Solar Collector
Recent papers in Solar Collector
The objective of this paper is to model and optimise solar organic rankine cycle (ORC) engines for reverse osmosis (RO) desalination using currently available solar thermal collectors. The proposed systems are intended to be potentially... more
From 2002 to 2006, a combined R&D project named AQUASOL has been carried out at the facilities of the Plataforma Solar de Almería (Spain). Main objective of this project has been the development of a hybrid solargas desalination system... more
This paper investigates the physical limits of a solar collector for orbit deflection of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) on a collision course with Earth. For decades of warning time a small change of NEA orbital velocity v by a few mm/s... more
Over the last few years, the possible scenario of an asteroid threatening to impact the Earth has stimulated an intense debate among the scientific community about possible deviation methods. In this paper we present a comparative... more
We report on an experimental study conducted to investigate the impact of heat enhancement devices on the thermal performance of a flat-plate solar collector. Different passive heat enhancement devices that include twisted strip,... more
Solar cooling applied to buildings is without a doubt an interesting alternative for reducing energy consumption in traditional mechanical steam compression air conditioning systems. The study of these systems should have a closely purely... more
A sealed space between absorber and cover glass in a flat plate solar collector makes it possible to reduce the influence of humidity condensate and dust at the same time as the enclosed space can be filled with a suitable gas for... more
In this study solar-assisted heat pump (SAHP) system with flat plate collectors was investigated experimentally and tested for domestic space heating. SAHP system was located in a test room with 60 m 2 floor area in Firat University,... more
The use of booster reflectors in front of solar collectors is an established technique for increasing the irradiation onto solar collectors. By using corrugated instead of flat booster reflectors it is possible to increase the annual... more
Seventy to ninety percent of the electric energy used by dishwashers and washing machines heats the water, the crockery, the laundry and the machine and could just as well be replaced by heating energy from solar collectors, district... more
The design, construction and test results of non-evacuated stationary CPC solar collectors with flat absorbers are presented and discussed. The proposed collector design is based on a truncated asymmetric CPC reflector, consisting of a... more
Continuous escalation of the cost of generating energy is preceded by the fact of scary depletion of the energy reserve of the fossil fuels and pollution of the environment as developed and developing countries burn these fuels. To meet... more
Le travail présenté est l'étude d'un système de chauffage solaire pour un local monozone. Le système est composé d'un champ de capteurs solaires plans, d'une cuve de stockage d'eau chaude, et d'un local à chauffer. Le système de... more
In this work a drying system was constructed, consisting of three parts (solar collector, solar drying cabinent, and air blower). Two identical air solar collectors having V-corrugated absorption plates of two air passes, a single glass... more
The performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters is evaluated using experimental measurements of optical and heat loss characteristics and a simulation model of the thermosiphon circulation in single-ended tubes. The... more
The Solar Energy Research Group in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia has been set-up more than two decades ago. One of the activities is in the field of solar thermal process, particularly in development of solar assisted drying systems.... more
The paper is focused on the dynamic simulation of a Photovoltaic/Thermal collector (PVT) integrated in a high-temperature Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) system. The system is based on the following main components: concentrating... more
This paper presents a detailed review of the numerical studies carried out by various researchers in order to obtain enhanced heat transfer in free, forced, and mixed convection, under laminar, transition, and turbulent flow regimes, by... more
A solar timber kiln with the capacity to season 3"24 m 3 of lumber was designed, constructed and used for seasoning commercial sawnwood. The kiln was constructed of a timber frame covered with transparent polythene sheet on the top and... more
This paper presents a detailed review of the numerical studies carried out by various researchers in order to obtain enhanced heat transfer in free, forced, and mixed convection, under laminar, transition, and turbulent flow regimes, by... more
This work includes the evaluation of the solar contribution in solar cooling systems by the newly developed solar cooling design chart. The effect of collector area and storage volume on the solar fraction is well taken into account in... more
Evacuated tube solar collectors have better performance than flat-plate solar collectors, in particular for high temperature operations. A number of heat extraction methods from all-glass evacuated tubes have been developed and the... more
This work demonstrates calculations of solar collector hourly efficiency based on the efficiency curve unique for each collector type. Collector efficiency depends on solar radiation, collector temperature and ambient temperature.
An integrated transient simulation program is developed for simulating the Iraqi solar house cooling system, using TRNSYS as a design tool. The simulation is modeled for other virtual solar cooling systems similar to the Iraqi solar... more
The paper deals with optimal flow control in closed loop flat plate solar collector systems. The water storage tank operates in the fully mixed regime. Two design configurations were considered: (A) one serpentine in the tank (for the... more
A solar assisted absorption refrigeration system (SAARS) was designed for acclimatizing of villas in Mardin which is located in Turkey and the performance of the system under different temperatures was analyzed by using MATLAB. Hourly... more
The purpose of this research is to design a water distillation system that can purify water from nearly any source, a system that is relatively cheap, portable, and depends only on renewable solar energy. From the results of project... more
Solar energy is so far the most promising and sustainable alternative energy source to fossil fuels. The new solar technology proposed in this research, building-integrated photovoltaic-thermal (BIPV/T) systems, can be attached to the... more
This article suggests a numerical study of a continuous adsorption refrigeration system consisting of two adsorbent beds and powered by parabolic trough solar collector (PTC). Activated carbon as adsorbent and ammonia as refrigerant are... more
In this paper, a numerical investigation of the two modes of heat transfer, natural convection and surface thermal radiation, in a tilted slender cavity such a collector is presented. The 2-D conservation of mass, momentum and energy are... more
Prinsloo, G.J. (2014). Automatic positioner and control system for a motorized parabolic solar reflector. MSc Thesis, Stellenbosch University. p 1-142. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1130.3522 This project deals with the CAD design and construction... more
One of the important parameters that affects the performance of a flat plate solar collector is its angle of tilt with the horizontal. This is due to the fact that the variation of tilt angle changes the top loss coefficient and the... more
Seeking innovative methods is critical for efficient solar energy utilization. In this study, a promising alternative to the conventional systems is introduced by integrating heat pipes to widely used flat plate collectors as a means of... more
... Ahmet Koca a , Hakan F. Oztop b , Tansel Koyun c and Yasin Varol a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author. ... from 1.22 to 2.63 kW, whereas the rate of heat stored in the LHS unit were 111.2 and... more
In this paper a survey of the various types of solar thermal collectors and applications is presented. Initially, an analysis of the environmental problems related to the use of conventional sources of energy is presented and the benefits... more
Based on preliminary investigations under controlled conditions of drying experiments, a natural convection solar dryer was designed and constructed to dry mango slices.
Prinsloo, G.J. "Hardware Sun Tracking Systems and Digital Sun Position Hardware Solar Tracker Controllers". In Solar Tracking. GJ Prinsloo. 1st ed. Stellenbosch: SolarBooks, 2016. ISBN 978-0-620-61576-1. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2748.3201... more
Drying for agricultural and marine products are one of the most attractive and cost-effective application of solar energy. Numerous types of solar dryers have been designed and developed in various parts of the world, yielding varying... more
An analysis of the output of the literature scanned in Engineering Index during 1970-84 on solar power research indicates that the growth of the literature had been vigorous after the energy crisis in 1973 till 1982. The number of papers... more
Solar Energy Engineering, I am looking to resolve the current situation with the goal of keeping the existing publication record intact. To this end, a discussion containing only your scientific and technical criticism of the following... more
Energy resources and their utilization intimately relate to sustainable development. In attaining sustainable development, increasing the energy efficiencies of processes utilizing sustainable energy resources plays an important role. The... more