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The prominent nitric oxide (NO) donor [Ru(terpy)(bdqi)NO](PF 6 ) 3 has been synthesized and evaluated with respect to noteworthy biological effects due to its NO photorelease, including vascular relaxation and melanoma cell culture... more
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      Analytical ChemistryKineticsPhotochemistryScanning Electron Microscopy
The physico-chemical properties and in vivo efficacies of two nanoparticulate systems delivering the antiparkinsonian drug bromocriptine (BC) were compared in the present study. Monoolein Aqueous Dispersions (MADs) and Nanostructured... more
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      Animal BehaviorNanoparticlesTransmission Electron MicroscopyFlow Field Flow Fractionation
The aim of this work was to characterize lipid nanoparticles from a rheological point of view, intended for drug delivery after parenteral administration. The conditions to obtain a re-dispersible powder using freeze-drying and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringRheologyNanoparticles
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are a promising system for the delivery of lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs. They consist of a solid lipid core that is stabilized by a layer of surfactants. By the incorporation of cationic lipids in the... more
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      Materials EngineeringInorganic ChemistryGene TherapyProstate Cancer
Nanospheres containing ketoprofen (Keto) and polymer eudragit RS were prepared using an emulsion solvent evaporation method. The ultrasonic probe (VCX500, vibracell) was used as a tool to disperse oil phase into aqueous phase leading to... more
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      Materials EngineeringTechnologyBiomedical EngineeringWater
The objective of this research is to formulate and evaluate Solid Lipid Nanoparticles containing Acyclovir by various phospholipids and surfactants using hot homogenization technique. Totally nine batches of SLN was formulated by hot... more
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      NanomaterialsNanotechnologyNovel drug delivery systemsNanoscience
Nanoscale drug delivery systems using liposomes and nanoparticles are emerging technologies for the rational delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of cancer. Their use offers improved pharmacokinetic properties, controlled... more
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      Pharmaceutical TechnologyDrug deliveryNanoparticlesBiological Sciences
Burst release as well as sustained release has been reported for SLN suspensions. For dermal application, both features are of interest. Burst release can be useful to improve the penetration of a drug. Sustained release becomes important... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPolymorphismKineticsHydrogels
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) introduced in 1991 represent an alternative carrier system to traditional colloidal carriers, such as emulsions, liposomes and polymeric micro-and nanoparticles. SLN combine advantages of the traditional... more
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      High PressureDrug deliveryDosage FormLipids
Nanoscale drug delivery systems using liposomes and nanoparticles are emerging technologies for the rational delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of cancer. Their use offers improved pharmacokinetic properties, controlled... more
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      Pharmaceutical TechnologyDrug deliveryNanoparticlesBiological Sciences
tSolid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) composed of long-chain fatty acids (palmitic acid, stearic acid or arachidicacid), Epikuron 200 (purified phosphatidylcholine), and bile salts (cholate, taurocholate or taurodeoxy-cholate) have been... more
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      BiochemistryBiotechnologyTargeted Drug DeliveryDrug delivery
Recent advances in the field of pharmacology and nanotechnology have drawn attention on nanoparticles as novel D. Papakostas and F. Rancan contributed equally to this work.
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      ArchivesTargeted Drug DeliveryGene TherapyDermatology
Lipid-based oral drug delivery Lipase activity Lymphatic uptake Bioavailability enhancement Solid dosage form Adsorption Lipid digestion products In vitro lipolytic model In vitro-in vivo correlation Solid lipid nanoparticles a b s t r a... more
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      PharmacokineticsDrug deliveryDrug Delivery SystemPharmaceutical Chemistry
Skin is a widely used route of delivery for local and systemic drugs and is potentially a route for their delivery as nanoparticles. The skin provides a natural physical barrier against particle penetration, but there are opportunities to... more
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      Drug deliveryHuman Skin AgeingNanoparticlesSkin Cancer
To date more than 4000 compounds are recognized to belong to the class of flavonoids. These natural phenolic drugs are poorly soluble in water and are rapidly degraded and metabolized in the human body, but nevertheless are very promising... more
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      FlavonoidsAntioxidantsLiposomesSolid Lipid Nanoparticles
Background: Topical drug administration offers an attractive route with minimal invasiveness. It also avoids limitations of intravenous administration such as the first pass metabolism and presystemic elimination within the... more
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      Targeted Drug DeliveryDrug deliveryDrug Delivery SystemNovel drug delivery systems
The main aim of pharmaceutical technology research is the design of successful formulations for effective therapy, taking into account several issues including therapeutic requirements and patient compliance. In this regard, several... more
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      PolymorphismNanoparticlePharmaceutical TechnologyPharmacokinetics
Expert Rev. Ophthalmol. 5(3), (2010) 366 Review Gratieri, Gelfuso, Lopez & Souto
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      NanoparticlesExpertLiposomesSolid Lipid Nanoparticles
The objective of this investigation was to develop solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) of tretinoin (TRE) with the help of facile and simple emulsification-solvent diffusion (ESD) technique and to evaluate the viability of an SLN based gel in... more
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      RheologyScanning Electron MicroscopyNanoparticlesPharmaceutical Chemistry
Several scientific hurdles still have to be overcome before gene therapy becomes a reality. One of them is the development of safe and efficient gene delivery system. Here, we have employed factorial design to optimize the production of... more
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      NanoparticlesNanotechnologyFactorial DesignNano Carriers for Drug,gene,and Protein Delivery
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have attracted increasing attention during recent years. Due to their unique size dependent properties, lipid nanoparticles offer possibilities to develop new therapeutics. The ability to incorporate drugs... more
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      Antibacterial agentsSolid Lipid NanoparticlesSkin infectionTopical Drug Delivery
Nanotechnology is rapidly expanding research area, encompassing the development of man-made materials in nanometer size range. Nanoscale drug delivery system using various nanomaterials is emerging technology for the rational delivery of... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesBiosynthesis of NanoparticlesNanoparticleNanoparticles
Parasitic diseases such as malaria, leishmaniasis, and trypanosomiasis represent a significant global burden and pose a great challenge to drug discovery and delivery scientists due to their intracellular nature and disseminated... more
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      Drug DiscoveryNanoparticlesPolymersLipids
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) introduced in 1991 represent an alternative carrier system to traditional colloidal carriers, such as emulsions, liposomes and polymeric micro-and nanoparticles. SLN combine advantages of the traditional... more
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      High PressureDrug deliveryDosage FormLipids
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have been proposed in the 1990s as appropriate drug delivery systems, and ever since they have been applied in a wide variety of cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. In addition, SLNs are considered... more
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      NanoparticlesLiposomes to Cancer Cells, Gene Therapy to Cancer Cells, Glucocorticoid ReceptorSolid Lipid NanoparticlesLipid Nanoparticles
As drug delivery systems Nanoparticulate widely investigated because of many advantages such as smaller size, controlled drug release potential, targeting ability, enhancement of therapeutic efficacy and reduction of toxicity. So, Solid... more
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      High PressureBreast CancerDrug deliveryTransmission Electron Microscopy
Background : The skin is the largest organ of our body and acts as a protective barrier with sensory and immunological functions. Its peculiar structure influences the passage of bioactives and only its modulation can facilitate the drug... more
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      NanoparticlesColloidsLiposomesDrug Delivery Systems
The aim of this study was to develop biocompatible lipid-based nanocarriers for retinyl palmitate (RP) to improve its skin delivery, photostability and biocompatibility, and to avoid undesirable topical side effects. RP loaded... more
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Brain is a delicate organ, isolated from general circulation and characterized by the presence of relatively impermeable endothelial cells with tight junctions, enzymatic activity and the presence of active efflux transporter mechanisms... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTargeted Drug DeliveryPharmacokineticsDrug delivery
Despite the fact that we live in an era of advanced technology and innovation, infectious diseases, like malaria, continue to be one of the greatest health challenges worldwide. The main drawbacks of conventional malaria chemotherapy are... more
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      MalariaTreatmentNanoparticleDeveloping Countries
The present review compiles the applications of lipid nanoparticles mainly solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) and lipid drug conjugates (LDC) in parenteral delivery of pharmaceutical actives. The attempts... more
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      Protein adsorptionNanoparticlesAdsorptionLipids
Solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) suspensions, which consist of submicron-sized crystalline lipid particles dispersed within an aqueous medium, can be used to encapsulate, protect and deliver lipophilic functional components. Nevertheless,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringPolymorphismLight ScatteringDifferential scanning calorimetry
Neuroinflammation is a prominent feature of Alzheimer disease (AD) and other chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) streptozotocin (STZ) induced-cognitive impairment has been widely used as an experimental... more
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    • Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
Nanotechnology is rapidly expanding research area, encompassing the development of man-made materials in nanometer size range. Nanoscale drug delivery system using various nanomaterials is emerging technology for the rational delivery... more
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    • Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
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      Chemical EngineeringClinical TrialDrug deliveryNMR Spectroscopy
To develop and characterize solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) systems containing dextran sulfate or sodium alginate as anionic polymers for the delivery of clindamycin phosphate as a model hydrophilic cationic drug. Methods: A multi-level... more
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    • Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
The aim of this study was to formulate a new delivery system for ecological pesticides by the incorporation of Artemisia arborescens L essential oil into solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN). Two different SLN formulations were prepared... more
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      High PressureEssential OilDifferential scanning calorimetryPesticides
For the development of an optimized oral formulation for cyclosporine A, 2% of this drug has been formulated in solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN TM , mean size 157 nm) and as nanocrystals (mean size 962 nm). The encapsulation rate of SLN... more
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      CrystallizationNanoparticlesPharmaceuticsDrug Delivery Systems
Amphotericin B (BCS-Class IV) is the major treatment available against the fatal infection of Visceral leishmaniasis. Conventional chemotherapy of AMB is challenging because of its severe and potentially lethal side-effects i.e.,... more
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    • Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
A B S T R A C T Myricetin-a natural flavonoid-has attracted a great interest due to its antioxidant and free-radical scavenging potential. However, its physicochemical instability critically impairs its dosage form design, evaluation and... more
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      Pulmonary ResearchNanoparticlesNanotechnologyStability
The clinical use of ketoconazole has been related to some adverse effects in healthy adults, specially local reactions, such as severe irritation, pruritus and stinging. The purpose of the present work is the assessment of ketoconazole... more
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      ChemistryNanotechnologyNanoscienceSolid Lipid Nanoparticles
Delivering chemotherapeutics by nanoparticles into tumor is impeded majorly by two factors: nonspecific targeting and inefficient penetration. Targeted delivery of anti-cancer agents solely to tumor cells introduces a smart strategy... more
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      AdenosineBreast, prostate, lung cancersSolid Lipid NanoparticlesAdenosine Receptors
The present study has been focused on determination and evaluation of three different preparation techniques, i.e., solvent-diffusion, hot homogenization-ultrasonification and microemulsification, applied in fabrication of biocompatible... more
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      FlavonoidsSolid Lipid NanoparticlesPharmaceutical Cocrystals
Poor solubility is a well-recognized property of many drug molecules [1]. Unprotected administration of poorly water-soluble drugs is problematic. Aggregation, precipitation, uncontrolled binding, and direct exposure to a harsh biological... more
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      WaterPharmaceutical TechnologyDrug deliveryNanoparticles
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract, please click on HTML or PDF.
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      Drug deliveryNanoparticlesDrug developmentNanotechnology
The present investigation was enthused by the possibility to develop solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) of hydrophilic drug acyclovir (ACV) and evaluate their potential as the carrier for dermal delivery. ACV-loaded SLNs (ACV-SLNs) were... more
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      Atomic Force MicroscopyDifferential scanning calorimetrySolid Lipid NanoparticlesPowder X-Ray Diffraction
Bioactive products from snail slime of " Helix " specie have potential applications in preventing and/or treating several human diseases and in cancer diagnosis. However, the poor pharmacokinetics characteristics of these natural... more
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      NanoparticlesNanotechnologyNatural CompoundsSolid Lipid Nanoparticles
Objective: Cyclosporine (CyA) is a cyclic peptide used as an immunosuppressive agent in cornea transplantations. It is extremely hydrophobic with solubility in water as 0.04 mg/ml. Therefore, it is difficult to prepare an eyedrop of CyA.... more
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      Solid Lipid NanoparticlesEuropean
The aim of this study was to assess the application of Eudragit RL PO and RS PO and their combination for production of ibuprofen pellets by extrusion-spheronization. The pellets were prepared based on full factorial design. Independent... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemistryMaterials Science