Solar thermal
Most cited papers in Solar thermal
"Presently, solar energy conversion is widely used to generate heat and produce electricity. A comparative study on the world energy consumption released by International Energy Agency (IEA) shows that in 2050, solar array installations... more
Thermal conductivity enhancement in a latent heat storage system Latent heat storage systems especially those employing organic materials have been reported to exhibit a rather slow thermal response. This is mainly due to the relatively... more
This paper presents a review of the design parameters, mathematical techniques and simulations used in the design of parabolic trough solar systems, along with a review on their applications. Recent studies that analyze the deployment of... more
Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology has become a crucial part of climate change mitigation strategies around the world; yet its progress has been slow. Some have criticised CCS as a distracting hype, even as mainstream... more
Due to the fact that much of the world's best solar resources are inversely correlated with population centers, significant motivation exists for developing technology which can deliver reliable and autonomous conversion of sunlight into... more
Architectural integration is a major issue in the development and spreading of solar thermal technologies. Yet the architectural quality of most existing building integrated solar thermal systems (BIST) is quite poor, which often... more
Combination of solar thermal collectors and heat pumps in a single solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system has been widely used for various purposes including water heating. International Energy Agency, Task 44 of the Solar Heating and... more
The thermal photovoltaic hybrid collector is a genuine cogeneration technology; it can produce electricity and heat simultaneously. In this paper, a comparative study is presented between four solar device configurations: photovoltaic... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review on solar tracking systems and their potentials in solar energy applications. The paper overviews the design parameters, construction, types and drive system techniques covering different usage... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
The thermal properties of a PCM with nanofibers are determined. The solid-phase thermal conductivity scales exponentially with volume fraction. The liquid-phase thermal conductivity is only enhanced beyond a critical percolation... more
An exergy analysis was performed to compare a conventional (1) two panel photovoltaic solar thermal hybrid (PVT x2) system, (2) side by side photovoltaic and solar thermal (PV + T) system, (3) two module photovoltaic (PV) system and (4) a... more
This work investigated experimentally the photothermal conversion efficiency (PTE) of gold nanofluids in a cylindrical tube under natural solar irradiation conditions, which was also compared with a developed 3-D numerical model. The PTE... more
Liquid-phase thermal properties for five phase change materials were estimated. Various liquid phase and phase transition thermal properties were measured. The thermal diffusivity was found using a best path to prediction approach.
This study explores the feasibility of solar Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) systems for a typical single family home in the mild southern European climate zone. Using dynamic thermal simulation of two representative detached house... more
A hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector is used to produce simultaneously electrical and heat energy from solar irradiation through electrical and thermal photo-conversion processes. In this paper, a mathematical model has been... more
The composition dependence of oxygen vacancy formation energies (EV) in the complex perovskite SrxLa1−xMnyAl1−yO3, a material system demonstrated to significantly outperform ceria for solar thermochemical (STC) fuel production, was... more
Oxygen vacancies (V O ) in oxides are extensively used to manipulate vital material properties. Although methods to predict defect formation energies have advanced significantly, an understanding of the intrinsic material properties that... more
This paper outlines a complete review on modifications made on the absorber plate of solar air heaters in order to improve the turbulence and heat transfer rate, thereby efficiency. Corrugated sheets, fins, extended surfaces, wire mesh,... more
This paper deals with Hassi R’mel’s solar power plant, a solar power plant one (SPPI) located in Algeria’s southern region. The current configuration of the SPPI is a 25MW parabolic trough used with 130MW connected cycle gas turbines. In... more
A beautiful method based on solar energy to heat and melts the paraffin or bees wax has been developed to manufacture the candles by a linear fresnel reflecting solar concentrating collector and a bucket. The solar method has several... more
In this study, a novel solar water heater system is proposed. Its flat plat collector uses waste engine oil as absorber and heat transfer fluid at the same time, and it is equipped with a controlled sun tracker photovoltaic system to... more
Tubular Daylight device (TDD) and solar water heater (SWH) are two power saving solutions that are commonly employed individually in residential and industrial premises. This paper proposed a novel merged power saving system consisting of... more
The paper presents a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment for two domestic solar hot water systems. The first consists of polypropylene unglazed solar panels coupled with a 300-l storage tank; the second one consists of a traditional... more
A screening method is developed to determine the viability of candidate redox materials to drive solar thermal water splitting (STWS) and the mechanism by which they operate using only the reduction enthalpy of the material. This method... more
This work experimentally investigated photothermal conversion behavior of Gold/water and MWCNT/water nanofluids at different volumetric concentrations (0.0001-0.004% and 0.0001-0.03%, respectively) in a direct absorption solar collector... more
For nearly two decades, research groups have attempted to increase the thermal conductivity of bulk materials by saturating them with different concentrations and types of nanoparticles. However, optimal enhancements in the thermal... more
This manuscript presents a performance study on a forced convection single-pass solar air heater channel with compact cross-matrix absorber (CMA) incorporating metal hollow square-tube absorbers. Four different geo-metries of CMA (Type I,... more
This paper discusses the synthesis and characterization of a novel hybrid nanofluid and its performance analysis on a parabolic trough direct absorption solar collector. Broadening the absorption spectra of working fluid using... more
The heat extracted from classical PV generator could be used as another source of thermal power. In addition to the electricity produced by the PV cells, the hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collector produces thermal energy at the same... more
Renewable electricity generation systems have an increasing trend in terms of usage due to aiming to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and energy source diversification strategies of countries. Parabolic trough, Fresnel, and solar tower... more
When a new design for a solar collector is developed it is necessary to guarantee that its intercept factor is good enough to produce the expected thermal jump. This factor is directly related with the fidelity of the trough geometry with... more
Previous work has shown that high-temperature short-term spike thermal annealing of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems results in higher electrical energy output. The relationship between... more
Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) are interesting materials for a large variety of applications under extreme conditions. This paper reports on the production and extensive characterization of highly dense, pure zirconium and... more
Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) solar thermal system is a promising technology in solar thermal applications. In LFR system, parallel absorber tubes (usually 8-16) are located inside a trapezoidal cavity, which receives reflected solar... more
A direct expansion integrated solar-assisted heat pump (ISAHP) is compared to a traditional flat plate solar panel for low temperature (45 °C) water heating applications. The (simulated) comparison is accomplished assuming both the... more
Historically, the design of hybrid solar photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems has focused on cooling crystalline silicon (c-Si)-based photovoltaic (PV) devices to avoid temperature-related losses. This approach neglects the associated... more
This paper presents an experimental study and analysis of the heat transfer of energy charge and discharge in a packed-bed thermocline thermal storage tank for application in concentrated solar thermal power plants. Because the energy... more