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The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringRural SociologyGeography
Nigeria is reported as having released up to 0.34 million tonnes of plastic debris into the ocean in 2010 and ranked as the ninth country in the world for pollution of the marine environment. It is a postcolonial, oil rich country where... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid waste management and treatmentMicroplastics in the OceansSolid Waste Generation and Management
Improper disposal of solid waste has resulted in the formation of large number of waste dumps around most towns and cities. Improper waste management can lead to serious environmental and health hazard. Also these sites are being used for... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and Management
This work corresponds to a research conducted in the city of Teresina-PI/Brazil, where he aimed to analyze the management of organic solid waste in a market of coconut water production. As the primary method to achieve this goal we used... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementSolid wasteResiduos solidosSustentabilidad
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnergy Economics
Fifty percent of global greenhouse gas emission and more than 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress comes from resource extraction and processing. Scaling up the circular economy from frontrunner to mainstream will make a decisive... more
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      Innovation In Built EnvironmentUpcyclingEnvironmental Waste Management by EPS-producing biofilm bacteriaSolid Waste Generation and Management
Physicochemical analyses were carried out on soil samples from four different waste dumpsites in the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Nigeria to ascertain the effects of the refuse dumpsites on soil and groundwater... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical Engineering
The amount of solid waste is rapidly increasing due to urbanization. Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal is facing the bigger challenges day by day which are usually caused by rapid urbanization and modernization of the city. Cities... more
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      RecyclingMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingNepal
Mass gathering events is very common in India due to which there have been various instances which has made certain negative impact on our environment. Kumbh Mela is one of the largest mass gathering event on the earth. It is one of the... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementEnvironmental SanitationWaste ManagementWater Pollution
There is a need for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) stream characterization and composition analysis to allow for an accurate estimation of its recycling potential and for effective management of the entire system. Recycling provides... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and ManagementSyrian Refugees in Jordan
Durban 2014 Paper on Waste generation rates difference between an academic building (Centenary) and a residential building (Anglo Cluster) on Howard College campus, and composition of this waste.
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      Waste ManagementWaste Generation CalculationSolid Waste Generation and ManagementHandling of Waste
With the spread of technology, industrialisation and increasing standards of living, the accumulation of non-biodegradable solid waste (NBDSW) is an unwelcome and often unnoticed side effect of 'development' in India. Therefore in the... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterEnvironmental StudiesWater quality
The continued use of fossil fuels, as well as the environmental impact of greenhouse gases (GHGs), has prompted research into the production of alternative fuels from natural sources. (Achinas, Achinas, & Euverink, 2017). Due to the... more
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      Environmental HealthMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Policy and Governance
Malaysia is one of the most successful developing countries in term of economic growth and stable politic conditions. Rapid economic transition and increasing of urban population will reflect the escalation of solid waste generation. In... more
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      ManagementPublic PolicyStudiesSustainable DevelopmentMalaysia
Con el objetivo de definir un Sistema Integral de Gestión de los Residuos Sólidos Municipales (RSM) que produce la ciudad de Managua, que en las condiciones nicaragüenses asegure el máximo aprovechamiento de energía y materia prima con el... more
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      Environmental EngineeringResearch Methods and MethodologyMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementCarbon Cycle
Technology is always evolving and simultaneously is playing an important role in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). This paper shall deal with the implementation of such a technology i.e. Augmented Reality (AR) in managing... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentAugmented RealityMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste Management
Like other developing countries, waste management has become a major problem in the Philippines in the past decades. This paper provides an overview of the waste management and recycling in the Philippines and the responses of the... more
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      Solid Waste Managementintegrated Solid waste managementSolid Waste Generation and ManagementSolid Wastes
A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Health, in fulfilment of the requirements for a Master's Degree in Technology: Environmental Health at Technikon Natal, Durban I, Tobius Thobile Poswa, do declare that this dissertation is... more
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      ManagementEnvironmental EngineeringSociologyHealth Sciences
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and Management
Mostly different activities of solid waste management (SWM) viz. the collection, segregation, transportation, disposal, processing, recycling and treatment are not effectively handled and managed in cities and towns in India. The... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and ManagementLandfill Leachate Management and Characterization
This paper aims to (1) examine the challenges in the compost facilities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), (2) optimize the composting techniques using indigenous natural zeolite and locally produced biochar from agricultural residues... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Studies
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Economics
E-waste management is a serious challenge across developed, transition, and developing countries because of the consumer society and the globalization process. E-waste is a fast-growing waste stream which needs more attention of... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
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    • Solid Waste Generation and Management
Industrialization has resulted in rapid improvement in the standards of living; however, it has also resulted in pollution and generation of solid wastes that have recently reached epic proportions. An effective waste management... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementSolid waste management and treatmentSoil StabilizationSolid waste
Urban development in North-Western Region of India comprising Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Chandigarh is at cross roads. The Region is facing many crucial and new urban challenges in post liberalization era.... more
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      Urban GeographyDevelopment StudiesWaterHousing in Developing Areas
This study concerns about assessment of solid waste management system and its challenges the case of Bosaso city Puntland state of Somali, It employed descriptive type of research using qualitative and quantitative research approaches.... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and ManagementEnvironmental Impact of Solid Waste Management
Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) has become one of the significant environmental issues, particularly in developing countries. Bengaluru, the state capital of Karnataka, is one of the fastest growing cities in Asia. The Bruhat... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and ManagementLandfill Leachate Management and Characterization
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      Chemical EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementSolid waste management and treatment
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      RecyclingWasteMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementGlass
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      Chemical EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementSolid waste management and treatment
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnergy Economics
Nigeria just likes every other country in sub-Sahara Africa is faced with solid waste generation and management. Solid waste is dump indiscriminately and seen in huge heaps on any piece of unused land, around buildings, drainage system,... more
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      Solid Waste ManagementWaste Water Treatment, solidwaste Engineering and managementSolid Waste Generation and Management
O efeito de variáveis no tingimento com corantes sintéticos é bem conhecido, porém pouco avaliado nos corantes naturais. A natureza química complexa e difícil de ser determinada completamente dos corantes naturais, faz necessária uma... more
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      TechnologyCleaner ProductionTextilesWaste recycling
References. Can be used for further discussion.
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      Chemical EngineeringWater and wastewater treatmentMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Management
Biomedical waste is identified under many terminologies like hospital waste, healthcare waste etc., which are generated due to long or short term care of persons. Various health care establishments are the minor and major source of these... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementHazardous WasteSolid Waste ManagementHEALTHCARE WASTE MANAGMENT
Increasing human population and economic development and urbanization has resulted in generation of huge quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW). It involves many activities like collection, transportation and disposal of wastes. There... more
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      Civil EngineeringCivil LawMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Management
The 1960s are seen as the formative years of the environmental movement and this was also when the matter of waste became a global responsibility. In this period, the emphasis was on the polluting effects of waste and the role of waste... more
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      Solid Waste Generation and ManagementCircular Economy
Rural areas are exposed to severe environmental pollution issues fed by industrial and agricultural activities combined with poor waste and sanitation management practices, struggling to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental Studies
Solid waste management (SWM) is a vital responsibility of municipal governments worldwide and is one of the biggest challenges faced by urban authorities. Waste generation is increasing at a rapid pace, exceeding the financial and... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingSolid Waste ManagementWaste Disposal
Compilation of individual assignments
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      Chemical EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementSolid waste management and treatment
A study of social and public waste management in metropolitan zone of Guadalajara.
Solid waste generation, collection, treatment and disposal.
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      Solid Waste Generation and ManagementHuman Rights and Environmental justice
Wangatia, M. V. (2012). Solid Waste Management Practices in Nairobi: The Hidden Gold! In KIPPRA Policy Monitor Issue 4 No. 2 January-June 201; p31-34.
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Generation and Management
Percolating water passing through waste becomes contaminated and will have dissolved soluble organic and inorganic compounds as well as suspended particles. Also the pore fluid of the waste is often released and mixes with this water. The... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementMunicipal Solid WasteMunicipal Solid Waste Management, Landfill management, landfill leachate toxicity and occupational health
National Solid Waste Management Policy aims to establish a solid waste management which is holistic, integrated, cost effective, sustainable and acceptable due to the community. Besides that, it emphasizes waste minimization through 3R,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementSolid waste management and treatment
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemical Education
Municipal waste management in the last two decades has become a global environmental priority in the context of increasing amounts of waste generated due to the development of a mass consumer society. Various issues of waste management ,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSociologyEnvironmental SociologyRural Sociology
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental GeographyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Economics
COVID-19 is proving to be an unprecedented disaster for human health, social contacts and the economy worldwide. It is evident that SARS-CoV-2 may spread through municipal solid waste (MSW), if collected, bagged, handled, transported or... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recyclingPublic Health
This research work is aimed at the performance evaluation of biomass briquette from elephant and spear grass in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The grasses were dried, pulverized and compressed by the briquetting machine to produce the... more
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    • Solid Waste Generation and Management