which are nondiffracting and nondispersing... more
We discuss the early history of an important field of ''sturm and drang'' in modern theory of nonlinear waves. It is demonstrated how scientific demand resulted in independent and almost simultaneous publications by many different authors... more
A generally covariant refractive medium interpretation of gravity, isomorphic to the time independent Einstein-Yilmaz variation of General Relativity, is developed from the assumption that mass energy propagates at the characteristic... more
Using a modified version of the split-step Fourier method, we analyze the effect of noise on soliton propagation inside erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. In fact, noise from forward-propagating amplified spontaneous emission, associated with... more
In this paper, based on the regular Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) system, we study negative-order KdV (NKdV) equations, particularly their Hamiltonian structures, Lax pairs, conservation laws, and explicit multisoliton and multikink wave... more
This article offers a comprehensive survey of results obtained for solitons and complex nonlinear wave patterns supported by nonlinear lattices (NLs), which represent a spatially periodic modulation of the local strength and sign of the... more
This article offers a comprehensive survey of results obtained for solitons and complex nonlinear wave patterns supported by purely nonlinear lattices (NLs), which represent a spatially periodic modulation of the local strength and sign... more
We consider the multicomponent Yajima-Oikawa (YO) system and show that the two-component YO system can be derived in a physical setting of a three-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (3-CNLS) type system by the asymptotic reduction method. The... more
This article presents a three-layer index guided lead silicate (SF57) photonic crystal fiber which simultaneously promises to yield large effective optical nonlinear coefficient and low anomalous dispersion that makes it suitable for... more
The creation of stable 1D and 2D localized modes in lossy nonlinear media is a fundamental problem in optics and plasmonics. This article gives a mini review of theoretical methods elaborated on for this purpose, using localized gain... more
are discussed in terms of how they are influenced, but not suppressed, by a metamaterial background. It is strongly discussed that metamaterials and optical rogue waves have both been making headlines in recent years and that they are,... more
Darboux transformations for the AKNS/ZS system are constructed in terms of Grammian-type determinants of vector solutions of the associated Lax pairs with an operator spectral parameter. A study of the reduction of the Darboux... more
The present study aims to develop a hybrid scheme using trigonometric cubic B-spline basis functions with differential quadrature method for solving nonlinear Schrödinger equation in both one and two dimensions. This method reduces the... more
Through investigating history, evolution of the concept, and development in the theories of electrons, I am convinced that what was missing in our understanding of the electron is a structure, into which all attributes of the electron... more
Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the creation and description of bright matter wave solitons are reviewed. Several aspects are taken into account, including the physics of soliton train formation as the nonlinear Fresnel... more
We study theoretically and experimentally actively modelocked fiber lasers that are used in high repetition rate optical communication systems. Using an innovative numerical technique and a reduced model, we have found that the laser can... more
We propose a design of tellurite and As 2 S 3 -based chalcogenide tapered photonic crystal fibers (TPCF) for broadband coherent mid-infrared supercontinuum (SC) generation in the few-optical-cycle regime. We optimize the soliton... more
In this work, we present a comparative study of meshless method, modified Bernstein polynomials (BP) and B-Spline finite element method (BS-FEM) for the numerical solution of two different models of Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation. The... more
We present a hodograph transformation providing solutions for a wide family of multidimensional nonlinear partial differential equations and discuss several applications to concrete examples.
During July and August of 1996, the summer component of the New England Shelfbreak Front PRIMER Experiment was fielded in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, at a site due south of Martha's Vineyard, MA. This study produced acoustic transmission data... more
Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the creation and description of bright matter wave solitons are reviewed. Several aspects are taken into account, including the physics of soliton train formation as the nonlinear Fresnel... more
We consider some problems arising from singularly perturbed general differential difference equations. First we construct (in a new way) and analyze a “fitted operator finite difference method (FOFDM)” which is first order ε-uniformly... more
Darboux transformations for the AKNS/ZS system are constructed in terms of Grammian-type determinants of vector solutions of the associated Lax pairs with an operator spectral parameter. A study of the reduction of the Darboux... more
In this paper, analytically investigated is a higher-order dispersive nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Based on the linear eigenvalue problem associated with this equation, the integrability is identified by admitting an infinite number of... more
The exact bright one-and two-soliton solutions of a particular type of coherently coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations, with alternate signs of nonlinearities among the two components, are obtained using the non-standard Hirota's... more
We obtain an extension of the Christoffel–Darboux formula for matrix orthogonal polynomials with a generalized Hankel symmetry, including the Adler–van Moerbeke generalized orthogonal polynomials.
This paper obtains solutions to the Zakharov-Kuznetsov modified equal width equation with power law nonlinearity. The Lie symmetry approach and the simplest equation method are used to obtain these solutions. Moreover, conservation laws... more
This paper implemented the tanh method to solve a few coupled nonlinear wave equations in (2 ? 1)dimensions. They are the Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky equation, dispersive long wave equation and the Riemann wave equation. Additionally, the... more
Mereotopology is a concept rooted in analytical philosophy. The phase-field concept is based on mathematical physics and finds applications in materials engineering. The two concepts seem to be disjoint at a first glance. While... more