Software Framework

2,329 papers
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A software framework is a pre-defined structure or platform that provides a foundation for developing software applications. It includes a set of tools, libraries, and best practices that streamline the development process, enabling developers to build and integrate components efficiently while promoting code reusability and maintainability.
The ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be exposed to proton-proton collisions from beams crossing at 40 MHz. A three-level trigger system will select potentially interesting events in order to reduce the readout... more
Several sources of uncertainty affect the assessmen t of xisting buildings, including uncertainties as sociated with the material properties and the displacement capaci ty of the elements. In engineering practice, Monte Carlo simulations... more
In this paper, we discuss potential advantages of, and current impediments to, modular specifications of multimodal interfaces.
Abstract. We present an architecture that allows the seamless configuration of computer labs to work as dedicated computing clusters during periods of user inactivity. The operation of the cluster is fully automated by making use of... more
Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry is an established method in shotgun proteomics. A key step in the data processing pipeline is to transform the raw data acquired by the mass spectrometer into a list of features. In... more
Background: Mass spectrometry is an essential analytical technique for high-throughput analysis in proteomics and metabolomics. The development of new separation techniques, precise mass analyzers and experimental protocols is a very... more
The common view of component centered development is one where applications are constructed by assembling interacting but non-overlapping software components. We are interested in the case where components do overlap, but that may still... more
As hardware advances continue to modify the supercomputing landscape, traditional scientific software development practices will become more outdated, ineffective, and inefficient. The process of rewriting/retooling existing software for... more
JDE is an ethology inspired architecture for designing applications both in autonomous and teleoperated robots. In this paper we will outline the JDE architecture, present some tools included in the JDE suite and show several examples of... more
Geant4 is a Monte Carlo simulation toolkit that is used for the simulation of particles through matter. It was developed by a world wide collaboration of about 100 scientists. It has applications in high energy physics, astrophysics,... more
Queremos agradecer muy especialmente a nuestro director de tesis el Ingeniero Enrique González Ph.D., quien nos guió durante todo este proceso, fomentó en nosotros el espíritu investigativo y nos enseñó muchas cosas, las cuales estamos... more
The development of a reusable collaborative software framework for the remote control of a large range of laboratory equipments is an interesting topic to teach information technologies in an engineering school. The design and... more
System development of modem CIM structures involves integration of different robot systems. This integration can be very difficult and time consuming. The major problems involved in integrating new and existing robotics software... more
The digital revolution has brought about a massive increase in the availability and distribution of musicrelated documents of various modalities comprising textual, audio, as well as visual material. Therefore, the development of... more
The Hartree-Fock equations describe atomic and molecular eletronic wave functions, based on the minimization of a functional of the energy. This can be formulated as a constrained global optimization problem involving nonconvex... more
Recently there has been much interest in electronic commerce applications that use data mining techniques to explore datasets in the social media context. However, most of the applications have already been developed in an ad hoc manner,... more
Abstract: A recent trend in the development of flood simulation algorithms shows the move toward fast simplified models instead of slow full hydrodynamic models. CADDIES is a research project that aims to develop a real/near-real time... more
In the last few years a significant number of ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have been proposed for tackling multi-objective optimization problems. In this paper, we propose a software framework that allows to instantiate the... more
This paper gives a survey of the infrastructure currently being developed in the MUSITECH project. The aim of this project is to conceptualize and implement a computational environment for navigation and interaction in internet-based... more
Many databases in molecular biology face the problem that the ever increasing rate of data production can no longer be handled by traditional methods, especially human curation. Therefore, a number of projects are currently investigating... more
There are several ongoing efforts to develop a software framework for integrated fusion simulations in the US (SWIM and CPES) the EU (ITM-TF) and Japan (BPSI). The European and Japanese efforts emphasize a standardization of the... more
Self-managed software requires monitoring and code changes to an executing program. One technology that enables such self management is software dynamic translation (SDT), which allows a program's execution to be intercepted and... more
Learning (TEAL) Project at MIT has developed a broad range of 3D visualizations and simulations to foster student intuition about electromagnetic fields and phenomena (see In this talk we discuss... more
This paper presents the architecture of the VHD++ real-time development framework that after several years of intensive research, design, and development effort has been released and enters its validation phase. This paper discusses the... more
Scripts can be executed within the radiation treatment planning software framework to reduce human error, increase treatment planning efficiency, reduce confusion, and promote consistency within an institution or even among institutions.... more
The center of Cloud processing incorporates virtualization of equipment assets, for example, stockpiling, system and memory gave through virtual machines. The live relocation of these VMs is acquainted with get different advantages which... more
The operation logbook system of KEKB linac and ring has been developed and operated with the relational database composed of MS-SQL and MS-Access on PCs. The operator interface to the system is provided through the Web or MS-Access with... more
Successful resource discovery across heterogeneous repositories is strongly dependent on the semantic and syntactic homogeneity of the associated resource descriptions. Ideally, resource descriptions are easily extracted from pre-existing... more
An application of OSCAR-a generalized robotic software framework-for kinematic control of hyper-redundant, self-reconfigurable systems is presented. OSCAR includes generalized kinematics, dynamics, device interfacing and criteria-based... more
An application of OSCAR-a generalized robotic software framework-for kinematic control of hyper-redundant, self-reconfigurable systems is presented. OSCAR includes generalized kinematics, dynamics, device interfacing and criteria-based... more
Existing software integration frameworks typically require large manual rewrites of existing codes, or specific tailoring of codes written to be used in the framework. The result is usually a special-purpose code which is not usable... more
Geodynamics simulations are characterized by rheological nonlinearity, localization, three-dimensional effects, and separate but interacting length scales. These features represent a challenge for computational science. We discuss how a... more
Unified testing of multiple heterogeneous robotic software components is a challenging problem and many robotic systems rely on vendor-specific tools for testing and evaluation of individual subsystems. The consequence is often the... more
The advent of the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) necessitates the development of a powerful framework for the analysis of radio measurements of cosmic ray air showers. As AERA performs "radio-hybrid" measurements of air shower radio... more
In this paper, the modeling and design of the depth control systems using Neural Network Predictive Control (NNPC) for a small unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) will be described. Underwater vehicles consist of robotic vehicles that have... more
The balanced traveling salesman problem (BTSP) is a variant of the traveling salesman problem, in which one seeks a tour that minimizes the difference between the largest and smallest edge costs in the tour. The BTSP, which is obviously... more
Applying subsurface simulation codes to understand heterogeneous flow and transport problems is a complex process potentially involving multiple models, multiple scales, and spanning multiple scientific disciplines. A typical end-to-end... more
Self-managed software requires monitoring and code changes to an executing program. One technology that enables such self management is software dynamic translation (SDT), which allows a program's execution to be intercepted and... more
Editor's note: This article presents a software framework for communication infrastructure synthesis of distributed systems, which is critical for overall system performance in communication-based design. Particular emphasis is given to... more
Preface VII but I suspect that full appreciation of the solutions it offers requires at least a passing acquaintance with embedded control systems. Class diagrams are in standard UML and pseudo-code examples are written using C++ syntax... more
This paper presents a new evolution rules application algorithm to a multiset of objects to use in the P system implementation in digital devices. In each step of this algorithm two main actions are carried out eliminating, at least, an... more
A framework for optimization of process parameters in material processing and production is described. The framework is designed for effective set up and solution of optimization problems as part of process design, as well as to support... more
Long space missions, where mission duration can exceed the 50% reliability limit of constituent components, can make active, N-multiple redundant systems less reliable than simplex systems. To extend a control system lifetime beyond the... more
We present in detail some of the challenges in developing reusable robotic software. We base that on our experience in developing the CLARAty robotics software, which is a generic object-oriented framework used for the integration of new... more
The paper presents a remotely accessible laboratory realised for didactic aims at the University of Sannio, Italy. The laboratory is based on a software framework, with modularity characteristics that allows the insertion of new... more