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Alvar Aalto’s career – his perspectives as seen in his writings and in his architecture - progressed from being initially influenced by classicism (which he applied in a playful manner aligned with Nordic Romanticism), on to modernist... more
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Solar thermal system for domestic hot water (DHW) is one of the most common application for utilizing solar energy. Consumption profile of hot water has a significant impact on solar DHW sizing as it relates many uncertainties regarding... more
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      Solar thermalSolarSolar EnergyEnergy and Building with Thermal Comfort
We assess a hybrid-energy approach that modifies a steam-turbine power plant to use renewable energy sources (electricity, plus options for geothermal and solar heat), plus fossil fuel (natural gas and coal) and/or waste biomass (e.g.,... more
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      Hybrid SystemsGeothermalSolar thermalCO2 capture and storage
The present work highlights the importance of using the Fresnel lens technique to enhance the productivity of a conventional solar still (CSS). In this regard, the effect of using Fresnel lenses to improve the productivity of a CSS is... more
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      Water and wastewater treatmentWater PurificationWater TreatmentSolar thermal
Gegenstand der hier vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Kombination von Wärmepumpen mit einer thermischen Solaranlage für den häuslichen Wärmebedarf. Die Untersuchung wurde in Form von Simulationen verschiedener Anlagenvarianten... more
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      Solar thermalThe role of solar thermal energy storage to reduce domestic heating demandHeat PumpsSolar Energy and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Penerimaan panas Maksimum dan Minimum tidak terjadi secara bersamaan di wilayah Belahan Bumi Bagian Utara (BBU) dan Belahan Bumi Bagian Selatan (BBS), untuk penerimaan panas Maksimum diwilayah BBU berlangsung pada akhir Maret hingga Bulan... more
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      MeteorologySolar thermalAtmospheric sciencesInsolation
In a developing country like India, having the second largest population and agriculture as the source of income to nearly 60 % of the total population, post-harvest and storage loss is a major quandary, which needs to be addressed in due... more
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      Solar thermalSolarSolar EnergySolar Power
Desalination plays critical role in filling the gap between fresh water demand and availability in water scarce Sultanate of Oman since 1976. Installed desalination capacity in the country has almost increased by 60 times that in 1976... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringThermal EngineeringRenewable EnergySustainable Development
Le but de notre étude sera la production de 5m 3 d'eau pure par jour, et ce étalée sur une période en 7 et 8 heures (selon l'ensoleillement) ce qui nous donnera un débit de production de V = 625Kg/h. L'évaporation de l'eau se fera à une... more
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      Solar thermalSeawater DesalinationENERGIE SOLAIREDesalting Process
The paper presents the operational results of a real life residential microgrid which includes six apartments, a 20 kWp photovoltaic plant, a solar based thermal energy plant, a geothermal heat pump, a thermal energy storage, in the... more
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      Electric Energy StorageSolar thermalRenewable Energy SystemsMicrogrid
Solar Energy Technology has an important role to play in the present Energy and Environment crises. Solar Concentrator Technology has good potential for various applications, including power generation and process heating applications.... more
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      Renewable EnergySolar ConcentratorsIntegrated Renewable Energy SystemSolar thermal
it is ppt on design and fabrication of solar concentrating trough.
design of 1m reflector area concentrating trough
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      Solar thermalSolar EnergySolar PowerSolar Thermal Energy
As regional shortages of fresh water become more prevalent, solar distillation using a single-effect basin holds promise as a method to bring low-cost, clean, and ecologically-responsible water to remote area dwellers. Compound parabolic... more
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      International DevelopmentDistillation OperationsWater qualitySustainable Development
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      Solar thermal2010 Aproject guide of Final year Elec.student of BESUS designing and febricating of a Solar PV cell Tracking SystemSustainable Design Green Buildings
Many people in less developed countries drink water with microbial contamination, which leads to the annual death of 5 million children. Although some people currently boil water, all microbes that cause disease in humans do not survive... more
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      International DevelopmentWater qualitySustainable DevelopmentWater Purification
Presently, solar energy conversion is widely used to generate heat and produce electricity. A comparative study on the world energy consumption released by International Energy Agency (IEA) shows that in 2050, solar array installations... more
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      EngineeringSolar ConcentratorsEnergy ConsumptionSolar thermal
Este livro tem como meta apresentar os principais tipos de sistemas térmicos solares: Coletores, concentradores e torres solares. Em maior profundidade serão abordados os coletores solares. Dentre o concentradores será estudado o... more
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      Solar thermalSolar EnergySolar Energy and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Liquid-phase thermal properties for five phase change materials were estimated. Various liquid phase and phase transition thermal properties were measured. The thermal diffusivity was found using a best path to prediction approach.
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      Thermal EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergyHeat Transfer
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      Renewable EnergySolar thermalSolar EnergySolar Power
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      Heat TransferSolar thermalFlat-plate Solar Collectors
In the current world energy scenario, use of renewable energy is found to be exponentially increasing every year. India, being in the tropical region, has very good solar energy resource with nearly 300 sunny days on average. Many Solar... more
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    • Solar thermal
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    • Solar thermal
A beautiful method based on solar energy to heat and melts the paraffin or bees wax has been developed to manufacture the candles by a linear fresnel reflecting solar concentrating collector and a bucket. The solar method has several... more
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    • Solar thermal
A hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector is used to produce simultaneously electrical and heat energy from solar irradiation through electrical and thermal photo-conversion processes. In this paper, a mathematical model has been... more
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      Hybrid SystemsBuilding Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar thermalSolar Energy
At this time of Energy crisis, we have to think about non-conventional energy sources. Solar thermal is an important energy source to help us a lot. At our foreign countries, some hundreds of megawatt power is generated from this... more
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      Renewable EnergySolar thermalParabolic Trough Collector
The thermal photovoltaic hybrid collector is a genuine cogeneration technology; it can produce electricity and heat simultaneously. In this paper, a comparative study is presented between four solar device configurations: photovoltaic... more
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      Solar thermalSolar EnergySolar PV
Prinsloo, G.J. (2014). Automatic positioner and control system for a motorized parabolic solar reflector. MSc Thesis, Stellenbosch University. p 1-142. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1130.3522 This project deals with the CAD design and construction... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
Free to download eBook on Practical Solar Tracking Design, following the sun solar tracking system, sun tracking system, sun tracker system, solar tracker system, sun positioning system, and sun path tracking with follow the sun position... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic Engineering
This paper presents a comprehensive review on solar tracking systems and their potentials in solar energy applications. The paper overviews the design parameters, construction, types and drive system techniques covering different usage... more
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      PhotovoltaicsSolar thermalSolar EnergySolar Tracking Systems
Solar energy is widely used for a variety of process heat and electricity generation applications. It is essential to apply solar energy for a wide variety of applications and provide energy solutions by modifying the energy proportion,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringThermal EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy
Process simulation has become an accepted tool for the performance, design, and optimization calculations of solar desalination process units. Solving the mathematical models representing these units and systems is a tedious and... more
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      Solar thermalSolar Desalination of Water
This paper presents a review of the design parameters, mathematical techniques and simulations used in the design of parabolic trough solar systems, along with a review on their applications. Recent studies that analyze the deployment of... more
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      Solar thermalSolar EnergySolar Energy and Thermal Energy Storage SystemsParabolic Trough Collector
This paper presents a review of thermal storage media and system design options suitable for solar cooling applications. The review covers solar cooling applications with heat input in the range of 60– 250 1C. Special attention is given... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringSolar thermalPhase Change MaterialsSolar Energy and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
The solar parabolic trough collector technology is one of the most reliable technology in the field of solar thermal. This is due to the fact that temperatures as high as 300oC can be achieved using this technology. This technology is... more
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      Renewable EnergySolar thermalSolar Energy
Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of alternative energy. Due to high energy demand in one hand and environmental negative impact of fossil fuels, on the other hand, many countries consider the alternative energy sources as a... more
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      AgricultureSolar thermalHigh Energy PhysicsGAS TURBINE
Combination of solar thermal collectors and heat pumps in a single solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system has been widely used for various purposes including water heating. International Energy Agency, Task 44 of the Solar Heating and... more
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      Building Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar thermalReviewSolar Energy
Electricity has an essential role in our daily life. However, with the ever increasing cost of fossil fuels and natural gas, power generation with higher efficiency and lower capital cost is in high demand. Nowadays, global warming and... more
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      ThermodynamicsSolar thermalCombined Cycle Power PlantsSolar Energy
Desalination plays a critical role in filling the gap between freshwater demand and availability in water-scarce Sultanate of Oman since 1976. Installed desalination capacity in the country has almost increased by 60 times that in 1976... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringThermal EngineeringRenewable EnergySustainable Development
In this study, a novel solar water heater system is proposed. Its flat plat collector uses waste engine oil as absorber and heat transfer fluid at the same time, and it is equipped with a controlled sun tracker photovoltaic system to... more
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      Thermal EngineeringHeat TransferSolar thermalSolar Energy
Due to the fact that much of the world's best solar resources are inversely correlated with population centers, significant motivation exists for developing technology which can deliver reliable and autonomous conversion of sunlight into... more
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      Solar thermalThermoelectricityThermoelectric MaterialsThermoelectric Generator
Given rapid depletion of conventional energy sources and environmental degradation caused by their over exploitation, the renewable energy sources are believed to be the future. Technologies utilizing renewable energy sources differ... more
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      Solar thermalSolar Energy
When a new design for a solar collector is developed it is necessary to guarantee that its intercept factor is good enough to produce the expected thermal jump. This factor is directly related with the fidelity of the trough geometry with... more
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    • Solar thermal
In this paper, a configuration of photovoltaic-thermal hybrid solar collector embeddable in an indirect solar dryer system is studied. In the present structure of the solar photovoltaic/thermal air collector, the air goes through a double... more
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      Drying TechnologySolar thermalSolar EnergySolar PV
In the current scenario, the Global warming and Energy demand issues have been identified as one of the major challenges of all countries. The predominance of conventional fuels that cause negative environmental externalities during... more
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      Wind EnergyBiomassBuilding Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar thermal
Hydrogen production through solar energy technology plays a very important role in the development of sustainable energy systems. Traditionally, a wide variety of methods are available for hydrogen production from conventional sources... more
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      Thermal EngineeringThermodynamicsSolar thermalThermodynamics of Electrolyte Solutions
The building sector is known to make a large contribution to total energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Phase change materials (PCMs) have been considered for thermal energy storage (TES) in buildings. They can balance out the... more
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    • Solar thermal
In the present study, Life cycle assessment of 100 kW p grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic system is carried out which is installed at Poornima University, Jaipur, India (Latitude: 26 0 55 " and Longitude 75 0 46 "). The size and... more
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      Energy EconomicsEnergy ConservationBuilding Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar thermal
A hybrid system is described that combines the features of two solar technologies – photo-voltaic conversion to electricity (PV) and thermal conversion to heat and finally to electric energy for battery usage. Under the condition of the... more
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      Renewable EnergySolar thermalSolar EnergySolar PV
Solar flat plate collectors are one of the very important solar system components as they serve the purpose of heating up the ambient air/water for domestic and industrial uses like drying, cooking, thermal power generation, etc. It is... more
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      Drying TechnologySolar thermalOrganic solar cellsSolar Cells
In this paper, the energy performance of a photovoltaic/thermal collector equipped with a direct PV air circulation device is studied experimentally and numerically. In this system, the air circulation through the collector duct is... more
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      Building Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar thermalSolar EnergyPhotovoltaic Applications In Built Environment