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The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyRecyclingBiorefinery
This paper presents results from a survey of waste management authorities aimed at identifying the opportunities and constraints associated with implementing economic instruments (EIs) for solid waste management (SWM) in South Africa... more
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      EngineeringWaste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementInfrastructure Development
The problem of food waste (FW) has become a global issue nowadays and Malaysia is on the other hand, treating FW as part of MSW just because separation of FW management does not exist. The country is trying its best to solve the... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementAnaerobic Digestion
Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) strategies are becoming widely applied in solid waste management systems; the main purpose is to support a more sustainable – from economic, environmental and social points of view – management of waste flows.... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Management
This paper compares solid waste management in Lebanon, Jordan, and Tunisia; countries that are at different stages in terms of waste management but they share similarities pertaining to waste practices, sources and types of waste,... more
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      LebanonJordanSolid Waste ManagementTunisia
Growing concerns exist regarding water scarcity, preserving water resources and securing water supply worldwide . Water scarcity occurs when water resources cannot adequately supply the current and estimated future demand of users . In... more
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      EconomicsWaterAir Pollution and Health EffectsWater Distribution Systems
Municipal solid waste generation is a rapidly increasing challenge that is leading to severe pollution and environmental degradation in many urban areas of developing countries. Globally, the solid waste sector accounts for 18% of methane... more
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      Renewable EnergyInfrastructure PlanningMonte Carlo SimulationSustainable Urban Environments
The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringRural SociologyGeography
distribution systems. A new index ‘uniformity coefficient’ is introduced to measure the equity in distribution of water within the network, which may be useful for performance evaluation of water distribution networks (WDNs). An iterative... more
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      WaterAir Pollution and Health EffectsWater Distribution SystemsSolid Waste Management
Rapid urbanisation has resulted in population explosion in most of the cities of developing countries. Cities are unable to meet the growing need of infrastructure to support this population. There are gaps and lags in demand and supply... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementInformal Sector
This study was commissioned by Practical Action Nepal Office, under the PRISM (Poverty Reduction of Informal Workers in Solid Waste Management Sector) project. Practical Action aims to reduce poverty in developing countries by introducing... more
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      Social PolicySocial ProtectionGreen Economy & Green Jobs PerspectivesEnvironmental Sustainability
This study was carried out in Kisenyi area which is located within Central Division of Kampala District, Uganda. The main objective of the study was to explore the current level of community participation in solid waste management and... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingWaste ManagementSolid Waste Management
The efficiency with which the Solid Waste Management services are provided by urban local bodies has direct bearing on public health, environment and quality of life in urban areas. Efficient segregation, collection, transport, processing... more
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    • Solid Waste Management
Though the solid waste management (SWM) system in Phnom Penh city in general has been upgraded since the waste collection service was franchised out to the private sector, the performance of the existing SWM system is still low.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringTechnologyCambodiaWaste Management
В профильной литературе используются очень разные оценки образования в России твердых бытовых отходов (ТБО, также твердые коммунальные отходы, ТКО) - от 30 до 70 млн.тонн в год. Очевидно, что некоторые из этих оценок не соответствуют... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Management
Reliable and safe access to drinking water is important to ensure the financial and social sustainable development of human communities. This task requires a multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method to select alternatives for brand... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementSustainable Rural Development
This research includes studying the possibility of producing a new kind of No-fines concrete by replacing granules of coarse aggregates with grains results from the fragmentation of industrial waste of polystyrene. This replacing were... more
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      Materials ScienceSolid Waste ManagementLightweight ConcreteWaste Plastic Used In Concrete
Aim: This research investigated the utilization of livestock manure as nutrient source in maize farming. Place and Duration: The field experiment was carried out at the research field of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringOrganic agricultureEnvironmental ManagementSolid Waste Management
The Urban Solid Waste Management System (USWMS) is intrinsically complex, because it involves different connected problems and must achieve objectives which are often in conflict . It is difficult to evaluate the various alternatives in... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementMultidisciplinary
One of the most critical areas of concern in fast urbanizing India relates to the issue of municipal solid waste management in Indian cities. As per estimates (GOI, 2010) urban India currently produces about 70 million tons of waste and... more
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      EngineeringSolid Waste Management
Solid fuel gasification, especially for coal and lignite, is a process that converts coal from a solid state to a gaseous state. Air and/or oxygen will be transmitted to the system under control. In the presence of a controlled 'shortage'... more
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      GasificationSolid Waste ManagementBiomass gasification for thermal and power applicationWaste to Energy
Solid waste, which is a consequence of day-today activity of human kind, needs to be managed properly. Jigjiga City, like other cities in developing countries, faces problems associated with poorly managed solid waste operation. This... more
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      Climate ChangeWater qualitySolid Waste ManagementWater Quality
The paper aims to overview the similarities and differences between the People’s Republic of China, the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Serbia (RS) regarding their membership in the international environmental agreements. At the... more
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      Environmental EconomicsInternational RelationsEuropean LawEnvironmental Law
While selecting various additives for different soils in the process of stabilisation or reinforcement, one must also think upon the variations occurring in the permeability parameter because of the after-effect of addition of additives... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWaste recyclingSolid Waste ManagementWaste Plastic Used In Concrete
O presente documento trata-se do Relatório sobre a actividade/experiência profissional da signatária ao abrigo do Despacho Circular n.º 20/2010, de 21 de Julho para obtenção do Grau de Mestre por Licenciatura “Pré-Bolonha”. A signatária... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWaste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementConstruction Engineering and Management
Today, construction practices with potential damages to the environment are carried out uncontrollably to respond to the rapidly growing population needs. In the construction sector, which is one of the leading sectors closely following... more
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      BusinessEngineeringConstruction ManagementSustainable Building Design
Among prevalent methods of disposal for municipal solid waste, landfilling is the most common one. A landfill requires a piece of land and receive a huge amount of wastes for a certain period of time. Many landfills all around the world... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementBrownfields Redevelopment
Due to the instability of prices of fuels and climate variability, electricity rates are a sensitive aspect for the competitiveness of the country. The use of alternative energy has become an excellent option of self-sufficiency for... more
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      Organic agricultureEnvironmental SustainabilitySolid Waste ManagementMexico
Indonesia is the third-largest rice producer countries in the world with the total production capacity of around 70 million tons per year. Rice husk is the main residue from rice milling and is about 20% of the paddy grain weight. Typical... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentBiomassEnergy
Industrial Automation has acquired importance owing to the ever-increasing demand for more productivity, and optimum utilization of available resources and manpower. Due to the increasing usage of plastics such as PET, its recycling has... more
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      Industrial AutomationSolid Waste Management
The purpose of this paper is to know the perception regarding the post-flood waste management system in Tumpat, Kelantan. A total of 31 respondents which consist 15 men and 16 women are selected at random. Among the criteria taken into... more
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      Qualitative ResearchWaste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementNatural Disasters
Waste characterization is the first step to any successful waste management policy. In this paper, the characterization and the trend of solid waste generated in University of Lagos, Nigeria was carried out using ASTM D5231-92 and... more
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    • Solid Waste Management
This document was created in hopes for a safer, more prosperous future of aeronautics. This document seeks to present an otherwise highly complex topic in the framework of game theory, economic or otherwise with players being governing... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamicsAerospaceEnvironmental Sustainability
Generation of solid waste (SW) is a major problem in urban areas and its management is obligatory functions for both urban local authority and the urban people. Present paper presents a study of household solid waste generation (HSWG)... more
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      Wood ScienceSolid Waste ManagementWood chemistryWood science and technology
The Urban Solid Waste Management System (USWMS) is intrinsically complex, because it involves different connected problems and must achieve objectives which are often in conflict. It is difficult to evaluate the various alternatives in... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementMultidisciplinary
This project was carried out on the household waste management system in ward # 8 of Jessore Pourashava. The main work of this project was the characterization of household waste and its management system in the urban areas, starting from... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementEnergy efficiency
"Volatile fatty acids (VFA) including acetic, butyric, formic and propionic are extensively utilized in contemporary industry. Their commercial value is of high significance while their often derive from petroleum which is non-abundance... more
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      International DevelopmentEnergyWaste recyclingCorporate Sustainability
The parameters such as temperature, PH, TSS, TDS, ammonia, phenol, cyanide, sulfide, oil and grease, chloride, DO, COD and BOD were taken to assess the water quality of Sirsiya river, central southern Nepal. Water samples were collected... more
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      Environmental EngineeringClimate ChangeWastewater TreatmentModelling
Presently in India, about 960 million tonnes of solid waste is being generated annually as by-products during industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural and other processes. Of this 350 million tonnes are organic wastes from agricultural... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringArchitectureConstruction Materials
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      Water qualityWastewater TreatmentLow Cost TechnologyWaste Management
Country report presentation on the 73rd UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB International Short Course on Resource Efficiency – Cleaner Production and Waste Management (Nov. 15 - Dec. 8, 2017)
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWastewater TreatmentWaste ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
Microorganisms are key-role player for stabilization of landfill sites. In order to evaluate the availability of T-RFLP(Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) for monitoring microbial community variations during stabilization... more
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      MicrobiologyBiotechnologyMolecular MicrobiologySolid Waste Management
The growing population of the Philippines in the urban areas is a potent contributor in the increasing organic wastes, in the advent of solid waste management programs of the local governments in lieu with the passing of solid waste... more
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      TechnologyEnvironmental ManagementWaste ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Design for Social InnovationLocal Government and Local DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilitySolid Waste Management
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    • Solid Waste Management
Il Rapporto Nazionale sul Riutilizzo 2021, realizzato dall'Osservatorio del Riutilizzo di Occhio del Riciclone Italia in collaborazione con Labelab e Rete ONU, offre uno stato dell'arte del comportamento, delle innovazioni normative e... more
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      Social EconomyMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementEcologyWaste Management
The rapid economic development and population growth in Macao have resulted in a large increase in refuse generated over the past decade. In 2003, the quantity of solid waste generated reached 249,255 tons, corresponding to 1.52 kg/day... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEconomic DevelopmentWaste ManagementSolid Waste Management
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingWaste ManagementSolid Waste Management
Over 24 million plastic bags are consumed in Kenya monthly. More than half of the bags end up in the solid waste stream. Plastic bags now constitute the biggest challenge to solid waste management in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya and home... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental JusticeKenyaSolid Waste Management
Reduction of the amount of waste deposited in the landfill is one of the main aims of Krakow municipal waste management. The principles of sustainable development and the European Union regulations for sustainable waste... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste ManagementSolid Waste Management