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      Resource AllocationDecision Support SystemsVirtual MachinesSoftware defined networking
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a recent networking technology that promises important advantages in IP networking, related to flexibility at network and application level, together with powerful management and control. However, the... more
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      Multi Criteria Decision MakingReliabilitySoftware defined networkingSoftware Defined Networks (SDN)
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) allows network capabilities and services to be managed through a central control point. Moving Target Defense (MTD) on the other hand, introduces a constantly adapting environment in order to delay or... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware defined networkingDelaysSDN
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingQuality of Service (Networks)Computer Software
The advent of services on the Internet has led to an increased demand for enhanced data rates and connectivity throughout the world. Mobile communication is a complex phenomenon which involves multiple entities working towards increasing... more
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      NetworkingMobile Cellular NetworksSoftware defined networking
Este relatório sintetiza os resultados do Seminário “Grandes Desafios de Pesquisa em Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos – GranD-ReSD”, realizado em Brasília no dia 5 de maio de 2013. O seminário, promovido pela Comissão... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputer NetworksNetwork ManagementAutonomic Computing
Network virtualization allows for an abstraction between user and physical resources by letting a given physical infrastructure to be shared by multiple service providers. However, network virtualization presents some challenges, such as,... more
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    • Software defined networking
OpenFlow enabled networks split and separate the data and control planes of traditional networks. This design commodifies network switches and enables centralized control of the network. Control decisions are made by an OpenFlow... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is seen as the most promising networking technology today. The spread of a new technology depends on the acceptance of the engineers implementing the networks. Typically, when engineers start the... more
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    • Software defined networking
Information technology fields are now more dominated by artificial intelligence, as it is playing a key role in terms of providing better services. The inherent strengths of artificial intelligence are driving the companies into a modern,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCloud ComputingReliabilitySoftware defined networking
Size as well as complexity of communication networks (e.g. enterprise, backbone, data center) are increasing day-by- day. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) promises to enhance manageability of such networks by decoupling control plan of a... more
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      Computer EngineeringNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksComputer Security
The original design of the Internet did not take network security aspects into consideration, instead it aimed to facilitate the process of information exchange between endhosts. Consequently, many protocols that are part of the Internet... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksSoftware defined networking
The novel coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) infection has altered the society, economy, and entire healthcare system. Whilst this pandemic has presented the healthcare system with unprecedented challenges, it has rapidly promoted the... more
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      TelehealthTelemedicineTelemedicine Applications and e-Health SystemsMedical systems
Network Function Virtualization (NFV), reduces the deployment and operating cost and increases the manageability and innovation in service space of the network function. It offers a new way to design, deploy and manage networking... more
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      Software defined networkingNetwork Function Virtualization
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) provides a highly flexible flow management platform through a logically centralized controller that exposes network capabilities to the applications. However, most applications do not natively use SDN. An... more
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      Traffic EngineeringSoftware defined networkingSDNSoftware Defined Networks (SDN)
The Internet has led to the creation of a digital society, where (almost) everything is connected and is accessible from anywhere. However, despite their widespread adoption, traditional IP networks are complex and very hard to manage. It... more
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      Computer Security And ReliabilityNetwork SecurityTelecommunicationsComputer Security
Smart city brings enormous opportunities and exciting challenges. In a smart city, operations and services such as traffic, transport, electric power, and water distribution are monitored, operated, and controlled through ICT based... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork SecurityDistributed Denial of Service AttackSmart City
The continuous growth of the vehicles number, together with associated problems encountered in transportation systems have driven significant developments in the framework of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Recently, an advanced... more
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      Vehicular Ad Hoc NetworksCloud ComputingVanet SecurityVANETs
Software Defined Networking that performs the separation about a network data , control planes, joint together to centralized running. be a significant characteristic from the cloud computing settings, schemes or planning data centers,... more
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      Software defined networkingMininet
For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a... more
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      OpenFlowSoftware defined networkingMininetFloodlight Controller
Openflow merupakan bagian dari teknologi SDN , yaitu suatu standar/protokol baru dalam jaringan modern dengan memisahkan control plane dan data plane
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    • Software defined networking
Plug-and-play information technology (IT) infrastructure has been expanding very rapidly in recent years. With the advent of cloud computing, many ecosystem and business paradigms are encountering potential changes and may be able to... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksOpenFlow
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications.The journal... more
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      Distributed ComputingMachine LearningData MiningCongestion Control
In this paper, we propose a Voronoi diagram based spatio-temporal data redundancy elimination approach for RFID systems having multiple readers so that every RFID tag will be read by only one reader depending on the distance between the... more
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      Social NetworkingRedundancy EliminationMobile social networkingComputer Hardware and Networking
Dueñas. Usted es libre de copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente la obra y hacer obras derivadas bajo las condiciones siguientes: a) Debe reconocer y citar al autor original. b) No puede utilizar esta obra para fines comerciales. c)... more
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      Operating SystemsProgramming LanguagesComputer NetworksLinux
Internet of things (IoT) is realized by the idea of free flow of information amongst various low-power embedded devices that use the Internet to communicate with one another. It is predicted that the IoT will be widely deployed and will... more
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      The Internet of ThingsCyber SecuritySoftware defined networkingInternet of Things, Parallel & Distributed Systems (Focus on Cloud & Edge/Fog Computing, Big Data and Social Networks) and Data Mining
The software defined networking is an emerging three layer architecture which defines data, control, and application planes. Data and control planes implement forwarding and routing functions, respectively. Application plane contains... more
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      Computer ArchitectureTopologyControl SystemsOpenFlow
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
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      CommunicationNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksWireless Sensor Networks
The Internet of Vehicles is a novel development trend in vehicular networking. Its driving factor is, on one part, the high growth of the vehicles number, including the intelligent ones and the need to solve numerous problems encountered... more
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      VANETsMANET and VANET RoutingRouting in VANET and MANETSoftware defined networking
The continuous growth of the vehicles number, together with associated problems encountered in transportation systems have driven significant developments in the framework of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Recently, an advanced... more
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      Vehicular Ad Hoc NetworksCloud ComputingVanet SecurityVANETs
Software defined networking is an emerging network architecture with promising future in network field. It is dynamic, manageable, cost effective, and adaptable networking where control and data plane are decoupled, and control plane is... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityNetwork Security
Recently, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), a network architecture approach that enables the network to be intelligently and centrally controlled by using software applications, has been introduced. Another important issue in the network... more
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      Quality of Healthcare ServicesQuality of Service (Networks)Quality of ServiceSoftware defined networking
Since Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technologies have been commonly used in networking components for designing Future Internet, the multi-path routing becomes a fundamental requirement in network deployment. This paper present a... more
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      Computer NetworksRoutingNetworkingOpenFlow
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a novel approach to allow configuration of networks in real time and a centralized manner. Likewise to legacy network architectures, security mechanisms are used to protect the network and the... more
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      Computer EngineeringComputer NetworksComputer SecurityData Communication and Computer Networks
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) memberikan peluang kemudahan manajemen jaringan dan mengurangi biaya operasional bagi penggunanya. SDN menghindarkan penggunanya dari ketergantungan terhadap satu operator Wide Area Network (WAN) maupun... more
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      IT SecuritySoftware defined networkingDenial of Services
Background/objectives:The presented study will examine the applications regarding to An Aritifical Intelligentin to Software Defined Network paradigm that is considered as part of past attempts for giving the networks of computer the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceOpenFlowSoftware defined networking
Today’s data networks are steadily growing in size and complexity. Especially in enterprise networks, these development lead to the requirement of a central network administration. With Software Defined Networking (SDN), this requirement... more
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      Computer EngineeringNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksComputer Security
"Network management is becoming increasingly challenging with the relentless growth in network size, traffic volume, and the diversity in QoS requirements. Traditionally, the concept of predefined Service Level Agreements (SLAs) has been... more
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      Software defined networkingPolicy Based Management
The Software Defined Networking (SDN) decouples control and routing of data, offering high programmability and a global view of the network. The adoption of this approach is growing in enterprise networks, data centers and other critical... more
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      SecurityIntrusion Detection SystemsOpenFlowSoftware defined networking
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is seen as one way to solve some problems of the Internet including security, managing complexity, multi-casting, load balancing, and energy efficiency. SDN is an architectural paradigm that separates the... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringComputer NetworksComputer Networking and Telecommunication
The Internet has led to the creation of a digital society, where (almost) everything is connected and is accessible from anywhere. However, despite their widespread adoption, traditional IP networks are complex and very hard to manage. It... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Security And ReliabilityBiomedical EngineeringNetwork Security
OpenFlow enabled networks split and separate the data and control planes of traditional networks. This design com-modifies network switches and enables centralized control of the network. Control decisions are made by an OpenFlow... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming applications. SDN is a... more
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      Quality of Service (Networks)Networks , Distributed Systems , Operating SystemsQuality of ServiceSoftware defined networking
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm in network technologies in which the data plane and network plane are separated. This new technology began to be widely used in last few years and studies started to increase... more
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      Software defined networkingSoftware Defined Networking (SDN),
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      Computer ArchitectureResilienceSoftware Defined RadioProtocols
The objectives for this white paper are to draw attention to the second release of ETSI NFV ISG documents scheduled to be published in January 2015, and to provide a commentary on industry progress on NFV since we published our last... more
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      Software defined networkingNetwork Function Virtualization
The Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm introduces separation of data and control planes for flow-switched networks and enables different approaches to network security than those existing in present IP networks. The centralized... more
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    • Software defined networking
The initial setup of the client and server which will remain same throughout the benchmarking of Project Clearwater.
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      Software defined networkingNetwork Function Virtualization
The SIP protocol was standardized by the IETF at the application layer for initiating, managing, and terminating multimedia sessions and has been widely used as the main signaling protocol on both the Internet and VoIP networks. Most... more
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      Linear ProgrammingOptimization ProblemSoftware defined networkingOverload Control
Software defined network is emerging network architecture with promising future in network field. It is dynamic, manageable, cost effective, and adaptable networking where control and data plane are decoupled, and control plane is... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityNetwork Security