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Interrelationships between peat and water were studied using a hydropedological modelling approach for adjacent relatively intact and degraded peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The easy to observe degree of peat humification... more
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      GeologySoutheast AsiaCatenaSoil sciences
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      Reactive transport modelingSoil sciencesVadose Zone Modeling
(Symboliek, kennis en beheer van bodem-en landhulpbronnen in inheemse gemeenschappen: etnopedologie op wereld-, regionaal en lokaal niveau)
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      Social TheoryGeologyKnowledge SystemsSoil Erosion
Perennial biofuel crops such as Miscanthus and switchgrass are thought to increase soil organic matter and therefore may increase soil nitrogen (N) mineralization rates. Our objective was to evaluate a range of N-mineralization indices... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgronomyPlant BiologySoil Chemistry
Weeds reduce crop productivity through competion for nutrients, water, light and space, and impact negatively on commercial crops. Honeybush tea (Cyclopia spp.) is an industry mainly focused on the organic cultivation of tea, using... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologySoil sciences
The aim of this study was to determine the most sensitive growth stage of common buckwheat to frost temperatures and evaluate differences in frost resistance among varieties. A modified field-laboratory method was utilised for the study... more
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      ChemistryPlant BiologySoil sciences
Sustainable nutrient management includes economizing on finite natural resources such as fossil energy and limited phosphorus (P) resources. Arable farms with exclusively crop production are characterized by large nutrient export in farm... more
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    • Soil sciences
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      Remote SensingDecision MakingEmergenceDecision support system
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      Climate ChangeSoil moistureField CropsDisease resistance
Positive correlations between plant height and grain yield have been reported for sorghum. The introduction of stay-green in sorghum, and the associated reduction in lodging, has opened the possibility to exploit this positive... more
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      ChemistryBiologySorghumField Crops
The objectives were i) to assess indicators for potential nitrogen (N) mineralization and ii) to analyze their relationships for predicting winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth parameters (yield and N uptake, N up) in Mollisols of... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciences
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      Plant BiologyNitrogen CycleSeasonalityNitrogen
The herein described inelastic neutron scattering (INS) method of measuring soil carbon was based on a new procedure for extracting the net carbon signal (NCS) from the measured g spectra and determination of the average carbon weight... more
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      Soil sciencesVadose Zone Modeling
The effect of Fe oxidation state on the surface charge (CEC) and solubility of smectites were studied using the <2-t~m, Na+-saturated fraction of an Upton, Wyoming; a Czechoslovakian; and a New Zealand montmorillonite; and a Garfield,... more
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      GeologyNew ZealandIronSoil sciences
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      Plant EcologyMixed Effects ModelsField CropsDisease resistance
Sulfur (S) fertilization has increasingly become an important issue in crop management. In Argentina S deficiencies have been reported, but there has been no success in finding soil tests for predicting soybean response to S... more
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      PhosphorusField CropsSoil sciencesSulfur
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as a result of the legumes-rhizobia symbioses is the main source of nitrogen in organic farming systems. Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), used as green manure or as forage legume, is important on arable... more
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      Life SciencesOrganic FarmingNitrogen FixationWater use efficiency
Phosphate sorption and desorption in soils are markedly influenced by iron oxides, allhough liule is known on how the common iron oxides differ in their behaviour towards added phosphate. In this study, wc investigated phosphate sorption... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciences
USEPA 3051a) were heated. Extraction without heating and stirring was employed in 10 percent HCl and 50 mmol L −1 DTPA methods. The Graybill's modified F-test, t-test for mean error, and the linear correlation coefficient analysis were... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciencesAnalytical Methods
A coarse urban compost, low in organic matter but mature, was tested for agricultural use. The response of Tewera ryegrass to this compost (applied at 12 and 48 t/ha) was evaluated in a field trial over two years. For a satisfactory yield... more
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    • Soil sciences
The cellular and molecular events associated with cell death during compatible interaction between Fusarium oxysporum sp. linii and a susceptible flax (Linum usitatissimum) cell suspension are reported here. In order to determine the... more
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      Plant BiologyHRApoptosisGene expression
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      GeologyAgricultural PolicyLand Use ChangeSoil Erosion
The behavior of mineral mixtures can be significantly different from the behavior of the individual components of the mixture due to differences between the mechanical and chemical properties of the individual minerals, and their ensuing... more
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      GeologySoil sciences
Data was used from 1691 field trials testing herbicides to explore large-scale patterns in yield loss in cereals due to weeds in Sweden. More specifically, we evaluated the relative importance of differences between regions, crops, soils,... more
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      Spatial HeterogeneityField CropsEnvironmental VariablesSoil sciences
There are considerable differences between the EU-15 countries and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries in the application rate of phosphorus (P) fertilizer and manure as well as in the climate and erosion patterns, but the... more
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      Environmental ScienceEastern EuropeEutrophicationPhosphorus
The numbers of cyst nematodes that live in agricultural soil vary both in time and space with important consequences when devising procedures for inspection and strategies for their control. We have examined the distributions of two... more
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      Soil SciencePlant BiologySoil sciences
DFT calculations are a powerful tool to support NMR studies of xenobiotics such as decomposition studies in soil. They can help interpret spectra of bound residues, for example, by predicting shifts for possible model bonds. The described... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciences
There is limited documentation of soil and water management technologies that enhance adaptation to climate change in drylands of Kenya. Rainfall patterns were analyzed in the semi-arid Machakos and Makueni counties of eastern Kenya using... more
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    • Soil sciences
ABSTRACT An incubation study was conducted to assess the effect of composted tea leaves, coffee waste and kitchen garbage on the kinetics of net nitrogen mineralization and P, K, Ca and Mg availability. NH4-N, NO 3-N, Bray II P, the... more
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      Soil ScienceKineticsPlant BiologySoil sciences
The potential fl)r extending the production of winter oilseed crops into the drier region of the cereal belt of eastern Australia was examined by comparing canola, Indian mustard and Linola in field experiments in the contrasting... more
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      SeasonalityField CropsField ExperimentNitrogen
Primary production on semiarid floodplains supports a diverse local and regional fauna. Reduced flooding from water resource development (WRD) may affect floodplain production by decreasing water and nutrient supply.We investigated the... more
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      GeologyPhosphorusPlant growthPastoralism
Salinity adversely affects germination and establishment of crop plants. Germination and early seedling growth response of wheat to NaCl salinity was assessed in a laboratory bioassay. Seeds of three different wheat cultivars (Sehar-2006,... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciences
A dehesa is a multipurpose agroforestry system with scattered oaks. This study focuses on the influence of trees on soil chemical fertility and on the consequences of dehesa land use for soil fertility and nutritional status of trees. To... more
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      Analytical ChemistryLand UseNutritional StatusSoil Fertility
Nitrogen efficiency is a complex trait. Identification of secondary plant traits correlating with N efficiency would facilitate the breeding for N-efficient cultivars. Sixteen tropical maize cultivars differing in grain yield at low N... more
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      Plant BiologyMaizeNitrogenSoil sciences
Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a common problem on the sandy acidic soils in south Western Australia (WA) for seed (grain) production of Lupinus angustifolius, and L. luteus. The Zn requirement of L. luteus is not known; while that of L.... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySeed productionField ExperimentZinc
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      GeneticsPlant BiologyPhosphorusStress tolerance
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      GeologySoil sciences
2014. Evidencing overwinter loss of residual organic and clay-fixed nitrogen from spring-applied, 15 N-labelled pig slurry. Can. J. Soil Sci. 94: 1Á8. In northern areas, it is assumed that soil residual mineral N measured at harvest... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciences
Despite the considerable efforts directed over the past four decades to investigate, via correlative physiology and genetic engineering, the contribution of osmolytes to osmotolerance of higher plants, their physiological function(s)... more
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      Plant BiologyGenetic EngineeringHigher Order ThinkingPlant Physiology
The aim of our research was to obtain information on the isotopic fingerprint of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) associated with its production and consumption during denitrification. An arable soil was preincubated at high moisture content and... more
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      SoilPlant BiologySoil sciences
The presidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) and the presidedress tissue nitrogen test (PTNT) have been developed to assess residual soil nitrogen (N) sufficiency for corn (Zea mays L.) in the humid eastern U.S. We conducted field studies at... more
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      Soil ScienceAnalytical ChemistryInorganic ChemistryAgronomy
Sample preparation for the study of humic acids involves a purification treatment to remove both mineral and organic components extracted along with the humic substances. The effects of HCl±HF purification on the chemical composition and... more
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      Plant BiologyHumic acidSoil sciencesChemical Composition
Fusarium circinatum is the causal agent of pitch canker disease affecting Pinus spp. and Pseudotsuga menziesii worldwide. Under strict quarantine measures, alternative approaches for disease control are necessary. Phosphite (Phi) salts... more
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      Plant BiologyFluorescenceBiologyCarotenoids
Environmental sustainability of animal agriculture is strongly dependent upon development of approaches to minimize the potential environmental impacts of applying animal manures. The excess manure and its nutrients (primarily phosphorus)... more
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      Soil SciencePhosphorusIncubationRegulations
The study aimed to determine the effect of whey application, the inoculation of Glomus intraradices Shench&Shimith and Mesorhizobium ciceri on root colonization, nodulation, yield and the components of yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum... more
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      Irrigation ManagementPhosphorusField CropsSoil sciences
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      FungicidesFusarium GraminearumField CropsGrain quality
Nitrogen (N) is the largest agricultural input in many Australian cropping systems and applying the right amount of N in the right place at the right physiological stage is a significant challenge for wheat growers. Optimizing N uptake... more
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      Remote SensingThermal Remote SensingSeasonalityField Crops
Recent data in the biological literature suggest that the natural zeolite erionite may be more tumorigenic than asbestos minerals. Because of its potential biological importance, a technique has been developed to facilitate detection of... more
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      GeologySoil sciencesScanning Electron MicroscopeYucca Mountain
The LEACHM model developed by Wagenet and Hutson [1989] was used to predict the mineral nitrogen and water content in the soil under a winter wheat crop from February to April in two years and three locations. The model grossly... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySoil moistureNitrogenFertilizer