Software Design
Recent papers in Software Design
In the last twenty years, many different approaches to deal with Computer-Interpretable clinical Guidelines (CIGs) have been developed, each one proposing its own representation formalism (mostly based on the Task-Network Model) execution... more
Talk about everything interior designers need to know every day: Project mangement tools Sequencing spaces Design software Digital presentation Sustainability guidelines standard dimensions tabels Codes and accessibility Contrast... more
Automated medical diagnosis systems based on knowledge-oriented descriptions have gained momentum with the emergence of semantic descriptions. The objective of this paper is to propose a normalized design that solves some of the problems... more
This paper describes an underwater walking robotic system being developed under the name AQUA, the goals of the AQUA project, the overall hardware and software design, the basic hardware and sensor packages that have been developed, and... more
We report on a case study to assess the use of an advanced knowledge-based software design technique with programmers who have not participatedin the technique's development. We use the KIDS approach to algorithm design to construct two... more
Software engineers and programmers deal with repeated problems and situations in the course of software design. This lead to the development of software design patterns, which can be defined as a description of an abstract solution for... more
We present a foundational theory of software system re-liability based on components. The theory describes how component developers can design and test their components to produce measurements that are later used by system de-signers to... more
Security design patterns have been proposed recently as a tool for the improvement of software security during the architecture and design phases. Since the apperance of this research topic in 1997, several catalogs have emerged, and the... more
In this paper, we present an efficient coarse-tofine multiresolution framework for multidimensional scaling and demonstrate its performance on a large-scale nonlinear dimensionality reduction and embedding problem in a texture feature... more
Users at different levels of domain experience have very different needs. For example, a system designed to assist domain novices may frustrate experts and vice-versa. This is one of several challenges specific to building decision... more
This poster describes a technique for reconstructing tomographic images generated by a minitomograph scanner for soil science developed by Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation using a parallel DSP architecture with an HEPC2E board from... more
The methodology of recursive partition and amalgamation in biostatistics is presented and a FORTRAN program for its implementation, RECPAM, is described. RECPAM can be used to obtain classifications of patients according to several... more
Microarray based transcription profiling is now a consolidated methodology and has widespread use in areas such as pharmacogenomics, diagnostics and drug target identification. Large-scale microarray studies are also becoming crucial to a... more
EPA is undertaking an effort to develop a new set of modeling tools for the estimation of emissions produced by on-road and off-road mobile sources. The product of this effort will be the Multi-scale mOtor Vehicle & equipment Emission... more
Uncertainty can be harmful in some cases and beneficial in other cases. At the beginning, the software universe only appreciates the beneficial side of uncertainty, although it took advantage of it. Software is practically useless without... more
We define three abstract protocols which are appropriate for characterising communications in real-time system designs. These protocols abstract from details of distribution and synchronisation. This makes them suitable for use early in... more
Binary component-based software updates that are efficient, safe and generic still remain a challenge. Most existing deployment systems that achieve this goal have to control the complete software environment of the user which is a... more
Course resolution earth observation satellites offer large data sets with daily observations at global scales. These data sets represent a rich resource that, because of the high acquisition rate, allows the application of time-series... more
Lack of good user interfaces has been a major impediment to the acceptance and routine use of health-care professional workstations. Health-care providers, and the environment in which they practice, place strenuous demands on the... more
Design patterns, which encapsulate common solutions to the recurring design problems, have contributed to the increased reuse, quality and productivity in software design. We argue that hardware design patterns could be used for... more
Quality improvement is central to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) programs. Challenges may occur when applying quality improvement methodologies like process control charts, often due to the limited exposure of typical IPs. Because... more
R. A R M O N AND Y. KOTT. 1993. A rapid, simple and sensitive direct bacteriophage presence detection method for 500 ml drinking water samples has been developed. The method includes a glass device consisting of a jar containing the water... more
In the last years, multi-agent systems (MAS) have proved more and more successful. The need of a quality software engineering approach to their design arises together with the need of new methodological ways to address important issues... more
Intention-to-treat (ITT) in randomized controlled trials involves keeping participants in the treatment groups to which they were randomized regardless of whether they withdraw following randomization. Intention-totreat is a strategy for... more
The testing and debugging of complex programs has always been one of the most cost-determining factors in software design. This is even more true when parallel programs are considered. Debugging them is often based on a debugging cycle.... more
Water resources management is increasingly dealing with competing demands for fixed or diminishing available supplies. In this , the allocation and accounting of water consumption between competing users, including environmental uses,... more
On May 18, 2009, British computer scientist Stephen Wolfram officially launched a new search product called Wolfram j Alpha (WA). This launch was preceded by months of speculation and hype online about exactly what WA would be and how it... more
The analysis of UCR data provides a basis for crime prevention in the United States as well as a sound decision making tool for policy makers. The decisions made with the use of UCR data range from major funding for resource allocation... more
Objectives. To implement and evaluate the effects of a simulated hospital pharmacy module using an electronic medical record on student confidence and abilities to perform hospital pharmacist duties. Design. A module was developed that... more
N-version programming has been proposed as a method of incorporating fault tolerance into software. Multiple versions of a program (i.e. ''N'') are prepared and executed in parallel. Their outputs are collected and examined by a voter,a... more
A simple to use method was installed for the measurement of wounds contaminated with plutonium and americium by using a semiconductor detector. This technique does not explicitly require the knowledge of the detector efficiency but uses a... more
Meal lipids (LIP) and proteins (PRO) may influence the effect of insulin doses based on carbohydrate (CHO) counting in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We developed a smartphone application for CHO, LIP, and PRO counting in daily food... more
The focus of this paper is to have a critical look at the current game design literature through the analytical lenses of the current state of the art in design research. The aim is not to create yet another prescriptive framework for... more
This paper concerns the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in music classrooms, with the focus on the secondary school music curriculum in the United Kingdom. In particular, it reports on a study of learners in a UK... more
An emerging common trend in model-based design of embedded software and systems is the adoption of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs). While abstract syntax metamodeling enables the rapid and inexpensive development of DSMLs, the... more
Object-oriented metrics have been validated empirically as measures of design complexity. These metrics can be used to mitigate potential problems in the software complexity. However, there are few studies that were conducted to formulate... more
In this article, we describe a low-cost, dual-virtual-CPU hardware technology for embedded-systems security. We also present a case study of a programmable software design to exploit such hardware. This design integrates a rich operating... more
Software Design and Media Design - tools to designMobile and Sensory Interfaces and Interactive EnvironmentsGeert de HaanCommunication, Media and Information TechnologySection Media Technology / Human Centered ICTRotterdam University of... more
The long-term successful use of synthetic seismograms in traditional seismic reflection studies suggests that their implementation for high-resolution non-impulsive seismic sources would also be beneficial. We present here ChirCor v1.0, a... more
'Open Source' is a 20 Á/40 year old approach to licensing and distributing software that has recently burst into public view. Against conventional wisdom this approach has been wildly successful in the general software market */probably... more
Software design is increasingly being recognized as an important factor in student learning when interacting with interactive geometry software (IGS). A categorization of the operations possible within an IGS is used to identify and... more