Soil Structure Interaction
Recent papers in Soil Structure Interaction
To estimate soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects in two instrumented buildings different models are explored. Both system identification and analytical methods are used to calculate stiffnesses and frequencies associated with SSI... more
The interaction among structures, their foundations and the soil medium below the foundations alter the actual behaviour of the structure considerably than what is obtained from the consideration of the structure alone. Thus, a reasonably... more
The scope of the paper is to present some aspects of the development of a "macro-element" for dynamic soil-structure interaction analyses of shallow foundations. Initially the concept of "macro-element" is introduced... more
The effects of the foundation compliance on the dynamic response of yielding systems are evaluated using rigorous dimensional analysis. To this end, a soil-foundation-structure system is subjected to strong ground motion and its seismic... more
The Tower of Pisa survived several strong earthquakes undamaged over the last 650 years, despite its leaning and limited strength and ductility. No credible explanation for its remarkable seismic performance exists to date. A reassessment... more
This paper presents a general 2.5D coupled finite element-boundary element methodology for the computation of the dynamic interaction between a layered soil and structures with a longitudinally invariant geometry, such as railway tracks,... more
In this paper a typical soilstructure interaction problem is considered, the case of a vertical pile installed in sand and submitted to an axial compression loading. Results from two full scale pile tests are analysed and the tests are... more
Piles are extensively used as a means of slope stabilization. Despite the rapid advances in computing and software power, the design of such piles may still include a high degree of conservatism, stemming from the use of simplified,... more
In the conventional design, buildings are generally considered to be fixed at their bases. In reality, flexibility of the supporting soil medium allows some movement of the foundation. This decreases the overall stiffness of the building... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of thickness and width of tie beams on footings under eccentric loading. The chosen model contains 16 footings connected with tie beams. However the effect of thickness and width of tie... more
A new method for nonlinear analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beams resting on heterogeneous, multilayered soil is presented. The governing differential equations for beam and soil displacements are obtained using the principle of virtual work,... more
— This study aims to investigate the effect of tie beam dimensions (length and height) connecting two isolated footings on the vertical displacement in Y-direction (settlement) and horizontal displacement in both X and Z directions. In... more
Micropiles are being applied in foundation rehabilitation projects to enhance the pullout capacity of the existing foundation system and minimize the vertical deflection of the structures. Consequently, the pullout load-displacement... more
Ovaling deformations develop when waves propagate perpendicular to the tunnel axis. Two analytical solutions are used for estimating the ovaling deformations and forces in circular tunnels due to soil-structure interaction under seismic... more
The interaction among structures, their foundations and the soil medium below the foundations alter the actual behaviour of the structure considerably than what is obtained from the consideration of the structure alone. Thus, a reasonably... more
Field and laboratory observations of seismic settlements of shallow foundations on granular soils that are not attributable to changes in density or liquefaction are explained in terms of seismic degradation of bearing capacity. Limit... more
Classical analysis of seismic soil-structure interaction phenomena for the design of civil engineering structures and lifelines are based on two simplifying assumptions~: lateral homogeneity of the soil underneath the foundation and... more
In this paper, the economical and structural efficiency of friction pendulum bearings (FPB) for retrofitting typical seismically vulnerable bridges in the State of Illinois is studied. For this purpose, a bridge was carefully selected by... more
A comprehensive study carried out to assess the seismic response of a 59-span bridge using a refined inelastic modeling approach and considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) is summarized in this paper. The focus is on describing the... more
A shake-table series of experiments has provided valuable data for liquefaction-induced lateral spreading effects on pile foundations. In this paper, this data is employed to estimate peak soil pressure on single piles embedded in a... more
Al-Madinah City is the second holiest city in the Muslim world. Millions of visitors densely populate the city center around the Grand AlHaram Mosque most of the year. The recent seismic activity experienced near Al-Madinah city in 2009... more
Piles have been traditionally designed to ensure the transfer of the whole structural load to the soil in which they are embedded. It is now largely accepted that this way of doing is unduly conservative, especially in those cases in... more
A critical review of past earthquakes reveals damage/failure of important lifeline facilities like elevated water tanks in recurrence, leading to serious hazards even after the event. In the context of such hazards indicating deficiencies... more
The development and extension of large cities creates a need for multiple shallow tunnels in the soft ground of building areas. Prediction of the ground settlement caused by the tunnel excavation is a major engineering challenge. A... more
This paper describes the design, fabrication and commissioning of a single axis laminar shear box for use in seismic soil-structure interaction studies. A laminar shear box is a flexible container that can be placed on a shaking table to... more
The two papers describe trends of the apparent system periods, , and damping factors, , in recorded response of 56T 0 buildings (A1 to A45, and B1 to B14 in of part II) to 15 California earthquakes. The building, foundation, and soil are... more
The paper describes a new approach and its practical implementation for the analysis of the inelastic dynamic response of bridges with soil-structure interaction using multiple analysis platforms. The development is presented through an... more
There is an increasing requirement for geophysical surveys carried out during geotechnical investigations to provide direct information about rock quality or other geotechnical parameters. With the paucity of information to cor-
Soil-structure interaction (SSI) Performance-based design (PBD) Seismic design of buildings Underground stories Uniform hazard spectrum (UHS) Ground response analysis a b s t r a c t This paper investigates the seismic performance of... more
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of negative skin friction in pile foundations. Three dimensional nonlinear analyses for a single pile and pile groups were carried out for a specific case and some case studies as well.... more
This paper is concerned with the soil and water behaviour of elevated concrete water tank under seismic load. An artificial seismic excitation has been generated according to Gasparini and Vanmarcke approach, at the bedrock, and then... more
In this paper, a new double diaphragm shock tube facility for studying the structural response of a circular plate resting on soil, when subjected to a shock wave, is described. The present shock tube has been designed in the framework of... more
Soil is a material dependent on the load history. The load history has a significant influence on stress distribution in the ground beneath the footing and the settlement of a foundation. In the paper the load history has been considered... more
The study investigates the response of shallow foundations subjected to strong earthquake shaking. Nonlinear soil-foundation effects associated with large deformations due to base uplifting and soil failure are examined in comparison with... more
This paper presents the problem definition of the benchmark structural control problem for the seismically excited highway bridge. The benchmark problem is based on the newly constructed 91/5 highway over-crossing in southern California.... more
For a class of civil engineering structures, that can be accurately represented by 'coupled shear walls' (CSWs), a discrete model for the analysis of the dynamic interaction with the underlying soil is proposed. The CSWs, with one or more... more
L’utilisation de la methode des elements finis dans le domaine geotechnique est tres courante, pour des grands projets. On peut realiser des analyses par elements finis afin de verifier la stabilite d’un ouvrage en interaction avec son... more
A numerical prediction model for road traffic induced vibrations is developed. Dynamic soilstructure interaction at the source and the structure is accounted for. The first objective is to present the essential elements of the numerical... more
Some structures may be very massive and may have to be located on relatively soft soil. In such cases, the soil adjacent to the structure behaves in a non-linear fashion and affects the response of the structure to the dynamic loading. An... more
Excavation works in urban areas require a preliminary risk damage assessment. In historical cities, the prediction of building response to settlements is necessary to reduce the risk of damage of the architectural heritage. The current... more
In this work, a macroelement for shallow foundations on sands has been developed based on the theory of hypoplasticity. The incrementally nonlinear constitutive equations of the macromodel are defined in terms of generalized forces and... more
This paper presents the problem definition of the benchmark structural control problem for the seismically excited highway bridge. The benchmark problem is based on the newly constructed 91/5 highway over-crossing in Southern California.... more