A Combined Approach of Software Metrics and Software Fault Analysis to Estimate Software Reliability
This paper presents a fault prediction model using reliability relevant software metrics and fuzzy inference system. For this a new approach is discussed to develop fuzzy profile of software metrics which are more relevant for software... more
Software code life cycle is characterized by continuous changes requiring a great effort to perform the testing of all the components involved in the changes. Given the limited number of resources, the identification of the defect... more
2 Abstract: This paper presents the results of a systematic review conducted to collect evidence on software fault prediction techniques. Different models, methods, algorithms and approaches were studied and conclusion was drawn. The... more
Source code and metric mining have been used to successfully assist with software quality evaluation. This paper presents a data mining approach which incorporates clustering Java classes, as well as classifying extracted clusters, in... more
Software defects remain a critical challenge in the software development lifecycle, impacting product quality, cost, and delivery time. Predicting and mitigating defects early in the development process is crucial to ensure successful... more
An important decision in software projects is when to stop testing and based on defect data from an inspection the number of defects present in a software product can be estimated to decide on further development or quality assurance... more
Software and systems traceability is widely accepted as an essential element for supporting many software development tasks. Today's version control systems provide inbuilt features that allow developers to tag each commit with one or... more
Automatic crash reporting tools built in many software systems allow software practitioners to understand the origin of field crashes and help them prioritise field crashes or bugs, locate erroneous files, and/or predict bugs and crash... more
Relative correctness is the property of a program to be morecorrect than another with respect to a specification. Whereas traditionally we distinguish between two categories of candidate programs, namely correct programs and incorrect... more
Faults are an important concept in the study of system dependability, and most approaches to dependability can be characterized by the way in which they deal with faults (e.g. fault avoidance, fault removal, fault tolerance, fault... more
In this study, we explore the prediction accuracy of pumpkin seed quality using a Voting Classifier in comparison with three popular machine learning algorithms: Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We... more
Se describe la investigación derivada de la experiencia innovadora llevada a cabo en la asignatura de Diseño Experimental e Interfaces Alternativas del Grado en Informática e Ingeniería del Videojuego de la Escuela Superior de Diseño,... more
Testing video games is an increasingly difficult task as traditional methods fail to scale with growing software systems. Manual testing is a very labor-intensive process, and therefore quickly becomes cost prohibitive. Using scripts for... more
Software maintainers use the traces of field failures to understand and diagnose faulty functions that cause the system to fail. Despite their usefulness, traces from the field can be quite overwhelming, especially for software systems... more
Augmented Reality (AR) is promising to complement autism approaches, but so far has mainly focused on training socio-emotional abilities for autistic children with mild learning disabilities. To better consider autistic children with... more
Predictive models can be used to discover potentially problematic components with source code metrics as input features. However, there are many structural and design metrics that capture related measures of coupling, cohesion,... more
The growing complexity of mission-critical space mission software makes it prone to suffer failures during operations. The success of space missions depends on the ability of the systems to deal with software failures, or to avoid them in... more
Software measurement can play a major role in ensuring the quality and reliability of software products. The measurement activities require appropriate tools to collect relevant metric data. Currently, there are several such tools... more
In this paper review of existing literature in the field of software reliability models based on machine learning techniques presented. Software reliability is very useful tool in determining the software quality. By using machine... more
The purpose of this study is to determine a type of software metric at file level exhibiting the best prediction performance. Studies have shown that software process metrics are better predictors of software faults than software product... more
Dynamic Localisation and Automatic Correction of Software Faults using Evolutionary Mutation Testing
Software testing has recently turned to more "sophisticated" techniques, like automatic, self-adaptive mutation testing, aiming at improving the effectiveness of the testing process and handling the associated complexity that increases... more
In this paper, we present a new public and real dataset of labeled images of meteors and non-meteors that we recently used in a machine learning competition. We also present a comprehensive performance evaluation of several established... more
In the metric suite for Object-Oriented design put forward by Chidamber and Kemerer it is observed that Weyuker property 9 is not satisfied by any of the structural Inheritance Complexity Metrics. The same is also observed for the... more
The history of software metrics is almost as old as the history of software engineering. Yet, the extensive research and literature on the subject has had little impact on industrial practice. This is worrying given that the major... more
Software fault prediction is the significant process of identifying the errors or defects or faults in a software product. But, accurate and timely detection is the major challenging issue in different existing approaches to predicting... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Software fault prediction plays a vital role in software quality assurance. Identifying the faulty modules helps to better concentrate on those modules and helps improve the quality of the software. With increasing complexity of software... more
A Combined Approach of Software Metrics and Software Fault Analysis to Estimate Software Reliability
This paper presents a fault prediction model using reliability relevant software metrics and fuzzy inference system. For this a new approach is discussed to develop fuzzy profile of software metrics which are more relevant for software... more
Software almost inevitably contains defects. Do e verything possible to reduce the fault rate; Use fa ulttolerance techniques to deal with software faults. Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to perfo rm its function correctly even... more
Abstract—Software reliability is one of a number of aspects of computer software which can be taken into consideration when determining the quality of the software. Building good reliability models is one of the key problems in the field... more
A Combined Approach of Software Metrics and Software Fault Analysis to Estimate Software Reliability
This paper presents a fault prediction model using reliability relevant software metrics and fuzzy inference system. For this a new approach is discussed to develop fuzzy profile of software metrics which are more relevant for software... more
Software almost inevitably contains defects. Do e verything possible to reduce the fault rate; Use fa ulttolerance techniques to deal with software faults. Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to perfo rm its function correctly even... more
The increasing complexity of today's software requires the contribution of thousands of developers. This complex collaboration structure makes developers more likely to introduce defect-prone changes that lead to software faults.... more
A variety of Software Reliability Growth Models (SRGM) have been presented in literature. These models suffer many problems when handling various types of project. The reason is; the nature of each project makes it difficult to build a... more
Relative correctness is the property of a program to be morecorrect than another with respect to a specification. Whereas traditionally we distinguish between two categories of candidate programs, namely correct programs and incorrect... more
Faults are an important concept in the study of system dependability, and most approaches to dependability can be characterized by the way in which they deal with faults (e.g. fault avoidance, fault removal, fault tolerance, fault... more
Context: The software defect prediction during software development has recently attracted the attention of many researchers. The software defect density indicator prediction in each phase of software development life cycle (SDLC) is... more
Recent advancements in technology have emerged the requirements of hardware and software applications. Along with this technical growth, software industries also have faced drastic growth in the demand of software for several... more
Peningkatan kualitas sebuah perangkat lunak mempunyai peran yang penting dalam praktek rekayasa perangkat lunak. Pendekatan engineering menginginkan bahwa kualitas perangkat lunak dapat diukur secara kuantitatif dalam bentuk angka yang... more
Process metrics appear to be an effective addition to software defect prediction models usually built upon product metrics. We present a review of research studies that investigate process metrics in defect prediction. The following... more
There has been number of measurement techniques proposed in the literature. These metrics can be used in assessing quality of software products, thereby controlling costs and schedules. The empirical validation of objectoriented (OO)... more
Software testing is the main step of detecting the faults in Software through executing it. Therefore, it is substantial to predict the faults that may happen while executing the software to maintain the existence of the software. There... more
Software reliability is an important feature of a good software implementation. However some faults which cause software unreliability are not detected during the development stages, and these faults create unexpected problems for users... more
Software measurement process is a process that measures, adjusts, evaluates, and improves the software development process. Software metrics may be used in different models to improve software quality. This paper aims to identify software... more
When a fault occurs in the field, developers usually collect failure reports that contain function-call traces to uncover the root causes. Fault diagnosis in failure traces is an arduous task due to the volume and size of typical traces.... more
Software maintainers use the traces of field failures to understand and diagnose faulty functions that cause the system to fail. Despite their usefulness, traces from the field can be quite overwhelming, especially for software systems... more
Background : Co-change prediction makes developers aware of which artifacts will change together with the artifact they are working on. In the past, researchers relied on structural analysis to build prediction models. More recently,... more
Software fault prediction plays a vital role in software quality assurance. Identifying the faulty modules helps to better concentrate on those modules and helps improve the quality of the software. With increasing complexity of software... more
Software code life cycle is characterized by continuous changes requiring a great effort to perform the testing of all the components involved in the changes. Given the limited number of resources, the identification of the defect... more
Software comes in releases. An implausible change to software is something that has never been changed in prior releases. When planning how to reduce defects, it is better to use plausible changes, i.e., changes with some precedence in... more