Solar Cycles
Recent papers in Solar Cycles
Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in Tsukuba (36 N, 140 E), Japan has been making routine observations for almost 20 years. Since 1988, more than 600 vertical profiles of... more
Of the ancient manuscripts that have survived to this day, the books from ancient Mexico (Mesoamerica), also called codices, belong to a very special group, namely those of picture writing. The Codex Borbonicus is a unique example of this... more
During the studied period 1996-2007 I noticed that, the rising and oscillations of the sea level, global temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, ice mass of Antarctica, and melting of Greenland ice are highly correlated with Earth's... more
This second part of a two-paper series compares deterministic precipitation forecasts from the Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast System (4-km grid) run during the 2008 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Experiment, and from the... more
Ionospheric total electron content (TEC) of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) is studied by analyzing dual-frequency signals of the Global Position System (GPS) acquired from a network of receivers around the Asian-Australian region... more
'Computational History' derives history from data and nowadays, therefore, relies on the technologies of the digital humanities. 'Computational History of Science' addresses questions of history by evaluating historical data, e.g. for... more
Ionospheric total electron content (TEC) of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) is studied by analyzing dual-frequency signals of the Global Position System (GPS) acquired from a network of receivers around the Asian-Australian region... more
A B S T R A C T We analyzed 17 years (1993–2009) of horizontal winds measured by the medium frequency (MF) radar located at Tirunelveli (8.7°N, 77.8°E) and 10 years (2005–2014) of horizontal winds measured by a meteor radar located at... more
Tritium of the precipitation plays a very important role in the study of the waters of our planet because its tracer property is suitable for a better understanding of atmospheric and hydrological processes. Since the atmospheric test-ban... more
By how much does the Sun's radiation vary? Although the Sun has long been an object of immense fascination, fundamental information about the magnitude and variability of its radiative output, sought for over a century, is only now... more
In this paper, we present an overview of radio signatures of sunspot NOAA 12192 measured with various instruments with frequencies of 37 GHz, 11.2 GHz and 200 - 400 MHz at Aalto University Metsahovi Radio Observatory (MRO). The data were... more
Sunspots provide total solar irradiance (TSI) proxy records for the last 310 years. Speleothem achieves are still only of TSI proxy record providers, which allow extending of the TSI experimental records back to the pre- instrumental... more
This paper presents the development of a model to predict solar cycle (SC) 24 using the technique of neural networks (NNs). The model is provided with the time input parameters defining the year and the month of a particular SC, in order... more
The Sun encompasses planet Earth, supplies the heat that warms it, and even shakes it. The United Nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assumed that solar influence on our climate is limited to changes in solar... more
Solar spectral fluxes (or irradiance) measured by the SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) show different variability at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths compared to other irradiance measurements and models (e.g. NRL-SSI, SATIRE-S).... more
A three-component model of the solar chromosphere, developed from ground based observations of the Ca II K chromospheric emission, is used to calculate the variability of the Lyman alpha flux between 1969 and 1980. The Lyman alpha flux at... more
1] This study documents decadal-scale changes in the Holton and Tan (HT) relationship, i.e., the influence of the lower stratospheric equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on the northern hemisphere (NH) extratropical circulation.... more
In this paper, climatological features of the polar F2-region electron density (N e) are investigated by means of statistical analysis using long-term observations from the European Incoherent Scatter UHF radar (called EISCAT in the... more
This study presents the continuous GPS network in Vietnam and the results of study on time variations of the total electron content (TEC) in the South East Asian equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) for the 2006-2013 period. In each year... more
The Late Miocene paleogeography of central Europe and its climatic history are well studied with a resolution of c. 10(6) years. Small-scale climatic variations are yet unresolved. Observing past climatic change of short periods, however,... more
This paper presents the development of a model to predict solar cycle (SC) 24 using the technique of neural networks (NNs). The model is provided with the time input parameters defining the year and the month of a particular SC, in order... more
We study the sunspot activity in relation to spotless days (SLDs) during the descending phase of solar cycles 11-24 to predict the amplitude of sunspot cycle 25. For this purpose, in addition to SLD, we also consider the geomagnetic... more
A statistical study of the effects of the solar cycle, as indicated by the value of F10.7, has been made utilizing a data base of electrostatic shocks and the associated ion beams, ion conics, and electron distributions obtained by the... more
For a given galactic cosmic ray (GCR) environment, understanding the distribution of the particle flux (protons, alpha particles, and heavy ions) in deep-space and on the surface of planetary systems such as Mars are essential for the... more
Two temperature datasets are analyzed for quantifying the 11-year solar cycle effect in the lower stratosphere. The analysis is based on a regression linear model that takes into account volcanic, Arctic Oscillation (AO), Quasi-Biennial... more
Physical processes in the flux-transport dynamo
that simulates and predicts solar cycles;
that simulates and predicts solar cycles;
1] In spite of many recent developments in observations and models of the solar corona, the exact form of the heating function of the solar wind plasma is unknown. Here we attempt to make some progress on that problem by applying a... more
In this paper we present an overview of solar radio observations at 11.2 GHz on Mets?hovi Radio Observatory (MRO). The data were observed during the solar cycles 23 and 24 (2001-2013) both in solar maxima and minimum. In total, 180 solar... more
Solar activities rule the earths climate change. There are dozens of natural forces and cycles that contribute to the earth's climate change. But the dominant force is the sun, and demonstrates itself in many different ways. The most... more
This study explores the long-term frequency variability of high-surge events (HSEs) in the North Adriatic, the so-called acqua alta, which, particularly during autumn, cause flooding of the historical city center of Venice. The period... more
Power spectral analyses of the time series of solar proton events during the past three solar cycles reveal a periodicity around 154 days. This feature is prominent in all of the cycles combined, cycles 19 and 21 individually but is only... more
Ozone profiles derived from ground-based Umkehr measurements at five stations and from the merged data set of Solar Backscattered Ultra Violet (SBUVv8) satellite observations are used to estimate the seasonal influence of the 11-year... more
The short-term relationship of the equatorial peak electron density and the solar shortwavelength irradiance is examined using foF2 observations from Jicamarca, Peru and recent solar irradiance measurements from satellites. Solar soft... more
This paper deals with two problems, methods of foF2 trend determination and origin of trends in foF2, both being controversial in current literature. We found that various regression-based methods and artificial neural networkbased method... more
We present data on the solar irradiance as derived from a number of sources. An attempt was made to bring these data onto a uniform scale. The results are presented in table 5 and figure 6. Summation of fluxes at all wavelengths yields a... more
In this study, we are investigating the solar flare events during each Carrington rotation in the period 2002-2017. We studied the relationship between solar flare event location and solar cycle progress (phases). The solar flare events... more
Astronomers have observed sunspot cycles ever since 1600 with a period that varies from 10-12y and from no spots per day at the minima to over 300 spots per day at the maxima. Although there are a great number of analyses of sunspot... more
This paper presents the development of a model to predict solar cycle (SC) 24 using the technique of neural networks (NNs). The model is provided with the time input parameters defining the year and the month of a particular SC, in order... more
The analysis of the f oF 2 ionosonde data acquired at mid and high latitudes reveals a general decreasing of the F2 plasma frequency over more than two solar cycles, showing steeper trends over the high latitude stations and, in... more
Two temperature datasets are analyzed for quantifying the 11-year solar cycle effect in the lower stratosphere. The analysis is based on a regression linear model that takes into account volcanic, Arctic Oscillation (AO), Quasi-Biennial... more
It is generally accepted that small-scale gravity waves (GW) produce the observed reversals in the zonal circulation and temperature variations of the upper mesosphere (e.g., Lindzen, 1981). There is evidence that GW also play an... more
The historical Hungarian auroral record extends from 1523 to 1960 and is longer than the sunspot record. Harmonic analysis reveals four major multidecadal secular cycles forming an approximate harmonic set at periods of 42.85, 57.13, 85.7... more
Tremendous amount of solar energy is hurled into the space by transient sporadic emissions occurring within the Sun. A fraction of this energy is transferred into the Earth's magnetosphere by the magnetic reconnection process.... more
The study of climate is one of the most complex and most multidisciplinary areas of research known to science. Models are used, which are mathematical representations of forcings, interactions and feedbacks of all the variables that... more
It is well known that there are profound effects of solar cycle (SC) on the tropical deep convection and hence the atmospheric circulations. However, it is unknown how the intensity and duration of SC is going to affect the circulation... more