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Paper presented and discussed at the INSEAD Workshop, Fontainebleau, September 24, 2001 Contents: Estimation of IT Projects object, timing, accuracy, effort, methods, monitoring & tracking, exprience, installing, culture.... more
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      COST ESTIMATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTSoftware Cost EstimationFunction Point AnalysisFunction Points
Analogy Based Software Estimation is based on the principle that actual values achieved within the organization in an earlier and similar project are better indicators and predict the future project performance much better than an... more
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    • Software Cost Estimation
The accurate prediction of software development costs may have a large economic impact. As a consequence, considerable research attention is now directed to understand better the software development process. The objective of this paper... more
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      Software DevelopmentCost ModelManagement Information SystemEconomic Impact
This work addresses the issue of software effort prediction via fuzzy decision trees generated using historical project data samples. Moreover, the effect that various numerical and nominal project characteristics used as predictors have... more
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      Software DevelopmentCost EstimationFuzzy Decision TreeSoftware Cost Estimation
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      Software Cost EstimationJet Propulsion Laboratory
Page 1. A Software Cost Estimation Model Based on Quality Characteristics Sherif M. Tawfik1, Marwa M. Abd-Elghany2, and Stewart Green3 1 Information and Documentation Center Arab Academy for Science and Technology ...
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      Data AnalysisCost EstimationSoftware QualityArtificial Intelligent
Software estimation is imperative in software engineering. Many projects fail because of inaccurate size or effort estimation. The most critical and crucial part of software estimation is when estimation is required in the early stages of... more
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      Project ManagementLiterature ReviewSurveySoftware effort estimation
More resources are spent on maintaining software than for its development. Maintenance costs for large scale software systems can amount to somewhere between 40 and 67% of the total system life cycle cost. It is therefore important to... more
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      Information SystemsDecision MakingCost EstimationProblem Solving
As software cost estimation in software projects is a very difficult, confusing and challenging work for any software company and software cost estimation is the primary step to start any software project. It gives the overview of... more
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      Software EngineeringCOCOMO IISoftware Cost Estimationfunction point analysis, FPA
Keynote lecture at the: 1st International Software Measuremen & Analysis (ISMA) Conference, Sponsored by IFPUG, September 10-15, 2006 San Diego, California, USA 7. Abstract The presented Function Point Prognosis was performed three... more
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      Cost EstimationSoftware MeasurementSoftware Cost EstimationFunction Point
Process of estimating the effort required for the software development process is difficult and very complicated. There are many techniques to estimate the effort and cost of producing software, this article is based on a correct reading... more
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      EngineeringSoftware EngineeringSoftware effort estimationComputational Science and Engineering
Der Nutzen der Function Point Methode für Aufwandschätzung und Softwareentwicklung –Praktische Erfahrungen Artikel für die GPM Tagung 2005 Der Nutzen der Function Point Methode für Aufwandschätzung und Softwareentwicklung –Praktische... more
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      Software MeasurementSoftware Cost EstimationFunction PointFunctional Point Analysis
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      Software DevelopmentCost EstimationDecision support toolSoftware Cost Estimation
Agile has invented to improve and overcome Draw backs of software development. Now agile model is using in software development very vastly. It is facilitating the developer and client both very resourcefully. It is getting popularity... more
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      PsychologySoftware EngineeringRequirements EngineeringSoftware Project Management
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      Information SystemsProject ManagementProductivityDatabases
Los Puntos de Objetos (Object Points), no tienen relación con la programación orientada a objetos sino que se refieren a objetos tales como pantallas, informes y módulos de programas. Se cuenta la cantidad de cada objeto, se los clasifica... more
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    • Software Cost Estimation
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      GeoarchaeologyProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationEvolutionary Epistemology
In current world multiple organizations are using the methodology of Global Software Development (GSD) because it is a convenient technique for developing the software projects. Global software advancement serves as a vowed relation among... more
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      Global Software DevelopmentSoftware Quality EngineeringSoftware Quality AssuranceCost Estimation
Industrial reports show massive cost overruns associated with software projects. The cost of software reworks constitutes a large portion of the overall cost, reflecting a substantial challenge in cost control. Earned value management... more
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      Computer ScienceEarned Value ManagementSoftware Cost EstimationEvm
A simple UV-Visible spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of Atorvastatin in its pure form as well as pharmaceutical dosage form using Methyl Orange reagent. The method is based on the measurement... more
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      Estimation and Filtering TheoryPharmaceutical TechnologyPharmaceutical ChemistryPharmaceutical Analysis
an der FH Nürnberg am 8.2.2001

117 Folien
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      BenchmarkingSoftware Cost EstimationAufwandschätzung von IT ProjektenFunction Point Analysis
an intense, potentially lethal microwave field. A companion paper (Justesen et al., VA Medical Center, Kansas City) suggests that thresholds for perception of microwave and infrared energy are nevertheless comparable, provided that the... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringEnvironmental EconomicsSoftware Maintenance
Vortrag vor der ACM/GI in Hamburg am 30.4.1999
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      Software MeasurementEstimationSoftware Cost EstimationFunction Point
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      Software Cost EstimationJet Propulsion Laboratory
Mobile Application are new emerging technology dominating the software engineering platform, this new technology comes with new features, restrictions and new possibilities which does not exist before. Building capable software for this... more
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      Mobile application developmentSoftware effort estimationSoftware Cost Estimation
The growing application of software and resource constraints in software projects development need a more accurate estimate of the cost and effort because of the importance in program planning, coordinated scheduling and resource... more
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      Fuzzy LogicSoftware Cost EstimationCocomo
Software cost estimation is one of the most challenging tasks in software engineering. Over the past years the estimators have used parametric cost estimation models to establish software cost, however the challenges to accurate cost... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware Cost EstimationComputer ApplicationsCocomo 2 Model
This Article shows a Case Study research that is performed to compare effectiveness of the Planning Poker and Wideband Delphi in two case studies. Although, Wide Band Delphi has been proposed many years ago and has enough supports in both... more
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      Software EngineeringUrban And Regional PlanningAgile software developmentSoftware Cost Estimation
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringEnvironmental EconomicsSoftware Maintenance
Los jefes de proyecto son los responsables de la estimación y gestión de los presupuestos del proyecto. No realizar una estimación o una mala estimación del esfuerzo de desarrollo son causa de muchos fracasos en proyectos de desarrollo... more
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Software project management is the utilization of resources in efficient manner to complete a project within time and budget. It is like a corner stone in every successful project. Sound software project management techniques are very... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringStatisticsComputer Engineering
a transparency is some aspect of the distributed database system that is hidden from the user (programmer, system developer, and application program). A transparency is provided by including some set of mechanisms in the distributed... more
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      Image ProcessingCloud ComputingSoftware Cost EstimationDistributed Database Sysstem
Industrial reports show massive cost overruns associated with software projects. The cost of software reworks constitutes a large portion of the overall cost, reflecting a substantial challenge in cost control. Earned value management... more
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      Earned Value ManagementSoftware Cost EstimationEvm
Part of each feasibility study of a food production plant is to make an estimation of the “future” investment costs in such a plant. In this document, the investment cost estimation method of Zevnik-Buchanan is explained, in 10... more
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      Chemical EngineeringEconomicsFood ScienceFood Engineering
There are several software estimation models such as Line of Code, Function Point and COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO). The original COCOMO model is one of the most widely practiced and popular among the software development community... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringProject ManagementCOCOMO II
Este material es propiedad de Rogelio Francisco Ramírez Ramírez y no puede ser distribuido, reproducido o comercializado sin el consentimiento expreso de su autor. Registro de obra en trámite.
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftwareSoftware effort estimation
As the world is progressing towards faster and more efficient computing techniques, cloud computing has emerged as an efficient and cheaper solution to such increasing and demanding requirements. Cloud computing is a computing model which... more
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      Cloud ComputingSoftware Cost Estimation
Current cost estimation techniques have a number of drawbacks. For example, developing algorithmic models requires extensive past project data. Also, off-the-shelf models have been found to be difficult to calibrate but inaccurate without... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementRisk ManagementRisk assessment
""Part of each feasibility study of a food production plant is to make an estimation of the “future” investment costs in such a plant. In this document, three rapid investment cost estimation methods are explained: 1) the indexed 0.6... more
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      Chemical EngineeringSoftware EngineeringEconomicsFood Science
This paper aims to provide a basis for the improvement of software estimation research through a systematic review of previous work. The review identifies 304 software cost estimation papers in 76 journals and classifies the papers... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware DevelopmentCost EstimationComputer Software
Current software cost estimation models, such as the 1981 Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) for software cost estimation and its 1987 Ada COCOMO update, have been experiencing increasing difficulties in estimating the costs of software... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware ReuseCost Model
It is very important to conduct software estimation in the early stages of the software life cycle, because it helps managers bid on projects and allocate resources efficiently. This paper presents a novel regression model to estimate the... more
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      Machine LearningSupport Vector MachinesRegression ModelsSoftware effort estimation
Studying the quality requirements (aka Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)) of a system is crucial in Requirements Engineering. Many software projects fail because of neglecting or failing to incorporate the NFR during the software life... more
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      CanadaSoftware effort estimationMultiple Linear RegressionQuality Attributes
Effective Software cost estimation is one of the most challenging and important activities in Software development. The software industry does not estimate projects well. In this paper we have represented size in KLOC as a Fuzzy number. A... more
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      Fuzzy LogicSoftware DevelopmentSoftware IndustrySoftware effort estimation
The paper gives an overview of the state of the art of software cost estimation (SCE). The main questions to be answered in the paper are: (I) What are the reasons for overruns of budgets and planned durations? What are the prerequisites... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoft ComputingSoftware Development
Agile has invented to improve and overcome Draw backs of software development. Now agile model is using in software development very vastly. It is facilitating the developer and client both very resourcefully. It is getting popularity... more
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      Software EngineeringRequirements EngineeringSoftware Project ManagementSoftware Cost Estimation
Software cost estimation (SCE) has been an important but difficult task since the beginning of the computer era. It considers list of parameters to estimate accurately the software cost. However, security cost is always excluded in most... more
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      Software SecuritySoftware DevelopmentCost EstimationSoftware Cost Estimation
Software testing is a very broad area, which involves many technical and non-technical areas, such as specification, design, implementation, maintenance, process and management issues in software engineering. UCP is an estimation method... more
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      Software Cost EstimationUse casesEnvironmental Factors
En general, los modelos que se utilizan para la estimación del esfuerzo (o del costo, ya que con un costo promedio del personal utilizado se puede derivar fácilmente el costo) son todos modelos empíricos que han surgido del análisis de... more
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    • Software Cost Estimation
Software estimation is imperative in software engineering. Many projects fail because of inaccurate size or effort estimation. The most critical and crucial part of software estimation is when estimation is required in the early stages of... more
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      Project ManagementLiterature ReviewSurveySoftware effort estimation