Socratic Method
Recent papers in Socratic Method
Recent discussions about the conception of self-knowledge in analytic philosophy have been concerned mainly with the distinctive way in which we know certain of our own properties. The flipside of this focus is that a sort of... more
In the past few years, the importance of willingness to communicate (WTC) has received greater attention among scholars in the field as it has generally been found that WTC is closely related to the development of linguistic competence.... more
The Socratic Method, also known as the method of elenchus, Greek for test, examination or logical refutation. What Is this method that Socrates employs and how does he go about practicing it on other people? How do the various people he... more
This article argues that the Socratic Dialogue in the Nelson and Heckmann tradition will prove a considerable contribution in training teachers. A review of the literature and empirical research supports the claim that the Socratic... more
This book develops for the readers Plato's Socrates' non-formalized "philosophical practice" of learning-through-questioning in the company of others. In doing so, the writer confronts Plato's Socrates, in the words of John Dewey, as the... more
In dit artikel, geschreven door Sylvie Walraevens, wordt uitgelegd hoe Kristof Van Rossem het socratisch gesprek interpreteert en toepast. Zie
Transcription of Philosophy Bites podcast M. M. McCabe on Socratic Method
This paper presents the use of two digital didactic resources (Kahoot! and Socrative) by 72 students of an upper-year undergraduate chemistry course, from a public university, considering the assumptions of active technological learning... more
The term "Socratic intellectualism" has come commonly to be used to describe either of two somewhat related features of Socratic philosophy, which may be called "virtue intellectualism" and "motivational intellectualism." Socrates is... more
Socratic questioning is employed in therapeutic interventions when the beliefs that clients express are critically evaluated using reason and logic. In this paper, that critical lens is turned back on the use of Socratic questioning to... more
This book contains twelve engaging philosophical lectures given by Alexandru Dragomir, most of them given during Romania’s Communist regime. The lectures deal with a diverse range of topics, such as the function of the question,... more
A question-based teaching technique called the ‘Socratic Method’ is frequently mentioned in contemporary schooling. This chapter argues that there are distinct pedagogical practices associated with the Socratic Method today, especially... more
Civility in a social context is the virtue of respecting other people's conflicting perspectives and communicating that respect to those people. Civility thus conceived is something applicable to all moral perspectives equally, something... more
Unità Didattica sul tema "La morale di Socrate". Valutata con il massimo dei voti al concorso reclutamento docenti del 2018. Usata attivamente con successo in classe negli ultimi due anni scolastici. Richiede poco meno di tre ore per... more
The Greek philosopher, Socrates, was regarded as one of the wisest in his era. He believed that knowledge was key to living a fulfilled life and that introspection gave our lives definition. He came up with an interactive method of... more
On chercherait en vain dans l’œuvre de Platon des développements explicites sur le silence. Mais le génie littéraire de Platon lui fait une place, et la mise en scène des dialogues, comme les interactions des personnages, mettent en jeu... more
The aim of this essay is to present a straightforward interpretation of some main passages where Aristotle reveals what he understands by πειραστική. Usually interpreters believe his inspiration has drawn from the philosophical profile of... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über h ttp... more
Wie dialogisches Philosophieren zur besseren Verständigung beiträgt ...
One useful way to read Plato’s Gorgias is as a manual for conducting Socratic dialogues. In the three major sections of the dialogue (1. Socrates-Gorgias; 2. Socrates-Polus, 3. Socrates-Callicles), and especially in the transitions from... more
In this essay, which is a summary of the main ideas in the author’s Ph.D. research (still work in progress), the author proposes a method to justify philosophical practice philosophically. Such a justification is necessary for the sake of... more
A close reading of Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, "The Problem of Socrates," in light of Nietzsche's presentation of Socrates in The Birth of Tragedy and Beyond Good and Evil.
Resumen: El Principio de Prioridad de la DeÀ nición es, para cualquier lector de los Diálogos Socráticos, un tópico recurrente en las disputas de Sócrates. En su inicio, este ensayo expone el problema que aparece si se asume este... more
"Crooked people deceive themselves in order to deceive others; in this way the world comes to ruin." This quote from a medieval Confucianist expresses the ethical danger of self-deception. My paper examines the psychological proclivity... more
Examines the adequacy and efficacy of the Method in doing philosophy, defined as learning and teaching true universal definitions.
The dialogue format in Platos works is often described as a method conducive to eliciting interlocutors inherent knowledge, or as a tool by which elenchus, valued for its own sake, can be achieved. But to understand Plato in either of... more
This article argues that the Socratic Dialogue in the Nelson and Heckmann tradition will prove a considerable contribution in training teachers. A review of the literature and empirical research supports the claim that the Socratic... more
Here are a collection of notes for a five-day discussion of Plato's Apology of Socrates. The goal is for these notes to serve as the basis for a module on the Apology, which can then be placed within a longer syllabus introducing students... more
This paper aims to show the connection between beginnings of Plato's dialogues and activity which can be presented as part of philosophical practice done with individuals or groups. There are certain repetitions in Plato's dialogues at... more
is a 22 year-old Greek American male, of Greek Orthodox Religion (Eastern Christianity) diagnosed with Mild Mental Retardation (IQ 65) and Expressive Language Disorder living with is father at a small apartment in Astoria, NY. He is the... more
Legal education is known for its use of the Socratic method. It appears, however, that the Socratic method may not be just for law students any more: American educators are now considering the method in the teaching of non-law school... more
I wrote this compendium for you, who wants to independently learn and practice anything related to art, design, and craft-making. Essentially, I offer you guidance to handle your creative freedom by engaging your thinking with affirmative... more
This is a brief summary of the I book of Plato's "Republic", with some critical notes and a detailed diagram of the argumentation/dialogue between Socrates and Thrasymachus about Justice. Il presente testo riporta una breve sintesi del I... more
Plato intensely examines the epistemological and ontological dimensions of 'knowledge' reflected in the world of senses (according to Plato, illusions and reflections are dominant in the world of senses), and the question of whether a... more
In the work Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift the philosophical thinking that the character Gulliver develops is only possible because a kind of synthesis occurs. He develops a critical mind through the interactions he has with the... more
If there is a strong relationship between thinking clearly and writing well, critical thinking as a phrase should be taken into consideration to make sense of its applications in relation to writing. One of the areas to apply critical... more
ABSTRACT Meta-Philosophy and Philosophy’s rationale, aims, subject-matter and methods. What is philosophy for the creative-, original-thinking philosopher? Why is he doing philosophy? Where... more
A look at Platonic hermeneutics through the example of the Cleitophon, with an eye to how each dialogue affects its "chosen reader."
In this meta-philosophical study I commence with an investigation of Wisdom. I then continue with an exploration of the institutionalization of the subject and the professionalization of those involved in it. This I contrast with original... more
BSTRACT So far in my books and articles I have dealt with the following (I hope I do not commit self-plagiarism by referring to my previous work and ideas expressed therein! Lol): My own discussions or ‘philosophizing’ follow... more
Socrates’ midwife metaphor in Theaetetus depends logically on the concept of male spiritual pregnancy. Male spiritual pregnancy is typically understood as a process in which a young man develops in his mind a theory or idea; a spiritual... more
Philosophy-why and how? Why do it? what motivates you was a question I saw on a favebook forum. I will illustrate it with and example. I, at 80, tired, sleeping in a warm bed in icy winter, woke up and my head started respoding to this.... more