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Cork oak forests in the MED region are of critical social and ecological value and under stress from both environmental change and variation in management practice. This study, as part of a NATO Science for Peace project (SfP 981674),... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyGeochemistrySoil Geochemistry
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      GeologyPalynologyHoloceneBronze Age settlement
The al-Bassit region is characterized by ophiolite rocks with distinct chemical compositions and characteristics. Six soil profiles formed on ophiolite rocks (basic and ultra-basic) were selected to determine the chemical composition and... more
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      WeatheringSoil GeochemistryMineral Composition
The Hasangazi chromite pit is an abandoned mine located to the east of the town of Pülümür (Tunceli, Turkey). The surface water that circulates in the pit flows into the Pülümür stream via the Turnadere creek. The quality of the surface... more
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      Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental SciencesHeavy metalsSoil Geochemistry
During the dry season (July-August 1997) eleven samples of soil-plant pairs were collected in the Pau-a-Pique gold deposit, southwestern of Amazonic Craton, about 440 km NW of Cuiabá city. The area contains rocks of Aguapeí Group,... more
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      GeologyGoldSoil GeochemistryGeoquímica
Arid and semi-arid zones frequently present salinity problems in soils. The agriculture of the municipality of Ahome, Sinaloa has an agricultural region where its soils are characterized by problems of salinity and sodicity-conditions... more
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      Environmental ScienceChemistryRemote SensingSalinity
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The authors keep the copyrights of the published materials with them, but the authors are aggee to give an exclusive license... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryOrganic GeochemistryPetroleum
This project was undertaken by Raymond E. Healy, who alone discharged all aspects of the research, including preparation of this report, which is his sole responsibility. Mr. Healy formerly operated as the consulting firm Minoretek in... more
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    • Soil Geochemistry
Afin de documenter davantage la configuration interne de maisons multifamiliales inuit du Labrador et l’impact anthropique de leur occupation sur la matrice sédimentaire, une combinaison d’analyses micromorphologiques et géochimiques a... more
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      AnthropologyArtGeoarchaeologySoil Geochemistry
Petroleum geochemistry of oils in several depobelts of the world has been well documented based on biomarkers. However, there is paucity of data regarding the use of multi-variate statistics in oil-oil correlation study, particularly in... more
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      GeologyPetroleumNiger Delta
A total of 65 uncultivated surface soils samples from the area surrounding the city of Kavala, Northern Greece, was collected and analyzed for their abundance in 22 trace elements. The extraction of the elements from the < 200μm soil... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyTrace elementSoil Water
Inorganic arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring metal, present in various ecosystems. However, it can also be added to an aquatic system by anthropogenic activities. The aim of the present study is to determine the total As content in the... more
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      Environmental ScienceArsenicEnvironmental ChemistryLithology
Recent studies indicate that an analysis of geochemical and geophysical properties of sediments can contribute towards the detection of human occupation beyond the archaeological remains. This is because anthropogenic activity, including... more
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
Cork oak forests in the MED region are of critical social and ecological value and under stress from both environmental change and variation in management practice. This study, as part of a NATO Science for Peace project (SfP 981674),... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyGeochemistrySoil Geochemistry
This study is aimed at determining the level of environmental degradation as well as the concentration of trace elements in soil and stream sediments in order to evaluate the environmental impact of the mining operation. Twenty-five (25)... more
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      Mining EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceContaminationSoil Water
Zinc (Zn) is an important element determining the grain quality of staple food crops and deficient in many Ethiopian soils. However, farming systems are highly variable in Ethiopia due to different soil types and landscape cropping... more
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      Soil ScienceIrrigationEthiopiaPlant Nutrition
This study is carried out to understand the degree of soil pollution, transport mechanism, and distribution pattern of potentially toxic elements (PTEs), including the exposure effects on human health. Towards this, topsoil samples were... more
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      Soil ScienceMultivariate StatisticsWetlandsAgriculture
In this research pollution of soil samples from the southern slopes of the Taftan volcano, SE Iran, and the Khash Plain to the south of the volcano is studied. The concentrations of Arsenic and Sulfur in the soil samples are 6-14 ppm and... more
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      ArsenicSoil GeochemistrySulfur
Le long de l’axe transvolcanique mexicain qui traverse le pays d’est en ouest, se trouvent des sols d’origine volcanique possédant un ou plusieurs horizons indurés, appelés localement tepetates. Sous l’effet de l’érosion hydrique, ils... more
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      Regional Planning/DevelopmentSoilsVolcanic soilsVolcanic ash soils
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic... more
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    • Heavy Metals in Environment
Objective of this study is to use soil geochemistry surveys using statistical methods for the exploration of possibly gold mineralization related to Alakeci listvenite area (Bayramic, Canakkale, Turkey). In the scope of soil geochemistry,... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyGeochemistrySoil Science
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
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      GeologyStable Isotope GeochemistryEarth and Environmental SciencesPlant-soil feedbacks
To measure heavy metal pollution, 42 different soil samples were collected and analyzed from the center, cities, and villages of Erzincan. Average element concentrations in the soil samples in micrograms per gram were as follows:
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyPollutionArabian Journal of Geosciences
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In surface aquatic systems, trace elements and especially heavy metals accumulate in sediments. Thus, the determination of sediment chemical characteristics is critical in the assessment of an aquatic environment’s quality. Thirteen... more
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      PhysicsHeavy metals
This article presents data on the structure and elemental composition of hand-built miniature cups with a smooth surface, that were enclosed into burials as funeral pottery, and household pots dated to the first millennium AD found in... more
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    • Geography
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
Afin de documenter davantage la configuration interne de maisons multifamiliales inuit du Labrador et l’impact anthropique de leur occupation sur la matrice sédimentaire, une combinaison d’analyses micromorphologiques et géochimiques a... more
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      AnthropologyGeoarchaeologySoil GeochemistryMicromorphology
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
Application of high resolution Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) soil geochemistry to archaeological investigations: an example from a Roman metal working site, Somerset, United Kingdom.
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      ArchaeologyEarth SciencesGeoarchaeologyArchaeological Prospection
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) foul aquatic ecosystems. The remediation of these contaminants is essential to promote public health, environmental quality, and the economy. To solve this problem, the efficiency of nanomaterial... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringEnvironmental RemediationNanotechnology
This study presents the applied methods used for geochemical evaluation of metasedimentary/metamorphic (depleted/exhausted/spent source rocks) and deeply buried sedimentary source rocks from hydrocarbon-rich waters and soils. Someone can... more
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      GeochemistryOrganic GeochemistryPetroleumGroundwater Contamination
Mediante el uso del marco conceptual de los Modelos de Estados y Transiciones (MET) se discute la relación entre la temperatura del suelo (Ts) y la respiración del mismo (Rs). El esquema de acoplamiento del sistema... more
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
Calcareous vertisol soil is the dominant agricultural soil type and covers over 80% of the agricultural cultivated land in Jordan. This type of soil is characterized by its high pH and CaCO 3 content, which made the heavy metals including... more
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      Earth and Environmental SciencesSoil GeochemistryHeavy MetalZinc
Objective of this study is to use soil geochemistry surveys using statistical methods for the exploration of possibly gold mineralization related to Alakeci listvenite area (Bayramic, Canakkale, Turkey). In the scope of soil geochemistry,... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyGeochemistrySoil Science
Objective of this study is to use soil geochemistry surveys using statistical methods for the exploration of possibly gold mineralization related to Alakeci listvenite area (Bayramic, Canakkale, Turkey). In the scope of soil geochemistry,... more
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      GeologySoil ScienceTurkeySoil Geochemistry
515 kapalina. Předběžné pokusy stanovení sledovaných chlorovaných uhlovodíků technikou SPME s polydimethylsiloxanovým vláknem ovšem prokázaly přítomnost dvou stanovovaných analytů (trichlorethen, tetrachlorethen) v slepém stanovení z... more
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A soil geochemical survey was conducted over kimberlites in a discontinuous permafrost zone in the James Bay Lowlands, southeastern Hudson Bay Lowlands. The kimberlites are concealed by 10 to 30 m of tills and Tyrell Sea clay sediments.... more
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      GeochemistryAnalytical ChemistrySoil GeochemistryDiamond
Varied distributions of soil chemicals were compared to known activity areas at the Wilson-Slack site, a 19th century historic farmstead/blacksmith complex in northern Delaware. Calcium and magnesium were not clearly corre~ated with... more
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This study is aimed at determining the level of environmental degradation as well as the concentration of trace elements in soil and stream sediments in order to evaluate the environmental impact of the mining operation. Twenty-five (25)... more
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We compared two conventional analytical techniques for measuring Fe, Mn and Sr concentrations in environmental soil samples. This research was carried out on 25 samples of soil horizons from 6 discrete profiles from natural Cerrado soils... more
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      PedologySoil ScienceSoil Geochemistry
Soil plays an important role in life, especially in the cycling and supply of nutrients and water. Soil degradation is a serious global problem. It is caused by improper use of soil for different human activities. Soil degradation can... more
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      PedologySoil ScienceDesert EcologyQatar
8 paginas, 12 figuras. -- XVII Congreso latinoamericano de la ciencia del suelo, Leon (Guanajato, Mexico), 17-21 septiembre 2007
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
5 paginas, 5 figuras. -- XVII Congreso latinoamericano de la ciencia del suelo, Leon (Guanajato, Mexico), 17-21 septiembre 2007
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
6 paginas, 1 cuadro, 5 figuras. -- XVII Congreso latinoamericano de la ciencia del suelo, Leon (Guanajato, Mexico), 17-21 septiembre 2007
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
8 paginas, 12 figuras. -- XVII Congreso latinoamericano de la ciencia del suelo, Leon (Guanajato, Mexico), 17-21 septiembre 2007
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
5 paginas, 5 figuras. -- XVII Congreso latinoamericano de la ciencia del suelo, Leon (Guanajato, Mexico), 17-21 septiembre 2007
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management
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      Soil ScienceChemistrySoil carbon sequestrationSoil fertility management