Soft Condensed Matter

83 papers
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Soft condensed matter refers to a class of materials that are easily deformed by external forces and exhibit complex behaviors due to their molecular structure. This field encompasses a variety of substances, including polymers, colloids, liquid crystals, and biological materials, and focuses on their physical properties, interactions, and phase transitions.
A simple device based on the principle of frustrated total internal reflection was used to image the regions of contact between rubber objects and a large area perspex waveguide. Measurements of the intensity of light scattered at the... more
Sucralose is a commonly employed artificial sweetener that appears to destabilize protein native structures. This is in direct contrast to the bio-preservative nature of its natural counterpart, sucrose, which enhances the stability of... more
We study geometrical confinement effects in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O 8+δ mesoscopic vortex-matter with edge-to-surface ratio of 7 − 12 %. Samples have in-plane square and circular edges, 30 µm widths, and ∼ 2 µm thickness. Direct vortex imaging... more
We investigate the ordered morphologies occurring in thin-films diblock copolymer. For temperatures above the order-disorder transition and for an arbitrary two-dimensional surface pattern, we use a Ginzburg-Landau expansion of the free... more
There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles... more
In this work we investigate the dependence of characteristics of polarization recording and erasure in thin azopolymer films on the starting temperatures of the sample. Polarized light from DPSS laser with wavelength 444 nm is used for... more
In this work we investigate the characteristics of reversible polarization recording in an azopolymer. Polarized light from DPSS laser with wavelength 444 nm is used for recording photoinduced birefringence. Afterwards, two methods for... more
Reliably distinguishing between cells based on minute differences in receptor density is crucial for cell-cell or virus-cell recognition, the initiation of signal transduction and selective targeting in directed drug delivery. Such sharp... more
There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles... more
Pressure experiments provide a unique opportunity to unravel new insights into glass-forming liquids by exploring its effect on the dynamics of viscous liquids and on the evolution of the glass transition temperature. Here we compare the... more
Utilizing sequential layer-by-layer (LBL) coating and subsequent photopolymerization, we developed circularpolarizing and free-standing mirrors with a broad reflection bandwidth. Photopolymerizable cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) paints... more
Coarse-grained representation of a binary mixture of large star-polymers (blue) and small hard colloids (red).
Star block-copolymers (SBCs) have been demonstrated to constitute self-assembling building blocks with specific softness, functionalization, shape, and flexibility. We study the behavior of star-block-copolymers (SBCs) suspensions under... more
We report the formation of thin anisotropic phase gratings in a nematic liquid-crystalline film by use of lateral (fringing) electric fields induced by transparent interdigitated electrodes. These gratings yield high diffraction... more
The nature of the glass transition, the transformation of a liquid into a disordered solid, still remains one of the most intriguing unsolved problems in materials science. Recent models rationalize crucial features of vitrification with... more
Sucralose is a commonly employed artificial sweetener that appears to destabilize protein native structures. This is in direct contrast to the bio-preservative nature of its natural counterpart, sucrose, which enhances the stability of... more
In this work we investigate the dependence of characteristics of polarization recording and erasure in thin azopolymer films on the starting temperatures of the sample. Polarized light from DPSS laser with wavelength 444 nm is used for... more
In this work we investigate the characteristics of reversible polarization recording in an azopolymer. Polarized light from DPSS laser with wavelength 444 nm is used for recording photoinduced birefringence. Afterwards, two methods for... more
We characterize the self-assembly of colloidal particles with surface mobile DNA linkers under kinetically limited valence conditions. For this, we put forward a computer simulation model that captures quantitatively the interplay between... more
We present the phase diagram of a colloid-polymer mixture in which the radius a of the colloidal spheres is approximately the same as the radius R of a polymer coil (q = R/a ≈ 1). A three-phase coexistence region is experimentally... more
A general formulation of boundary conditions for semiconductor-metal contacts follows from a phenomenological procedure sketched here. The resulting boundary conditions, which incorporate only physically well-defined parameters, are used... more
 Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research.  You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain ... more
A general formulation of boundary conditions for semiconductor-metal contacts follows from a phenomenological procedure sketched here. The resulting boundary conditions, which incorporate only physically well-defined parameters, are used... more
The growth front velocity of indomethacin glasses depends on deposition conditions but is not unambigously determined by its thermodynamic stability when the structure is not completely isotropic.
We report the thermodynamic measurement of the enthalpy released during the aging of supported films of a molecular glass former, toluene, at temperatures well below the glass transition temperature. By using microfabricated devices with... more
While lots of measurements describe the relaxation dynamics of the liquid state, experimental data of the glass dynamics at high temperatures are much scarcer. We use ultrafast scanning calorimetry to expand the timescales of the glass to... more
While processing at elevated temperatures, starchy food products undergo gelatinization, which leads to softening related changes in textural characteristics. Study of role of gelatinization in texture development is limited;... more
We present a general theory for predicting the interaction potentials between DNA-coated colloids, and more broadly, any particles that interact via valence-limited ligand-receptor binding. Our theory correctly incorporates the... more
The static yield stress of dielectric electrorheological(DER) fluids of infinite column state and chain state are calculated from the first principle method. The results indicate that the column surface contributions to ER effects is very... more
A correct description of phase behaviour in polymer solutions requires a coupling between configurational statistics and thermodynamics. The effect of flow-induced chain deformation on the polymer-solvent interaction energy depends on the... more
Scientists have discovered an unprecedented phase transition during which crystals achieve amorphous characteristics while retaining their crystalline properties. [21] Cheng Chin, professor in the Department of Physics, and his team... more
La deposicion de capas a partir de la fase vapor se ha convertido recientemente en una herramienta muy potente de cara a la fabricacion de vidrios de una estabilidad sin precedentes. Los vidrios depositados a partir de la fase vapor... more
Thin film stable glasses transform into a liquid by a moving front that propagates from surfaces or interfaces with higher mobility. We use calorimetric data of vapor-deposited glasses of different thicknesses and stabilities to identify... more
The object of the present article is a 1d lattice-gas system comprised of soft-particles, wherein particles interact only if they occupy the same or a neighboring site, as a simple representation of penetrable particles of soft condensed... more
In this letter we present the results of a study on fluid-fluid phase separation in binary mixtures. We have investigated two systems: a mixture interacting through the full a-exp-6 potential and a mixture interacting through the... more
Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo intemperizados en suelos y sedimentos (Biodegradation modeling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil and... more
A general formulation of boundary conditions for semiconductor-metal contacts follows from a phenomenological procedure sketched here. The resulting boundary conditions, which incorporate only physically well-defined parameters, are used... more
We theoretically explain the complete sequence of shapes of deflated spherical shells. Decreasing the volume, the shell remains spherical initially, then undergoes the classical buckling instability, where an axisymmetric dimple appears,... more
We investigate wrinkling of two-dimensional random and triangular semiflexible polymer networks under shear. Both types of semiflexible networks exhibit wrinkling above a small critical shear angle, which scales with an exponent of the... more
Elastic capsules, prepared from droplets or bubbles attached to a capillary (as in a pendant drop tensiometer), can be deflated by suction through the capillary. We study this deflation and show that a combined analysis of the shape and... more
When a spherical elastic capsule is deflated, it first buckles axisymmetrically and subsequently loses its axisymmetry in a secondary instability, where the dimple acquires a polygonal shape. We explain this secondary polygonal buckling... more
Reconfigurable optical materials are critical to realizing light control in eyewear or architectural windows. Here, we report on the electrical reconfiguration of the selective reflection of cholesteric liquid crystals (LCs). The... more
Bulk phase separation is responsible for the occurrence of stacks of different layers in sedimentation of colloidal mixtures. A recently proposed theory (de las Heras and Schmidt 2013 Soft Matter 9 8636) establishes a unique connection... more
We report on the buckling and subsequent collapse of orthotropic elastic spherical shells under volume and pressure control. Going far beyond what is known for isotropic shells, a rich morphological phase space with three distinct regimes... more
Phase transitions in one-dimensional classical fluids are usually ruled out by making appeal to van Hove's theorem. A way to circumvent the conclusions of the theorem is to consider an interparticle potential that is everywhere... more
Sucralose is a commonly employed artificial sweetener that appears to destabilize protein native structures. This is in direct contrast to the bio-preservative nature of its natural counterpart, sucrose, which enhances the stability of... more