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A new approach is developed to determine the shear wave velocity in saturated soft to firm clays using measurements of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and natural water content with depth. The shear wave velocity is assessed using the... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsEarthquake Geotechnical Engineering
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      Soil MechanicsSoil BehaviorFEM Modelling and Numerical SimulationMohr-Coulomb
The authors should be commended for presenting such an innovative approach to the estimation of the collapse potential in unsaturated soils. This is a pioneering work that sets the basis for further developments on the use of... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The deep foundation is characterized by the transfer of energy from the structure to the ground base, leading to the development of long deformation effects. The concepts used in practice by superpositioning transfer as a function of both... more
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      Soil ScienceSoil BehaviorPile Foundation
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      Rock MechanicsGeomechanicsSlope StabilityDeep excavation and urban tunnelling
Die Planung und Ausführung von tiefen Baugruben in weichen Böden im innerstädtischen Bereich ist für alle Beteiligten eine große Herausforderung. In diesem Beitrag wird die Herstellung einer 8 m tiefen Baugrube mit unmittelbarer... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical SimulationsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
The undrained response of cohesive soils is of paramount importance in geomechanics and it has been modelled extensively for the last 50 years. In comparison, drained behaviour of clays has received only modest attention. Drained and... more
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      Civil EngineeringFinite Element MethodsSoil MechanicsNumerical Analysis
The present research has been performed to investigate the effect of base course application on load-settlement characteristics of sandy subgrade using plate load test. The main parameter investigated in this study was the subgrade... more
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      Reinforced soil slopeSoil MechanicsEnvironmental Soil ScienceSoil Behavior
Spatial variability of material properties is inherent in both natural soil deposits and earth structures, yet it is often ignored during geotechnical design. With the objective of developing novel methods for assessing the effects of... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
This paper represents a new advance in the study of engineering properties and material applications of phyllite clays. Considering their potential use as construction materials for structures subjected to low stress levels, this... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsClay MineralsPavement Materials
"Networks are mathematically directed (in practical applications also undirected) graphs and a graph is a one-dimensional abstract complex, i.e., a topological space. Network theory focuses on various topological structures and... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
Excavations in soft soils in particular in urban environments with adjacent neighbouring buildings are always subjected to deformations that are not fully avoidable. The soil-structureinteraction of excavations in soft soils is dependent... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical SimulationsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
India is agriculture sector, on either side, is losing ground every day, affecting the ecosystem's output capacity. In order to restore vitality and put agriculture back on a path of higher growth, there is a growing need to resolve the... more
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      Soil BehaviorInternet of Things (IoT)Smart IrrigationInternet of Things (IoTs)
Both the soil and the CMCs are designed to carry the load while producing little settlement. The LTP, which is also discussed under the CSE section, is paired with the CMCs to promote soil arching transferring 95% of the load to the CMCs.
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      Soil MechanicsEnvironmental Soil ScienceSoil BehaviorSoil Foundations
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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      Earth SciencesSoil ScienceConsciousness (Psychology)Water
The soil is an essential and second most abundant component of earth. Most of the world activities are directly or indirectly related to land. The soil is helpful to humans in many ways such as natural water filtration system, absorbing... more
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      Soil ScienceGeotechnical EngineeringEnvironmental Soil ScienceSoil Behavior
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringCivil Engineering
Soil classification systems represent powerful tools not only to facilitate soil identification, but also to predict its possible behavior. While the use of arbitrary standards based on particle size distribution may be applicable to... more
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      PlasticityGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsSoil Survey and Classification
Structures are normal or special; these are precious part and are promptly associated with living as well as non living things. Sometimes minute fault inside the structure might affect whole body and it would lead to collapse the... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringNumerical ModelingConstruction Technology
For the derivation of the axial resistance of driven sheet piles empirical calculation procedures are given in the recommendations of the working groups "Ufereinfassungen" (EAU, 2004) and "Baugruben" (EAB, 2006), which does not always... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
Clayey soils are usually stiff when they are dry and give up their stiffness as they become saturated. Soft clays are associated with low compressive strength and excessive settlement. This reduction in strength due to moisture leads to... more
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      Soil MechanicsSoil and Water EngineeringSoil ErosionExperimental investigation of the mechanical behaviour of soils
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      Soil ScienceNumerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsHighway engineering
Nombre:__________________________________ Código:____________ 1. Defina los siguientes conceptos: Suelo, Roca 2. ¿Cuáles tipos de rocas hay? ¿Cómo se diferencian? 3. De 3 ejemplos de cada tipo de roca según su origen 4. ¿Cómo se califican... more
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      GeologyNumerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The geotechnical properties lateritic soil sample was upgraded with pulverized porcelaintiles (PPT). Lateritic soil sample was obtained and its index, specific gravity and compaction property was determined along with its California... more
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      Soil ScienceSoil MechanicsSoil and Water EngineeringPorcelain
In the scope of this study, selection process of ground improvement methods for soils, which has bearing capacity, settlement, liquefaction, permeability, stability, swelling or subsidence problems, are investigated. Soil improvement... more
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      Soil ScienceGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsNumerical Analysis
In this thesis study, dynamic soil behavior analysis is performed and liquefaction potential is investigated in a new region where high rise buildings are being built in Bayraklı District. First of all, soil profiles are constituted from... more
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      Earthquake EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSoil BehaviorDYNAMIC GROUND RESPONSE ANALYSIS
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most commonly used in-situ test in Bangladesh, while the Cone Penetrations Test (CPT) is becoming popular day by day for using reliable and cost effective design template. Geotechnical Engineers... more
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      Civil EngineeringSoil ScienceDesignGeotechnical Engineering
A serious problem has been discovered in the interface formulation in one of the most popular finite element software programs used in geotechnical practice. This paper analyses the problem of interface formulation which is not in... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsFEM
The soils of Jinka in Southern Ethiopia were studied based on the detail works on soil pit description, characterizing and classification following the FAO and USDA guidelines. For this, along with the topo-sequence and landscape, six... more
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      Soil ScienceUnsaturated soilSoil MechanicsSoil Dynamics
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      Soil ScienceNumerical ModelingRock MechanicsGeotechnical Engineering
The undrained shear strength of soil is a key engineering parameter, which is often linked to liquidity index (e.g. Vardanega and Haigh 2014). This linkage depends critically on the undrained strength of soil at the liquid limit, a... more
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      Soil ScienceGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsGeotechnical Investigation
The article presents a set of general relationships for permanent volumetric strain from cyclic loading. These relations can be used to predict earthquake induced settlements on granular soils, with direct application to shallow... more
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      Civil EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
Three-dimensional (3D) printing in soil science is relatively rare but offers promising directions for research. Having 3D-printed soil samples will help academics and researchers conduct experiments in a reproducible and participatory... more
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      Soil ScienceImage ProcessingImage AnalysisSoil Mechanics
_________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT— Clays in general and expansive soils in particular have been a major concern to geotechnical engineers for many years. Moisture variations produce... more
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      Soil ScienceSoil MechanicsClay MineralsSoil Behavior
The ground is a natural grand system; it is composed of myriad constituents that aggregate to form several geologic and biogenic systems. These systems operate independently and interplay harmoniously via important networked structures... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsSoil Microbial EcologyBiomimicry
"FOR CITATIONS: Salem, H.S., 2000. Poisson's ratio and the porosity of surface soils and shallow sediments, determined from seismic compressional and shear wave velocities. Geotechnique (Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)). 50-L (4),... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeophysicsEarthquake EngineeringNumerical Modeling
Observation and numerical modeling of MSE test wall is presented here. The 6m wide and 3.2m high wall with 10cm thick precast concrete face elements and reinforcement length of 2.15m was built on construction site of Motorway 5C in Bosnia... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsNumerical Analysis
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsSoil Dynamics
FREE ACCESS to the full published article is provided until 3rd January 2020 at the following Share Link: Abstract: In this study, the potential of pulverized waste tires (PWTs), either on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesGeotechnical EngineeringGroundwater Contamination
The soils of Jinka in Southern Ethiopia were studied based on the detail works on soil pit description, characterizing and classification following the FAO and USDA guidelines. For this, along with the topo-sequence and landscape, six... more
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      Soil ScienceUnsaturated soilSoil MechanicsSoil Dynamics
This paper presents a methodology to compute bending moments and shear forces, etc., in geosynthetic-reinforced pavement on expansive soils. The geosynthetic-reinforced pavement, subjected to the heave/shrinkage-induced vertical... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsExpansive SoilsPavement Engineering
Given its apparent limitations, various attempts have been made to develop alternative testing approaches to the standardized rolling-thread plastic limit (PLRT) method (for fine-grained soils), targeting higher degrees of repeatability... more
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      Soil SciencePlasticityGeotechnical EngineeringSoil Mechanics
Dynamic response of structures semi-buried in soil subjected to near-field, non-contact blast loading due to explosion is extremely complex. This complexity is attributed to the interaction between the surrounding soil and structure; and... more
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      Interaction DesignSoil MechanicsSoil DynamicsSoil-Structure Interaction
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsSoil Dynamics
The thesis focuses on three different areas: development of constitutive models for unsaturated soils, improvement of the finite element code “Compass” for coupled flow-deformation analysis involving unsaturated soils and application of... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering